• 看到皱起眉头赶紧解释

    She saw his frown and hastened to explain.


  • 赶紧解开绑着自己双脚绳子

    She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles.


  • 女孩子赶紧跑了出去车里开走了。

    The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off.


  • 赶紧帐篷里,抓起了有些皱但很干净衣服

    I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.


  • 张嘴不出声地说再见赶紧妈妈身后进去了。

    I mouthed a goodbye and hurried in behind Momma.


  • 哈迪太太赶紧客人假期过得如何,以弥补此前不得体的言行。

    Mrs. Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday.


  • 他们赶紧,以免为时过晚。

    They hurried to rescue him before it was too late.


  • 玛丽感到害怕赶紧捂住

    Mary feltg frightened and put her hand quickly against her mouth.


  • 赶紧安迪告诉什么

    He quickly went to find Andy and told him what the dog had done.


  • 赶紧走开了为此恨

    He hastened away, hating her for it.


  • 时间有限不得不赶紧

    As time is limited, I have to hurry.


  • 妈妈赶紧小鸡捉下来

    My mom quickly took the chicks down.


  • 客人听到了磨刀的声音,赶紧下了台阶

    The guest heard the sharpening, and hurried down the steps again as fast as he could.


  • 今晚赶紧烟囱下去。

    Hurry down the chimney tonight.


  • 他们赶紧医院

    They hurried him into the hospital.


  • 赶紧回手去。

    He quickly drew back his hand.


  • 赶紧了!

    I have to hurry up!


  • 回家晚饭的话赶紧走了。

    You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.


  • 听到说话声赶紧跑开了。

    She scuttled off when she heard the sound of his voice.


  • 赶紧点—我是并排停车。

    I'll have to rush—I'm double-parked.


  • 蒂姆!很抱歉赶紧走了

    Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash.


  • 对不起赶紧走了

    Sorry, I really have to bail.


  • 应该赶紧王子投入工作

    The prince should be plunged into work.


  • 赶紧座位吧不会耽误太多工夫

    Grab a seat , I won't keep you a moment.


  • 他们身边猛冲而过,赶紧一边

    He stood to one side as they careened past him.


  • 赶紧起程伦敦

    He lost no time in setting out for London.


  • 他们高速公路时赶紧摩托车调转方向。

    He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway.


  • 看起来飞机好像俯冲下来轰炸小镇所以我们赶紧趴下找掩护

    It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town, so we dived for cover.


  • 辆轿车不知哪里突然开了过来不得不赶紧向后跳进篱笆,险些来不及。

    A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time.


  • 赶紧走到窗前,使劲地推它。

    I hurried over to the window and pushed it really hard.


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