• 那个去年魁北克DawsonCollege校园枪击凶手曾经玩过超级伦拜”。

    The guy who shot up Dawson College in Quebec last year played Super Columbine.


  • 一个超级伦拜”的游戏或者像“德州电锯杀人狂电影,会不会已经崩溃边缘彻底推下去?

    Does a game like Super Columbine, or a movie like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, supply that final push to those people already on the edge?


  • 为了祝贺DC漫画公司75周年生日莱特招募时尚史上强大阵容根据DC推出超级英雄形象设计一个限量服饰系列。

    To celebrate DC Comic's 75th birthday, Colette's enlisted their best fashion buds to design a collection of limited edition clothing and accessories inspired by super heroes.


  • 落后那些超级巨星詹姆斯

    He trails behind such superstars as Kobe Bryant and LeBron James.


  • 事实上所有蔬菜应该这份超级食物清单上占有一席之地,而十字花蔬菜,花椰菜可以帮助我们有效预防心脏病癌症

    While virtually all vegetables deserve a place on the super foods list, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are helpful in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.


  • 这部片子里可以看到贝鲁斯超级粉丝是个保守主义者,他意识思想并无任何新奇之处。

    And he's not a rebel at all. As you see in the film, he is a big Berlusconi fan, he's a reactionary, there's nothing new in his ideology.


  • 佩特洛娃斯托瑟下第,比赛似乎倒向她们一边但是超级七规则不得不重新开始杜尔和佩内塔似乎更适应这项规则。

    Petrova and Stosur seemed to have momentum on their side after winning the second set, but the super-tiebreak format allows both teams to start anew, and that worked in Dulko and Pennetta's favor.


  • 挥舞粗大雪茄,开着超级摩托车,一边下粉碎弗朗西斯·戈雅的名作《农神吞噬其子》复制品,一边却被操纵敌对公司股价

    He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya's “Saturn Devouring His Son” on a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.


  • ·莫瑞兹是个家喻户晓名字但是这位14岁的超级演员好莱坞青睐演员之一。

    Chloe Moretz isn't a household name just yet, but the 14-year-old Kick Ass actress is one of the most sought after names in Hollywood.


  • 由于陷入伊战泥潭,美国强权不再那么超级了,现在可以这个一蹶不振超级大国宽宏大量一点了。

    Now that the Iraqi debacle has made American puissance look rather less hyper, Mr Sarkozy can afford to treat the chastened superpower with magnanimity.


  • 那些前往沿岸超级明星城市家伙只不过是想去目睹一番只电视才能看到杰里·宋飞的真容。

    These folks can travel to the "Superstar Cities" on the coasts or merely watch Kobe and Jerry Seinfeld on TV.


  • 弗拉基米尔·纳博,《阿》、《佩宁》、《微暗的引人犯罪超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一代的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 通用汽车公司甚至尼赛克汽车公司(瑞典小型手工打造超级跑车制造厂)的小型绅宝中国北京汽车制造厂找到了买家

    GM even found buyers for tiny Saab in Koenigsegg, a boutique Swedish sports-car firm, and China's Beijing Automotive.


  • 当提到以色列超级工厂病毒时候,说:“懂专业,但是看到以色列一个强劲信号感觉到离心机知识至关紧要。”

    "I have no specific knowledge," Dr. Cohen said of Israel and the Stuxnet worm. "But I see a strong Israeli signature and think that the centrifuge knowledge was critical."


  • 大部分超级牛仔使用丹宁布料来自于总部设在美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯罗市牛仔公司(ConeDenim),这家公司同时也是国际纺织集团一个下属单位、美国欧洲高端牛仔面料主要制造商

    Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.


  • 苏珊曾经现在不了这样激烈比赛了。但是却是起的超级明星

    Susan: Used to. But now he is too old to play in a fierce game like this. But Kobe is the upcoming superstar now.


  • 佩斯夫说,超级戒指现在其他赠送俄罗斯领导人的礼物一起克里姆林宫图书馆里陈列展出。 。

    Thee Super Bowl ring is on display in the Kremlin library along with other gifts to the Russian leader, according to Peskov.


  • 美亚已经成为互联网时代网络“超级战警”孵化器

    The incubator Meiya Pico network has become the Internet era super X-Men.


  • 三名球员牵涉与洛杉矶湖人超级巨星交易

    All three had been mentioned as potential trade bait for Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant.


  • 在恩多战爆发前不久,曼达人民达洛超级战士恩·西萨的召集下,奋起反对包含了家乡曼达洛星域的领地上的武装力量。

    Shortly before the Battle of Endor, the people of Mandalore, rallied by Mandalorian Supercommando Fenn Shysa, rose up against Takel's forces, whose territory included his home Mandalore Sector.


  • 超级武器雷利亚中端次误击几乎摧毁海皮斯舰队。

    A misfiring of the Corellian Centerpoint Station superweapon decimated the Hapan fleet.


  • 不论比有多么能言善辩,这位湖人超级明星心里所想众所周知的,无论如何,洛杉矶日子已经屈指可数

    Whatever the mercurial Lakers superstar desires, this much is known ? for better or for worse, his days in Los Angeles are numbered.


  • 拉﹕这家超级市场,可供选择货品种类真

    Cora: This new supermarket is really great. There's such a wide selection of things.


  • 超级巨星·布莱恩特篮球众所周知悲伤消息宣布退役

    The superstar Kobe Bryant is known to all basketball fans, the sad news is that he has announced his retirement.


  • 湖人的重要性超过其他超级巨星对他们各自球队重要程度。我想只有骑士队的勒布朗·詹姆斯能在这方面接近的高度。

    Bryant means more to his team than any other superstar means to his. The only player who even comes close is Cleveland's LeBron James.


  • 超级巨星由于不满湖人高层曾经承诺的不作为行为,要求球队交易出局

    Superstar forward Kobe Bryant, unhappy that management hasn't upgraded his supporting cast, wants to be traded.


  • 是的整场比赛了52分钟,比只休息了96秒钟但是记录并不会让这位超级巨星感到劳累。

    Yes, he played all but 96 seconds of a 52-minute overtime game, but the franchise isn't working its superstar to death.


  • 是的整场比赛了52分钟,比只休息了96秒钟但是记录并不会让这位超级巨星感到劳累。

    Yes, he played all but 96 seconds of a 52-minute overtime game, but the franchise isn't working its superstar to death.


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