• 费利西蒂似乎这个建议很满意

    Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.


  • 费利西蒂·马克斯韦尔站在吧台旁叫了一杯葡萄酒

    Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.


  • 费利西蒂怎么这么做?

    Felicity: How could you lead me on?


  • 其实费利西蒂第一失去童贞

    In fact, Felicity makes it a goal to lose her virginity in the first season.


  • 费利西蒂(对本):事实不能这样在一起。

    Felicity (talking to Ben) : The truth is I can't be with you like this.


  • 费利西蒂·马克斯韦尔站吧台旁要了一杯红酒

    Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.


  • 费利西蒂一生从没如此大决定就我来这里原因

    Felicity: I'd never made a substantial choice in my life and that's why I came here.


  • 关于化妆舞会上亲吻穿粉色金刚战袍的女孩,费利西蒂了个买卖

    Felicity makes a big deal about Ben kissing the Pink Ranger at the costume party.


  • 乔伊犯了思乡病,但发现可爱的伴娘费利西蒂颇有兴趣,所以他死心塌地呆在伦敦。

    Joey gets homesick... until he finds a cute bridesmaid (Felicity) who wants to know him better.


  • 未来计划不周的压力来源于没有同情心父亲的登门,担心费利西蒂没有认真地对待生活

    The pressure of not having her future planned out is compounded by a visit from her unsympathetic father, who fears Felicity isn't taking her life seriously.


  • 费利西蒂确定想要什么如果她真的对复合存有兴趣,她告诉一个人分手

    Felicity isn't sure what she wants, but if she were seriously interested in getting back together, she'd tell you and break it off with the other guy.


  • 尝试着去原谅四个星期费利西蒂就试探的考验或电话我,有多么

    I'm trying to get over her, but every three or four weeks, Felicity will text or call and say how much she misses me.


  • 大学生费利西蒂也许不能仅仅谈论全世界范围内一个困扰大学生的问题因为那些问题存在

    It may be that Felicity simply can't talk about the universal problems that beset a college student, because those problems don't exist.


  • 今年始于重量级McLachlan直到那次轰动的分手事件然后费利西蒂长发也剪了,莎拉也一样。

    This year started off McLachlan-heavy, until the big break-up, and then all of Felicity's hair went away, and so did Sarah.


  • 年轻费利西蒂·尼卡兹诺·贝洛尔德拉尔夫·贝洛尔德夫妇在约翰内斯堡动物园附近玩拼字游戏

    Young marrieds Felicity Nyikadzino Berold and Ralph Berold, both 33, enjoy a game of Scrabble near Johannesburg's Zoo Lake.


  • 乔伊费利西蒂亲热溜了进来,目睹罗斯艾米丽的亲密劲,终于决定牺牲自己感情

    The next day, Joey, Chandler, and Monica watch for Rachel before the wedding; she slips in while Joey makes out with Felicity, but decides not to tell Ross how she feels.


  • 费利西蒂所以基本上放弃父母规划一切,一切我曾期待的……全都为了一个甚至都了解男孩

    Felicity: So, basically I've given up everything my parents ever planned for me, everything I ever expected... all for a boy I don't even know.


  • 近来华纳广播公司发行DVD中,无数提到费利西蒂剪掉头发这个事情被AbramsReeves剧本

    On both sets of DVDs recently released by the WB, it is mentioned numerous times that Felicity cutting her hair was written into the script by Abrams and Reeves.


  • 亲爱的希望者费利西蒂并不知道自己要什么。但是如果真心想回到你身边,就必须告诉并且别人一刀两断。

    Dear Hoping: Felicity isn't sure what she wants, but if she were seriously interested in getting back together, she'd tell you and break it off with the other guy.


  • 着不再想但是每隔两三星期费利西蒂就会发短信或是打电话多么几天的时候,她还邀请我吃午饭。

    I'm trying to get over her, but every three or four weeks, Felicity will text or call and say how much she misses me. Just the other day, she invited me to lunch.


  • 费利西蒂(莎莉说):我想要说这个可能是个巨大的错误如同爸爸的那样,但是一方面也许……也许拯救我的生命或者别的什么

    Felicity (to Sally) : I guess what I'm saying is this might all be a colossal mistake, as my dad would say, but on the other hand it may... maybe it'll save my life or something.


  • 2013年艾希礼·斯图尔特妻子费利西蒂公路发现了雄性袋鼠宝宝,那时候他们没有想到这个小东西迅速成为他们家里的一

    When rural farmer Ashley Stewart and his wife Felicity found a baby male kangaroo on the side of the road in 2013, they had no idea that the little joey would quickly become part of their family.


  • 乔治•卡伯里的曾孙女费利西蒂•洛顿(FelicityLoudon)曾表示,如果知道吉被一家“生产放在汉堡包奶酪”的公司收购,祖先气得坟墓里打滚”。

    Felicity Loudon, George Cadbury's great-granddaughter, said her ancestors would be "turning in their graves" over the sale to a company that "makes cheese to go on hamburgers".


  • 乔治•卡伯里的曾孙女费利西蒂•洛顿(FelicityLoudon)曾表示,如果知道吉被一家“生产放在汉堡包奶酪”的公司收购,祖先气得坟墓里打滚”。

    Felicity Loudon, George Cadbury's great-granddaughter, said her ancestors would be "turning in their graves" over the sale to a company that "makes cheese to go on hamburgers".


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