• 二十世纪语言人类学试图语言社会心理文化看成是有机联系整体

    Linguistic anthropology in the 21st century is trying to compromise universalism and relativism, regarding language, society, psychology and culture as organically integrated components of a whole.


  • 语言人类学认为语言既是社会工具又是一种文化实践着重考察人类各地语言使用文化关系

    The anthropological linguistics thinks that language is a social tool and a cultural practice, which pay more attention to the investigation relations between the language use and culture.


  • 人种学家听到这些故事是因为他们一个独特理由:他们想要语言人类学数据以补充他们自己的实地观察

    Ethnologists had a distinct reason for wanting to hear the stories: they were after linguistic or anthropological data that would supplement their own field observations.


  • 这本书是为所有词汇语言文化人类学兴趣的人而写就的。

    This is a book for anyone interested in words, language and cultural anthropology.


  • 伦纳德打算记录Inughuit生活,不是编纂语法词典而是一本人类学角度的口头文学稿”展示语言文化之间的相互联系。

    Leonard intends to record the Inughuits and, rather than writing a grammar or dictionary, produce an "ethnography of speaking" to show how their language and culture are interconnected.


  • 法国语言史前人类学研究联合会科学家对“爸爸”一词进行了考察

    The French linguistic scientists and the prehistoric anthropology research federation's scientists have carried on the inspection to "the daddy".


  • 论文旨在文体学角度通过论述人类学社会学心理学文化等因素广告影响研究广告英语语言特点

    This paper aims to study the language features of advertising English from the stylistic point of view and with view to the influential factors as anthropology, culture, sociology and psychology.


  • 大部分是实验社会心理学相关主题包括生物学、哲学语言经济学人类学以及艺术

    Largely experimental and social psychology, with relevant ideas from biology, philosophy, linguistics, economics, anthropology, and the arts.


  • 除了其它犯罪”类奇怪词汇外,的书中很少使用学术性语言自我披露了人类学领域独有魅力,就像马修斯在书中表达的那样。

    Academic language rarely intrudes, aside from the odd "transgressive other", and the self-disclosure peculiar to field anthropology has a charm, as Mr Mathews deploys it.


  • 为了跨越语言鸿沟几乎变成个人理解细微思想,真是奇怪扭曲人类学

    In an odd anthropological twist, I almost have to become the Other in order to properly comprehend the subtleties of the ideas I am asked to transmit across the language divide.


  • 寻找文学影响社会方式开始探索其他领域包括历史哲学人类学语言性能研究

    Seeking out ways in which literature tangibly impacted societies, I began to explore other fields, including history, philosophy, anthropology, language, and performance studies.


  • 竞争现代性语言标准化一个古老现代巴斯克文化产生〉《人类学评论十三期(1993年)101-118页。

    Urla, Jacqueline. "Contesting modernities: Language standardization and the production of an ancient modern Basque culture. " Critique of Anthropology 13, no. 2 (1993): 101-118.


  • 文化教学理论基础源自语言学、人类学心理学研究成果

    The researches of linguistics, anthropology and psychology structure the theory base of culture teaching.


  • 是一门跨学科学科融合了逻辑学语言哲学人类学心理学社会学美学各个领域

    It one interdisciplinary yuans of discipline, namely it merges such each field as logic, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, etc.


  • 利用结构主义语言模式研究人类学问题开创了一种社会学人类学研究方向

    He used the model of structuralism linguistics to study the question of anthropology that opened a new direction for study of sociology and anthropology.


  • 文学批评人类学转向”取代“语言转折困境在于如何寻求体现文学审美价值意义。

    The dilemma of the transition from anthropological criticism to linguistic criticism is based on exploring and embodying the aesthetic connotations of literature.


  • 第六《诗经》国际学术研讨会论文大致分成诗经文献学、《诗经》、《诗经》文艺学、《诗经》文化人类学《诗经》语言五大

    The essays submitted to the Sixth International Symposium on "Classic of Poetry" can be classified into five types: document, history, art and literature, cultural anthropology, and linguistics.


  • 传统人类学包含体质人类学文化人类学考古学语言

    Traditionally, anthropology includes such subjects as physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archeology and linguistics.


  • 因此一个语言中的新词新语进行研究不仅具有语言意义而且具有人类学、历史学意义

    Therefore, the study of the neologism to a language, not only has meaning of linguistics but also have the meanings of anthropology and history.


  • 逻辑学、心理学社会学人类学语言等学科不断纳入翻译研究学术范围

    Disciplines like logic, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics are being brought into the academic range of translation study gradually.


  • 文学批评人类学转向”取代语言转折”困境在于如何寻求和体现文学审美价值意义

    In literary criticism, the predicament of the substitution of "linguistic approach" by "anthropological orientation" suggests the process of how to embody the aesthetic value of literature.


  • 生物学心理学出现密切相关哲学包括社会学医学语言人类学学科

    Psychology emerged from biology and philosophy and is closely linked to other disciplines including sociology, medicine, linguistics and anthropology.


  • 冲突话语研究广泛存在各个领域,例如哲学修辞学人类学社会学心理学语言

    Research on conflict talk hasbeen extensive in numerous fields, e. g. , philosophy, rhetoric, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and linguistics.


  • 此后中外学者语言人类学社会学心理学、哲学角度论述面子问题。

    Since then there have been studies of face home and abroad from such perspectives as linguistics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc.


  • 人类学理论方法研究语言变化语言人类文化模式信仰中的应用

    Anthropological linguistics: use the theories and methods of anthropology to study language variation and the use of language in human cultural patterns and beliefs.


  • 有关鄂伦研究主要涉及历史学、民族学人类学语言民间文学学科和领域

    There are four disciplines related with the research of 01unchun nationality: history, ethnology - anthropology, linguistics and folk literature.


  • 跨文化交际学诞生二十世纪中叶边缘学科,涉及的相关学科人类学心理学社会学语言

    Intercultural communication, which was born in the middle of 20th century, is a marginal discipline which is related to anthropology, psychology, sociology and linguistics, etc.


  • 通过探讨法律语言文化功能、法律语言研究方法和法律语言学科体系形成之间关系,旨在说明:借助社会学、人类学等方法探寻法律语言的文化功能是法律语言研究方法的革新。

    Then, the manifestation of cultural function of legal expressions is analyzed in terms of the borrowing of legal terminology, the forming of legal community and the ceremony of law.


  • 通过探讨法律语言文化功能、法律语言研究方法和法律语言学科体系形成之间关系,旨在说明:借助社会学、人类学等方法探寻法律语言的文化功能是法律语言研究方法的革新。

    Then, the manifestation of cultural function of legal expressions is analyzed in terms of the borrowing of legal terminology, the forming of legal community and the ceremony of law.


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