• 估算水准仪经纬仪测滩结果误差范围

    And the error ranges of the measurements with theodolite and level are evaluated.


  • 这些方程误差壳体理论误差范围之内

    The errors resulted in these equations are within the margin that are allowed in the theory of shells.


  • 速度大,时间相同的,在测量误差范围

    And so the speeds of the cars will be higher, but The Times will be the same within the uncertainty of the measurements.


  • 时间1时间,我们来看一看,两个数字是否一样,在测量误差范围

    So time one and time two, and we will see whether these two numbers are the same within the uncertainty of our measurements.


  • 提出了方法最佳分析条件从而使分析的结果国家标准误差范围之内。

    The perfect analytic condition is also proposed so that the analytic results are within the error range of national standard.


  • 其实这个阶段大多数评估都是高度主观的,通过较大误差范围将其去除

    Most estimates in this phase are, in reality, highly subjective and can be off by wide margins.


  • 方法提高测试数据精度稳定性,也可提供全过程监测数据误差范围

    The precision and stability of testing data can be improved and error in the whole testing process can be offered by using the method.


  • 网友的最新评价:焊接方面:把机箱和弦焊接一起大小超出误差范围

    Welded elements: assembled from racks and chords with an exceeptional size range in one piece.


  • 重点分析影响测距精度各种因素误差范围系统设计提供了理论依据。

    The factors that affect the ranging precision and the error range are analyzed to help to design this system.


  • 如果管筒不是圆形或者处于误差范围之外,会将其识别缺陷并且不予填装。

    If a tube is out-of-round or outside of the tolerance range, it is identified as faulty and is not filled.


  • 衬砌背后回填不密实层空洞厚度检测值误差范围天线密贴衬砌的情况一致

    The deviation ranges of uncompacted backfill and cavity thicknesses behind the lining agree with those when the antenna closes up to the lining specimen surface.


  • 本文讨论了由于天文潮高预报误差可能引起的风暴潮增水值的误差范围

    The Storm-surge error range due to the tidal hour and tidal level prediction error is discussed.


  • 紧密纺大风机系统设计,车头、车尾各负压差异保持允许误差范围之内

    When designing FDF system of compact spinning, the negative pressure drops resulting from spindles at the front and back of the machine should be kept within allowance.


  • 根据人参根须部木质素的量估算人参生长年份实际生长年份误差范围小于2.5

    The identifying error of growth ages for P. ginseng between the reality and the estimated by the lignin content is less than 2.5 years.


  • 条纹频率分析产生可靠性模板基于模板排序算法误差范围控制局部最小区域

    Reliability mask is produced by the analysis of fringe frequency. Then the error is limited to local minimum areas by using the ordering algorithm based on the reliability mask makes.


  • 通过试验区块运行相关密闭取资料对比确定剩余油饱和度误差范围

    Block in the test run, with the relevant core information confined contrast, moving the remaining oil to determine the extent of error saturation.


  • 方法首先估计时延然后再剩余误差进行相位估计,从而扩大算法适用运动误差范围

    With this method, the time delay is estimated firstly, then the residual phase error. Through this way the movement error range that can be compensated by this algorithm is extended.


  • 作者介绍了利用抽样检验标定电阻丝片灵敏系数平均值及其误差范围几种统计方法

    Several sampling methods leading to the estimation of mean value and the setting of tolerance interval of the sensitivity coefficients of a lot of strain gages are introduced.


  • 实验结果完全误差范围允许之内,并且符合表面等离子振荡的理论现象及其调制模拟演算结果。

    All of the results are within the accepted error range and accord with the theory and numerical simulation.


  • 按照本文提出物理模型只要计算中子足够,其计算结果可完全在实验误差范围之内

    Adopting the physics mode given in this thesis, the accuracy of computed results is within experimental errors if the number of computed neutron is large enough.


  • 此外采用微震监测技术地表变形进行监测结果误差范围之内周边建筑物影响

    In addition, using microseismic monitoring technology to monitor ground deformation, which results in the error range, and it has no effect on surrounding buildings.


  • 文中通过机载激光指示器组成分析了它的误差影响系统精度因素以及可控制误差范围

    The error sources, factors of effect on accuracy and the controllable error range of airborne laser designator are discussed, through the components of airborne laser designator in this paper.


  • 这个公司激光应用可以使误差范围减少几个百分点通过附近的一个百分点,依次增加项目内在收益率。

    The company says the use of lidar can reduce the error margin by several percentage points, which in turn increases a project’s internal rate of return by around one percentage point.


  • 建立平行流冷凝器数学模型,根据所建模型得到的计算结果试验结果对比误差范围在5%内。

    A mathematical model for this kind of condenser was established. The comparison of experimental data with calculation result shows that the errors are within 5%.


  • 诺依博士月球背面图像拼接工作允许位置误差范围大约在110公里(合0.62到6.2英里之间

    The positional errors of image mosaics of the lunar far side have been between one and ten kilometres (about 0.62 to 6.2 miles), Neumann said.


  • 无需担心,手表指定维修点专业人士进行检查调整将手表恢复正常误差范围内。

    But you do not have to worry about, please send the watch to the designated maintenance point please professionals to check and adjust the watch can be restored to the normal range of error.


  • 并不排除一小部分此种气体被移作他用可能性取走一些经过计算不超过误差范围的气体用于测试隐匿离心机

    But that does not rule out the possibility that a small quantity of the gas, calculated to fall within that error margin, was diverted to test some hidden centrifuges.


  • 并不排除一小部分此种气体被移作他用可能性取走一些经过计算不超过误差范围的气体用于测试隐匿离心机

    But that does not rule out the possibility that a small quantity of the gas, calculated to fall within that error margin, was diverted to test some hidden centrifuges.


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