• 他们季度结束假装停止他们期权交易策略转向财政部门

    They pretended to exit their options-trading strategy and shift into Treasuries before the end of each quarter.


  • 时间,巴马先生的经济团队致力于寻找振兴财政部门的良方。

    Meanwhile, Mr Obama's economic team is struggling to find the best way to prop up the financial sector.


  • 赔偿义务机关依照前款规定作出决定应当书面通知有关财政部门

    After making a decision according to provisions specified in the preceding paragraph, the organ liable for compensation shall notify the relevant finance department in writing of the decision.


  • 申请人有异议的,收到通知十五日内向财政部门申请复议。

    In case the applicant objects to the decision, he may apply for reconsideration to the Municipal Finance Department within 15 days after receiving the notice of disapproval.


  • 经办机构开展工伤保险所需经费财政部门按规定核定纳入预算管理

    The handling agency's funds needed for carrying out industrial injury insurance shall be checked and ratified by the finance department, and be brought into the budget management.


  • 第四各级财政部门进一步加强因公出国(境)活动用汇额度管理

    Article 4 the public finance departments at all levels shall further strengthen the administration of the limits of foreign exchange used for going abroad on business.


  • 经地市级(含)以上财政部门批准出口逾期未收汇核销款项作坏账处理

    The overdue unverified export proceeds in foreign exchange have been disposed as bad debts with approval from the financial administration at the level of municipality or above;


  • 第四财政部门实施财政检查应当遵循合法客观、公正、公开原则

    Article 4 the principles of legality, objectiveness, fairness and openness shall be upheld by the public finance department when conducting any public finance examination.


  • 道路停车场管理者收取停车费应当使用财政部门监制专用收费票据

    The administrator of a curb-side parking area, when collecting parking fees, shall use special fee-collecting receipts made under supervision of the municipal finance department.


  • 第五十九审计机关财政部门应当依法就业专项资金管理使用情况进行监督检查

    Article 59 the audit organs and finance departments shall, in accordance with law, supervise and inspect the management and use of the special funds for employment.


  • 第二十六财政部门审计部门依法失业保险基金收支管理情况进行监督

    Article 26 Financial departments and auditing departments shall supervise the collection, payment and administration of unemployment insurance funds according to law.


  • 财政部门不得以任何形式行政机关返还或者变相返还实施行政许可所收取费用。

    No finance departments shall, in any form, return to the administrative departments the fees collected by them for the granting of administrative permission, or do so in disguised form.


  • 属于财政部门职权范围案件其他事项财政部门应当依法处理不得移送其他机关

    The public finance departments shall handle the cases and other matters that are within their powers according to law, and shall not transfer them to other organs.


  • 地方财政部门不得更改评委会评标结果,如对评标结果不同意见备案报告中提出

    Local financial department must not alter the result of tender evaluation made by the evaluation commission. If it has different opinions, it may put them forward in the record report.


  • 第三审计机关依照法律有关规定,会同财政部门履行社会审计机构指导监督职责

    Article 3audit institutions shall perform the duty of instructing and supervising public audit organizations together with financial departments and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


  • 银行本身借贷活动中扮演角色以及财政部门发放红利的费用使得它们在相当程度上忽略了市场估价风险

    The role of banks in the credit crunch and the cost of the financial sector bail-out has undermined the idea that the markets assess risk fairly and rationally.


  • 但是四月份财政部门不断批评中反思,公布了一份报告中国没有为了提高出口额而操纵利率。

    But in April, the Treasury Department retreated from that criticism, issuing a report that said China was not manipulating its currency to increase its exports.


  • 公司确保自己财政部门纳入了受过教育的专业人士,因为他们无法玩弄自己的(或是他人)资金

    Companies are making sure they employ educated professionals in their finance department because they cannot afford to play fast and loose with their (or other people's) money any more.


  • 财政部门应当受理申请15日内按照预算财政国库管理有关规定支付国家赔偿费用

    Article 10 a finance department shall, within 15 days upon the acceptance of an application, pay for the State compensation according to the requirements of budgetary, fiscal and Treasury management.


  • 纽约大学作者们认为批判性思维不是用来衡量规模而是用来衡量一个公司风险其他财政部门如何紧密相连

    The NYU authors reckon that the critical thing to measure is not size but how closely connected an individual firm's risk is to the rest of the financial sector.


  • 尽管财政部门迅速增加收入充满泡沫房地产市场推动了国民税收快速增加还是未能满足迅速高涨支出

    They failed to keep pace with the surge in spending despite being boosted by buoyant revenues from a booming financial sector and frothy property markets (see chart 2).


  • 目前各地劳动保障部门财政部门正在抓紧组织实施,确保明年春节广大企业退休人员拿到调整后养老金

    At present, the labor and social security and financial departments in every region are seizing time to ensure that enterprise retirees receive the adjusted pensions before the Spring Festival.


  • 为了支持国家财政部门以及社会最底层的平民,采取措施刺激政策不仅激发税收而且还能为额外的基建项目提供资金援助。

    Measures have been taken to support the financial sector and the poorest in society, and his stimulus package will both offer tax incentives and finance additional infrastructure projects.


  • 记得当时面临管理挑战,我听说两个人吵了起来,下属,另外一个是财政部门的一位女士。,a,guy

    And I remember my big management challenge during that period was I heard of shouting match between one of the two engineers who reported to me and a woman in finance.


  • 斯本尽力表现出对经济抱有乐观态度:紧缩财政部门剔除后,2009年年末经济开始复苏以来,银行保持良好的复苏劲头

    Mr Osborne did his best to sound upbeat about the economy: take out the shrinking financial sector and it had grown healthily since the recovery began at the end of 2009, he said.


  • 斯本尽力表现出对经济抱有乐观态度:紧缩财政部门剔除后,2009年年末经济开始复苏以来,银行保持良好的复苏劲头

    Mr Osborne did his best to sound upbeat about the economy: take out the shrinking financial sector and it had grown healthily since the recovery began at the end of 2009, he said.


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