• 验证短路故障条件下直流负载转换动态稳定特点

    Verify that the DC side load converter dynamic stability characteristics under short-circuit fault conditions.


  • 通过允许客户机请求xsl转换xml格式可以很容易地支持有效负载转换

    An XML format can easily support payload transformations by allowing the client to request XSL transformations.


  • 装置柴油机及燃气轮机功率、转速负载转换控制、自动同步离合器动态性能指标影响舰船机动性和操纵性的重要因素

    The dynamic performance of Synchronous-Self-Shifting clutch is of great importance to the control on transmission of power, rotation speed and load.


  • 是否在峰值转换期间真正禁用了集群一半验证仍然可以承受工作负载

    Have you actually disabled half of your cluster during peak prime shift to validate that the workload still fits?


  • 负载数据一般不由队列管理器更改除非需要进行数据转换

    The payload data is not changed by a queue manager unless data conversion is performed on it.


  • 下图显示HTTP导出连接一个中介中,这个中介流执行来自REST客户端的负载(HTTP请求)转换

    The following illustration shows that the HTTP export is connected to a mediation flow that performs required transformation of the payload (the body of the HTTP request) sent from the REST client.


  • 不过使用标准xml加密安全信息不会丢失是因为嵌入消息正文将意味着将得到保留只需转换JMS负载

    However, using standard XML encryption, the security information doesn't get lost, because being embedded in the message's body means it's preserved and simply transformed into a JMS payload.


  • 相应地中介二进制负载内容转换字符串格式,它构成传递后台服务SOAP请求的XML部分

    Accordingly, the mediation flow transforms the content of the binary payload to string format to be part of the XML making the SOAP request that is passed to the back end service.


  • 技术团队决定产品转换n架构负载分散到各个层。

    The technical team decides to convert the product to an n-tier architecture to divide the load across the tiers.


  • 如果服务器失败备用服务器非常快速地接管工作负载(在大多数情况下,转换时间少于30)。

    If the primary server fails, the standby can take over the workload very quickly (most cases in under 30 seconds).


  • 通过mashuphub执行数据转换方面工作负载浏览器转移组件,而且可以通过配置后端组件获得最佳性能

    By having the mashup hub perform the transformation of the data, the work is offloaded from the browser to an operational back-end component that can be configured to provide optimum performance.


  • 另一个转换刚好相反,它将来自Web服务SOAP响应转换可以发送请求REST客户端的二进制负载

    Another transformation is also done the opposite way by transforming the SOAP reply from the web service to binary that can be sent to the requesting REST client.


  • 上下文中数据分发异类性特征决定了必须重点强调如何最好地转换集成视图的访问以及如何分解分布工作负载

    The distribution and heterogeneity of data in this context requires a strong emphasis on how to best translate access to the integrated view and how to decompose and distribute the workload.


  • 如果模型为了实际执行转换花费大量时间来构建一个精确工作者负载的模型,可能得不到任何东西

    Spending a tremendous amount of time building a precise model of the workers and the caseload may be for nothing if the model is transformed for actual execution.


  • 使用DCS应用程序希望计算机上执行转换实现负载平衡时,远程DCS也是非常有用的。

    Remote DCS is also helpful when the application using DCS wants to do the conversion on a different machine for load-balancing purposes.


  • 转换:将消息有效负载(内容)请求者模式转换提供者的模式。

    Transform: Translates the message payload (content) from the requester's schema to the provider's schema.


  • 消息传递任何复杂解决方案来说,将消息有效负载类型转换另一种类型都至关重要

    Messaging: transforming the message's payload from one type to another – is crucial to any kind of complex solution.


  • 任何额外转换都将意味着响应集成查询时会存在额外的工作负载

    Any additional transformation will mean additional workload when responding to an integrated query.


  • 规范化适配器模式端点本机总线附加协议转换标准协议,实现有效负载规范化交付时进行这些转换反向转换

    The canonical adapter pattern converts endpoints' native bus-attachment protocols to a standard protocol, normalizes payload, and reverses these transformations upon delivery.


  • 摄取数据之前采用暂存加载转换数据,这可以最大程度地减少查询工作负载干扰

    Employing staging tables to load and transform data ahead of ingest minimizes interference with query workloads.


  • 接受有效负载将其转换一个php数组将其传递给实现web服务方法内部方法。

    To accept this payload, convert it to a PHP array and pass it to the internal method that implements the web services method.


  • InfoSphere WarehouseDesignStudio基于Eclipse工具平台用于数据挖掘文本分析设计工作负载规则、数据转换分析流。

    InfoSphere Warehouse design Studio is the Eclipse-based tooling platform used to design workload rules, data transformation flows, and analytical flows for data mining and text analytics.


  • Domino7对于CPU 利用率减少转换任务负载情况下可靠性的提高,这样Linuxon zSeries 上的个 Domino 7 分区就可以支持更多个客户机用户

    The CPU reduction on Domino 7 translates into improved stability at high workload levels, allowing for more clients to be supported by a single Domino 7 server on Linux on zSeries.


  • 作用太阳辐射能力转换电能送往蓄电池存储起来,或推动负载工作。

    Its role is to the sun's radiation is converted to electrical energy stored in batteries or sent to them, or to promote the work load.


  • 这种转换发生定制DataHandler 内部,是在xsd数据格式转换字符串消息负载出站转换期间发生的。

    This translation occurred within the custom DataHandler during the outbound translation from xsd data format to a character string message payload.


  • 可变间隙时间调节转换多久充电传递能量负载

    The variable off-time regulates how often the transformer charges and delivers power to the load.


  • 某些场合需要使用多种电压负载要用到DC - DC逆变器24vdc电能转换5vdc的电能(注意,不是简单降压)。

    In some cases, the need to use a variety of load voltage, but also used for DC-DC inverter, 24vdc power if converted to 5vdc power (note, not a simple step-down).


  • 机制以网络延迟负载波长转换代价达到平衡最佳值为目标,兼顾波长资源高效利用故障恢复提高

    Its objective is trying to offer the best balance among delay, load and the cost of wavelength conversion in addition to improving the effective wavelength utilization and failure restoring rate.


  • 机制以网络延迟负载波长转换代价达到平衡最佳值为目标,兼顾波长资源高效利用故障恢复提高

    Its objective is trying to offer the best balance among delay, load and the cost of wavelength conversion in addition to improving the effective wavelength utilization and failure restoring rate.


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