• 思想道德教育价值包括价值价值价值

    The value embodiments of ideological and ethic education include positive value, negative value, and no value.


  • 煤炭资源开发利用呈现出明显的价值耦合性。

    The value of the exploitation&use of coal resources has the coupling feature of positive and negative value.


  • 使用价值理论价值工程可以安全价值量上进行初步评价

    We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method.


  • 负价值主要由“有用劳动缺陷性、局限性某些破坏性形成的。

    It is mainly formed by the imperfection, limitation and some destruction of "useful work".


  • 消费主义主体更多表现一种价值社会带来一定的后果

    More consumerism behaves as a negative value on the subject, and brings social and human with negative consequences.


  • 本文提出水资源价值理论,分析了水资源负价值构成给出了计算方法

    The theory of negative value of water resources is erected. Its composition and calculative method are also proposed.


  • 肯定性的意义就是价值否定性的意义就是价值无意义是非价值价值

    Positive meaning is positive value; Negative meaning is negative value; Meaningless is worthless or non-value.


  • 早期诊断价值有三表现形态:早期诊断的正价值、早期诊断价值和早期诊断的负价值

    Following we will discuss the exhibition forms of early diagnosis that is the positive value of early diagnosis, the zero value of early diagnosis and the negative value of early diagnosis.


  • 本文主要美学立场上对审美时尚进行价值判断,着力探究审美时尚所具有的不容忽视潜在价值

    This paper conducts a value judgment on esthetic fad mainly from the angle of esthetics, and points out that esthetic fad has a potential negative value not to be ignored.


  • 根据矛盾运动定律,提出刑事审判价值概念进一步分析刑事审判负价值的产生及其具体表现

    According to contradictions between the law of criminal trials with negative value of the concept, and further analysis of criminal trials have a negative value and its specific performance.


  • 这种现象背后陷入严重“资产”家庭数量越来越,也就是所欠贷款超过房产当前价值

    Driving this phenomenon is the rising number of households that are deeply 'under water,' owing much more than the current value of their homes.


  • 同时妨碍了23%资产购房者实施的援助,这些购房者需要偿还的贷款额超过了所住宅的价值

    The GSEs also hamper help for the 23% of homeowners in negative equity, with loans worth more than their homes.


  • 原因房产不起贷款还是因为房屋价值现在低于贷款金额(即我们熟知资产现象),户主拒绝还贷?

    Is it that homeowners cannot afford to pay; or is it that they are declining to do so, because their homes are now worth less than their mortgages, the phenomenon known as negative equity?


  • 类库团队中,我们认为,如果某个API是从1000开始的,那么即使能提供一些价值不足以证明添加

    In the BCL team we believe that an API start at minus a thousand points and thus providing some value is not good enough to justify being added.


  • 大约有1000万美国人处于“资产”状态,抵押借款成本超过房屋价值

    Roughly 10m Americans are in negative equity-ie, the cost of their mortgage exceeds the value of their home.


  • 如此产生的结果数百万的家庭房屋拥有者的房产变成资产(欠款超出房屋当前价值)。

    The result is that millions of homeowners are now underwater in their mortgage (they owe more than their home is worth.)


  • 意味着贷款人由于房屋价值跌破贷款价值而出现资产之前,房屋价格必须下跌高达30%。此举银行一个实质性缓冲空间。

    It means home prices have to fall as much as 30% before borrowers are 'underwater,' when the value of the home falls below the value of the loan, giving Banks a substantial cushion.


  • 商场的350家店铺销售着全世界具原创性,最有价值,最盛名的品牌其中很多商品仅瓦菲独家出售。

    Wafi City Mall has over 350 stores offering the world's most original, valued and significant brands, many of which are limited to Wafi.


  • 条件价值评估基于不同年龄段效用死亡的数项调查

    Contingent valuation is based on surveys of the "disutility" of death at different ages.


  • 觉得如果因为上大学欠了,那就是价值嫁妆,那样的话就愿意了。

    And he thought that if I had college debt - a negative dowry - no one would want to marry me.


  • 反过来会导致多产业主陷入资产抵押大大超过房屋价值按揭贷款。

    That, in turn, leaves more homeowners deeper in negative equity, saddled with mortgages that vastly exceed the value of their homes.


  • 而且许多拥有的房产价值

    Many people also have negative equity in their homes.


  • 显然削弱美元实际价值,再加上即将来临实际利率时代,金价获得强有力支撑

    This will significantly undercut support for the dollar. This, together with the ongoing environment of negative real interest rates, GFMS believes, should prove highly supportive of gold.


  • 房地产网站Zillow.com资料,截止第二季度末贷款单一家庭房屋约有23%成了“资产”,即未还的房屋贷款超过房屋价值

    At the end of the second quarter, about 23% of single-family homes with mortgages were 'underwater, ' with owners owing more on their homes than they are worth, according to Zillow.com.


  • 几乎4个抵押贷款的美国人中,便有1人拥有资产”,即所欠债务高于房产价值

    Almost one in four Americans with mortgages have "negative equity", owing more than their house is worth.


  • 资产或者大于房产价值业主数量第三14.3%上升到了17.6%,Zillow表示

    The number of homeowners with negative equity, or those who owed more on their homes than the property was worth, rose to 17.6 percent from 14.3 percent in the third quarter, Zillow said.


  • 资产或者大于房产价值业主数量第三14.3%上升到了17.6%,Zillow表示

    The number of homeowners with negative equity, or those who owed more on their homes than the property was worth, rose to 17.6 percent from 14.3 percent in the third quarter, Zillow said.


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