• 成员国货币统一欧元经过详细计划汇率所有成员国合作提前固定的。

    The changeover to the euro was planned in detail and the exchange rate was fixed in advance, in co-operation with all the euro members.


  • 一个世纪以来最为严重这场经济危机使欧盟仅仅货币统一财政经济统一缺点暴露无遗。

    The deepest financial crisis in a century has exposed the fragility of a monetary union without a fiscal and economic union.


  • 欧洲开始通过汇率机制迈向货币统一漫长过程30年后它们拥有了一种自由浮动的单一货币

    Europe started a long process towards monetary union, via an exchange-rate mechanism, which resulted in a single and free floating currency 30 years later.


  • 欧元开始使用时,德国也存在问题,包括德国马克货币的强统一代价

    Germany entered the single currency handicapped, they say, by a strong D-mark and the cost of unification.


  • 与此同时重新统一德国自信地推动欧洲统一为欧洲统一货币做好了准备

    At the same time, a newly united, confident Germany accelerated the process of European unity and preparations for a single currency.


  • 1993年,该法统一货币不会欧盟变成一个联邦国家前提基础签署马斯特里赫特条约

    The court in 1993 endorsed the Maastricht treaty on the grounds that a single currency did not turn the EU into a federal state.


  • 欧元目的整个欧洲提供一种统一货币就是其全部作用没有财政一体化其他形式监督或监管的必要

    The purpose of the euro is to provide a common currency throughout Europe.That is all that it does.There is no need for fiscal integration or any other sort of oversight or control.


  • 两国的出口商至少初步目标达成一致在内部市场中利用统一货币消除汇率风险,包括竞争性贬值在内。

    French and German exporters at least agreed on a more modest goal: a single currency to end exchange-rate risks within the internal market, including competitive devaluations.


  • 欧元目的整个欧洲提供一种统一货币就是全部作用,没有财政一体化其他形式监督或监管的必要

    The purpose of the euro is to provide a common currency throughout Europe. That is all that it does. There is no need for fiscal integration or any other sort of oversight or control.


  • 历史上货币没有统一国家支持例子极少的仅有的几个也没有持续多长时间。

    Historical examples of a currency block not backed by a unitary state are rare, and such few as there have been did not last long.


  • 统一货币联盟内薪资更快得到调整改变市场状况使工人高成本产业转移出来

    In a currency union, pay needs to adjust that much more quickly to changing market conditions to shift workers out of high-cost industries.


  • 自从欧元这个统一货币诞生以来,欧元日元的汇率达到最高值。

    A euro now buys more yen than at any time since the single currency was created.


  • 使东非史无前例地联结了起来加上统一货币关税联盟更加顺理成章

    This would link up east Africa as never before, and a single currency and a customs union would then make much more sense.


  • 首先统一货币成员国数不断攀升势头

    The first is the momentum acquired by the growing membership of the single currency.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business. Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 塔特认为,同样现象出现公共政策领域比如越战以及欧盟创造统一货币

    But Douthat says the same sort of phenomenon has cropped up in the realm of public policy with such endeavors as the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, or the European Union's creation of a common currency.


  • 首相卡梅伦财政大臣斯本双双强调英国没有参加统一货币,幸运啊!

    David Cameron, the prime minister, and his chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, both stressed how lucky Britain was to have shunned the single currency.


  • 新的法律框架17个欧元国统一货币

    New legal structures are needed for the 17 countries that share the single currency.


  • 预计这项计划将触发使用统一货币欧元的国家第一债务违约

    In a plan expected to trigger the first debt default by a nation using the common currency.


  • 但是现实如此,一个统一货币,通常盈余国家总是拿来与经常亏损的国家做对比的

    But it is true that, within a single-currency zone, habitual surplus countries tend to be matched by habitual deficit ones.


  • 对于欧元来说好消息意味着人中有四人都认为单一货币区将保持统一

    The good news for the euro though is that this means that four out of five respondents think the single-currency zone will stick together.


  • 精力运转起来似的货币

    Energy works in a similar system as a currency like money.


  • 英国银行家协会利率进行监督统一对各跨国银行借用资金以及货币交易费用进行监管。

    The interest rate is supervised by the British Bankers’ Association, which asks a panel of global banks what it would cost them to borrow funds for certain times and in ten currencies.


  • 正如参与援助计划讨论位资深谈判代表所言希腊单一货币区域的一员,实际上却游离统一市场之外。

    As one senior negotiator in the bail-out talks laments, Greece is part of the single-currency area even though it has managed in effect to stay out of the single market.


  • 由于银行越来越惜贷,致使现金流通市场美元供应紧缩,美元诸如15国统一货币——欧元等其他货币在升值。

    As Banks became more and more averse to lending, the supply of dollars available to the currency market shrank, and the dollar gained against other currencies such as the 15-nation euro.


  • 亚洲清迈提倡应该最终建立一个拥有统一亚洲货币区域

    The Chiang Mai initiative in Asia may ultimately also produce a regional zone of deep integration around an Asian monetary fund.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币,交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币,交易有时会出现违约,情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


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