• 我们得到紧急消息父亲病了

    We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill.


  • 没有真的有则改之

    I didn't actually say that you were lazy, but if the cap fits...


  • 这么没有注意的特别之处

    So you didn't notice anything special about him?


  • 出庭起誓说你认识吗?

    Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him?


  • 如果有人撒谎怎么呢?

    How would you like it if someone called you a liar?


  • 够朋友够朋友怎么不肯

    Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then?


  • 这么彼得弟弟

    Oh, so you're Peter's younger brother.


  • 东西给弄了?

    Do you mean to say you've lost it?


  • 产生感情了吗?

    Are you saying that you're becoming emotionally involved with me?


  • 问心无愧地看着撒谎吗?

    Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?


  • 小道消息离开

    I heard on the grapevine that you're leaving.


  • 他们特别谈谈为什么

    They said you particularly wanted to talk to me. Why was that?


  • 得到了留言设法联系

    I got a message you were trying to reach me.


  • 这么昨晚出去喝酒了,对吗?啧啧

    So you were out drinking again last night were you? Tsk tsk!


  • 如果人们不断说你无能开始失去自信了。

    If people keep telling you you're incapable, you begin to lose confidence in yourself.


  • 这么今天遇上了很多倒霉事。可也出气筒

    OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me.


  • 不能控制食欲。每当人们理解让人难受。

    I can't control my eating. It's hard when people don't understand and call you a glutton.


  • 想吃地道的家常饭菜说你够了宾馆航班上味道不纯的食品

    You wanted proper home-cooked meals, you said you had enough plastic hotel food and airline food.


  • 安静点!

    I said keep quiet!


  • 做到

    You say you can do it.


  • 可没帮忙

    You're a great help, I must say!


  • 英镑吗?

    I say, can you lend me five pounds?


  • 真是受大委屈了。

    I think you were very shabbily treated.


  • 好了,”最后,“什么自己的?”

    "Well," she said eventually, "what have you to say for yourself?"


  • 意思是本应料到作何反应

    I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!


  • 金斯愤怒双眼,“以为我会告诉?”

    Coggins' eyes narrowed angrily. "You think I'd tell you?"


  • 纳吉布放任地对,“什么时候想来过来。”

    Najib smiled at him indulgently and said, "Come on over when you feel like it."


  • 艾丽斯吉娜:“为什么儿子。”

    Alice said to Gina, "Why don't you go after him, he's your son."


  • "没有那么。"—"肯定了。"

    "I did not say that."—"You most assuredly did."


  • "没有那么。"—"肯定了。"

    "I did not say that."—"You most assuredly did."


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定