• 在完成临床试验卫生部门批准申请之后公司现在计划在接下去年时间使这项抑郁症血液化验在各家医院中广泛开展起来。

    Following clinical tests and application for health ministry approval, the company is aiming to make the depression blood test available to doctors within the next two years.


  • 简单没有什么,但是值得一,”这个部门临时主管奥斯。伯特纳(AustinBeutner)谈到这个试验项目时说道。

    "Nothing about this is simple, but it's worth doing," Austin Beutner, the department's interim general manager, said of the pilot program.


  • 简单没有什么,但是值得一,”这个部门临时主管奥斯.伯特纳(AustinBeutner)谈到这个试验项目时说道。

    Nothing about this is simple, but it’s worth doing,” Austin Beutner, the department’s interim general manager, said of the pilot program.


  • 由于很多习惯于标示核准范围外用药(人数临床试验中的),监管部门需要密切关注这些人,看看是否存在副作用,尤其是儿童

    There will be a lot of habitual off-label takers, more people than in the trials, so the regulators need to monitor them for side-effects-especially in children.


  • 法拉利表示赛车部门研发HY -KERS试验技术汽车排放量减少35%。

    Ferrari said that the technology of its HY-KERS experimental vehicle, developed by its racing division, could reduce its cars' emissions by 35 per cent.


  • 这项泰国公共卫生部门组织称作的RV144项目初步试验结果已经不久前的九月二十四(星期四)日向社会公众公布

    The preliminary results of the trial, which was called RV144 and was organised by Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health, were announced on Thursday September 24th.


  • 正常供货每年提供一次法定部门型式试验报告

    When the normal supply, the annual report of the type test of the legal department should be provided.


  • 研究设计这是一个随机对照试验并且我们劳动部门一起,随机的单位进行了随访12个月经济效益评估

    Study Design. A cluster randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation with a 12-month follow-up and with work department as the unit of randomization.


  • 核准的检验试验计划(ITP生产工程部(PED)发放所有部门以便生产制作期间确定内部检验客户检验要求

    The approved ITP will be issued by PED to all departments so that internal and client inspection requirements are identified during manufacture.


  • 临床试验上市产生安全问题提供评估并且这些安全问题递交组织部门经理客户

    Provide assessment of safety issues arising in clinical trials or in the post-marketing setting and escalate those to the line manager within the organization or/and client.


  • 大多数情况下部门进行检查试验活动而且名副其实地进行质量控制

    In most cases Quality Control departments perform inspection and test activities and the name derives from the authority that such departments have been given.


  • 生物遗传工程医学农业林业环境科学畜牧水产生产科研部门较理想试验设备

    Is the biological genetic engineering medicine Agriculture Forestry Animal Husbandry and fishery environment scientific production and scientific research departments ideal test equipment.


  • 对于交通监理部门适合采用台架试验方法测定汽车制动力的分配。

    While for the traffic supervise department, the bench testing method is more suitable.


  • 用于建材医药科研部门低温试验老化试验

    Uses in department and so on building materials, medicine, scientific research performs the cold temperature test, the aged experiment.


  • 试件经测试合格由实验室出具试验报告送验部门,由送验部门《不合格品控制程序处置

    The lab will issue a test report to the delivery department if the test part fails the test. The delivery department will dispose per the "Nonconforming Product Control Procedures".


  • 许多公路部门进行了规模较大的路基沉降观测试验工作,沿海高等级公路设计施工提供了可贵资料

    Many roadbed settlement observation tests are carried out to provide valuable data for littoral expressway design and construction.


  • 卫生部门已经陆续获得针对这种新型疫苗临床试验数据,到目前为止还没有报告存在严重的副反应

    Health officials also said more data is trickling in from several clinical trials of the new vaccine, and so far no serious side effects have been reported.


  • 应急部门需要抽样以便于以后可能分析联邦机构需要足够粉末以用来进行确证试验

    Emergency responders need to sample a suspicious powder in order to do a presumptive analysis. Federal agencies also need a sufficient quantity of the powder to do confirmatory testing.


  • 试验课程高师科学教育专业课程十分主要部门,是实现高师科学教育专业培育目的的主要保证

    Experiment curriculum is a very important part of professional courses in the specialty of science education of normal school, and the important ensure of achieving the training goal of normal school.


  • 已经评论更新并且透过国际承认的马萨诸塞综合性医院麻醉部门作现场试验

    The book has been written, reviewed, updated, and field-tested by the internationally recognized anesthesia department of the Massachusetts General Hospital.


  • 据称由此情报部门无奈确认试验真实性。

    It said intelligence agencies had yet to "complete confirmation of the test."


  • 扭转疲劳试验材料科学试验研究关键设备之一,被广泛应用船舶汽车航空航天工业部门

    Torsion fatigue testing machine is the key equipment study of materials science experiment which widely used in shipbuilding, automobile, aviation, aerospace and other industrial sectors.


  • 取得土建二级建材试验资质必须通过省级计量行政部门计量认证

    The authentification of the measurement administration department of provincial level is necessary for the qualification of a secondary laboratory of building materials.


  • Solum销售土壤试验数据技术部门农业巨头孟山都收购并入孟山都2013年数据创业公司气候集团收购数据团队

    Agriculture giant Monsanto acquired the half of Solum's business that sold soil testing and data tech to farmers and folded it into the data team it acquired in 2013 from data startup Climate Corp.


  • 协调相关部门确保顺利开展产品试验设备调试

    Co-ordinate with the relevant dept. , toe ure the smooth implementation of new product text and new Equipment debugging.


  • 根据一些工程模型试验成果,对这些问题进行总结,设计运行管理部门参考。

    According to model test results of some projects , above mentioned problems are studied and the results are provide


  • 根据一些工程模型试验成果,对这些问题进行总结,设计运行管理部门参考。

    According to model test results of some projects , above mentioned problems are studied and the results are provide


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