• 设置路径模式

    Set path mode to Subtract.


  • 选择钢笔工具P),路径模式如图中黄线所封闭路径模特包住

    Set the Pen Tool (P) to Paths in the options bar, then draw a closed path to encompass the model as indicated in yellow.


  • 提出了通过访问路径挖掘来分析用户测览模式方法,并实现一种有效访问路径模式挖掘算法

    This paper studies the mechanism of mining web log, proposes a method of mining user browsing patterns, at last it presents a effective algorithms of mining traversal path patterns.


  • 中国经济增长空间路径模式成为论文研究对象,分析这种模式背后的必然性合理性原因,成为本论文的主题和贯穿论文的线索

    This paper focuses on the spatial route mode of China's economic development and to analyze the cause within the inevitability and rationality is the clue of the dissertation.


  • 日志数据分析可以通过统计数据的形式统计经常访问页面集、统计经常需要分析的重要的表格数据、通过网站分析找出一般访问路径模式等。

    Log analysis includes straightforward statistics, such as page access frequency, as well as more sophisticated forms of analysis, such as finding the common traversal paths through a Web site.


  • 知道正在关于鲸鱼论文是关于鲸鱼海洋游泳路径以及它们的移动模式

    You know, I am writing that paper about whales and the path they travel as they swim through the ocean, their migration patterns.


  • 常见模式缺省使用独占性决策其中只能有一个可能路径正确

    The most common pattern is the default, using exclusive decisions, where only one of the possible paths can be true.


  • 所谓的采用路径一种描述性的模式,它实现最佳实践方式特定业务背景下部署一系列产品

    An adoption route is a prescriptive pattern that embodies the best practices to deploy a collection of products in a particular business context.


  • 一个列表中显示与模式匹配项目构建路径中的所有可以从此列表选择希望使用名称名称。

    A list of all classes in the project's build path that match that pattern are presented in a list, from which you can select the class and package name you want to use.


  • 第一例子指定路径搜索符合给定模式文件用户友好的方式给出关于这些文件详细信息

    The first example here searches for files that match the given pattern in the path specified and gives the detailed information of these files in a user-friendly manner.


  • 首先模式可以更容易中间件应用程序环境开发推向测试,然后再推向生产或者任何特殊路径

    First of all, patterns make it easier to promote your middleware application environments from development to test to production, or whatever your particular promotion path may be.


  • 第5 - 11行-请求用户提供搜索路径搜索模式

    Lines 5-11 - Queries the user for the search path and search pattern.


  • 第9 - 15行-请求用户提供搜索路径搜索模式

    Lines 9-15 - Queries the user for the search path and search pattern.


  • 出于一致性原因非常需要按照如下所建立防止交叉连接模式目标连接需求从而形成强制的连接路径

    For consistency reasons, it is thus very desirable to mandate the connection paths by setting up the target connection requirements to prevent cross connection as described below.


  • 这个工具提供了包含操作层面模式层面的完整WSDL覆盖程度分析,到达每个元素所有路径测试过了

    The tool provide full WSDL Coverage Analysis both at the operation and schema levels, all the way down to which element is tested.


  • 为此需要添加代码处理上传解析文件名以及创建上述模式匹配目录路径

    To do so, you need to add code to handle the upload, parse the file name, and create the directory paths to match the scheme above.


  • 如果没有使用模式情况下引用全局变量,则使用SQL路径协助解析名称

    When a global variable is referenced without the schema name, the SQL path is used to assist in the name resolution.


  • 模式进行愉快路径测试开发程序停止行为。

    The antipattern is when the developer stops at happy path tests.


  • 使用stub方法时,应用程序需要知道正处在“stub模式”下,这样可以执行不同代码路径

    With the stub method, the application has to be aware it is in "stub mode" so it can exercise the different code path.


  • 注意要记住元素作为XPathXSLT模式计算的,因此必须使用文档当前元素完整路径表示

    Note: Remember that the row elements are computed as XPaths, not as XSLT patterns, so you have to express the full path from the document root to the elements in question.


  • 可以使用Erlang中的模式匹配因此一端路径可触发特定响应

    You can use the pattern matching in Erlang so that a path on one side triggers a specific response.


  • 这个脚本根据提供搜索路径搜索模式搜索到文件创建一个名为 “test.zip” 的 zip 文件。

    This script creates a zip named 'test.zip' of the files found as a result of the search based on the provided search path and search pattern.


  • 清单1代码初始部分设置dojo.js路径打开调试模式以便测试输出

    The initial bit of code shown in Listing 1 sets the path for dojo.js and turns debug mode on so you can test your output.


  • 有关设备打开关闭的讲解可知,我们需要两个参数(文件路径和设备访问模式)打开Linux设备。

    Remember from the section on opening and closing that we need two parameters (file path name and access mode to the device) to open a device on Linux.


  • 其中LotusWidgetFactory中的model目录没有.model扩展名)相对模式路径7)。

    where is the path to the model relative to the model directory in Lotus Widget Factory (see figure 7) without the file extension .model.


  • 只要这些文件名称路径匹配classpath*:META-INF/example/extra-ctx.xml模式它们就能自动处理

    These files will be automatically processed, if their name and path matches classpath*:META-INF/example/extra-ctx.xml pattern.


  • SellAfterBuySpeculativeCustomer重复这些步骤,并使用相同文件路径例如c:\WBE\testactions),但是使用不同模式例如sell*.xmlspec*.xml。

    Repeat these steps for SellAfterBuy and SpeculativeCustomer, using the same file path (for example c:\WBE\testactions), but a different file pattern, such as sell*.xml and spec*.xml.


  • 引用一个文件消息一般包含文件文件系统模式(包括权限文件类型)、设备inode号和路径

    Messages referring to a file will generally contain the file's filesystem mode (including both permissions and file type), and the device and inode Numbers, and the path name.


  • 标准uri定义包括4个部分模式权限路径查询(参考资料)。

    Standard URIs are defined in four segments: scheme, authority, path, and query (see Resources).


  • 可以info.cern.ch [目前的地址128.141.201.74]获得一个简单模式浏览器原型(尚处于早期Alpha测试阶段)的源代码路径 /pub/WWW/WWWLineMode_0.9.tar.Z。

    A prototype (very alpha test) simple line mode browser is currently available in source form from node info.cern.ch [currently] as /pub/WWW/WWWLineMode_0.9.tar.Z.


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