• 确认经理认可资金保障

    Verification of management approval and funding.


  • 艾滋病预防治疗组织需要长期持续资金保障

    AIDS prevention and treatment organizations need long-term and sustained funding.


  • 购买这种加大回报、具有资金保障功能产品,一个代价没有股息

    One price that you pay for this mix of souped-up returns and capital protection is that you receive no dividends.


  • 治理环境污染改善环境质量维护环境卫生需要充足的资金保障

    We need adequate money to control environmental pollution, improve environmental quality and safeguard environmental health.


  • 全家6个人长达11年公路旅途提供资金保障,这看起来似乎不可能的。

    Funding an 11-year road trip for a family of six seems like it would be impossible.


  • 现在我们已经成为IBM一部分我们大力发展开源开发平台提供了强有力资金保障

    Having now become part of IBM, it made tremendous economic sense for us to put all of our weight behind the open source platforms, and that freed up resources and freed up focus for us.


  • 第四网站安全性作为一个电子商务网站,除了自身安全之外也用户信息资金保障安全。

    Fourth is the site safety, as an electronic commerce website, in addition to its own security to the user information and financial security.


  • 中国社会保障制度建立完善过程中制度设计执行上,过份偏重资金保障忽略了服务保障

    During establishing and perfecting the social security system of China, the financial security is over - emphasized while the service security is overlooked when the systems are designed and followed.


  • EPIC 花费资金购买价值250万美元野牛,这些幼野牛按照协议饲养,购买价格保障

    EPIC fronted the money for the purchase of $2.5 million worth of young bison that will be raised according to its grass-fed protocols, with a guaranteed purchase price.


  • 最近英国国家干细胞网络部门警告说如果没有足够资金立法保障,英国可能失去世界干细胞研究领域的领导地位

    Recently, the UK National Stem Cell Network warned the UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legislation could be assured.


  • 然而今年巴马的竞选纲领则是:提供医疗保障中产阶级减税,并且通过提高富人税收方式支付所需资金

    This year, however, Mr. Obama ran on a platform of guaranteed health care and tax breaks for the middle class, paid for with higher taxes on the affluent.


  • 由于救援计划给这些票据一个最低保障价值银行容易资金

    With a floor put under the value of those instruments it should be easier for banks to raise capital.


  • 资金用于提高灌溉效率保障粮食收成,同时也会用于抗旱抗洪

    The spending will be directed at improving irrigation to ensure grain security, and to combat drought and floods.


  • 如果恰当地方,这些资金发挥的作用会大多,如改善糟糕的医疗教育服务、建设基础设施,以及改进《全国农村就业保障法》之类的收入补助计划

    Properly targeted, that money could be far better spent, on improving lamentable provision of health and education, on building infrastructure and on refining income-support schemes such as NREGA.


  • 世卫组织保障血库正常运转提供了人员资金协助

    Staffing and financial support have been provided by WHO to ensure the bank's operations.


  • 帕特罗已经发誓好好照顾他们不过需要资金作为保障

    Mr Zapatero has pledged to look after them, but that will cost money.


  • 就是说的位子Friehling差不多,他们的任务保证公司内部监管并且客户资金证券提供保障

    As such, he was in a position similar to Mr. Friehling, with an obligation to ensure the firm's internal controls were adequate and that the client funds and securities were properly protected.


  • 许多国家确实安排部分资金用于支付未来养老金,”世界银行首席社会保障专家依雯.辛(Yvonne Sin)

    Many countries do have the desire to set aside some money to help pay for the [pension] obligation in the future," says Yvonne Sin, a World Bank Lead Social Protection Specialist.


  • 最新调查显示主要地区有百分之四十的《国家农业就业保障法案》的资金被盗用,2007年以来已经发生了几百起的投诉事件

    A recent investigation revealed that 40 percent of -NREGA funds were stolen in key districts, and hundreds of complaints have been pending since 2007.


  • G20那些国家巴塞尔委员会银行监事会财政部金融服务局主要依靠更加广阔的资金支持保障系统安全

    Like the Group of 20 big countries and the Basel Committee of bank supervisors, the Treasury and the FSA want to rely mainly on heavier capital requirements to keep the system safe.


  • 依法纳入失业保障基金的其他资金

    D.other funds incorporated into unemployment insurance funds according to law.


  • 第三提议一种新的可偿还税收优惠以增加医疗保障覆盖面降低医保成本并且提供更多资金家庭个人购买医疗保障

    Third, he proposes a new, refundable tax credit that will increase health-care coverage, reduce the cost of health care, and provide more funds for families and individuals to purchase health care.


  • 通常来自企业资产捐助都是自发的,企业基金会可以通过系统地使用企业慈善资金保障捐助的持续和稳定。

    Usually charitable donations from corporations are spontaneous, but corporate foundations can secure more steady donations through the systematic use of the corporation's charitable funds.


  • 瑞士经济发达技术先进资金雄厚金融保险社会保障环保领域具有优势。

    Switzerland has a developed economy, advanced technology and abundant capitals, and excels in the fields of financing, insurance, social security and environmental protection.


  • 普华永道布莱恩表示对于那些中型企业来说除非他们产能很大,才能保障资金流动,否则他们不得不削减资金开支

    "For the mid-tier oil and gas companies, unless they have sizable production to get operating cash flows, they will have to cut back their capital expenditures," said Puffer, at PWC.


  • 他们忽略了其他类似储蓄贷款,他们靠贷款防止以抵押房产保障晚年生活的资金

    They neglected to make other comparable savings or they borrowed against property to finance their old age.


  • 他们忽略了其他类似储蓄贷款,他们靠贷款防止以抵押房产保障晚年生活的资金

    They neglected to make other comparable savings or they borrowed against property to finance their old age.


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