• 储层压力煤层气开发重要参数,它可以通过试井方法获取。

    The pressure of coal reservoir, an important parameter in the development of coalbed methane, can be determined through well test.


  • 此外修正方法判断效应是否严重地影响压力试井方法可用性。

    In addition, this amended method can also be used to diagnosis whether the hot loss effect seriously affects the availability of pressure fall off test.


  • 对于油质差、产多次时间排液常规试井方法难以达到目的

    For the well layers with low quality, high fluid production and many times and long time flowing back, conventional well testing method is hard to reach testing objective.


  • 方法油藏数值模拟反问题解法相结合,形成了与传统试井方法不同的全新解法。

    This method combines together the numerical simulation of reservoir and the algorithm used in inverse technique. It makes this method different and in some case superior to the traditional ones.


  • 针对常规产能方法渗透气藏应用局限性提出新的简化的产能试井方法

    According to limitation of conventional deliverability testing method applied in gas reservoir of low permeability, a new, reduced well testing method for deliverability test is put forward.


  • 研究出套用试井方法确定注水以后地层渗透率变化方法,对大港油田的增储上具有重要意义。

    A set of methods determining change of formation permeability after injection water by testing way have an important benefit for increasing production potential of Dagang oilfield.


  • 原有理论基础上,推导平衡钻随钻数学模型,并结合现有的试井方法,提出欠平衡钻随钻试井实用方法——修正压降试井修正压力恢复试井法。

    Based on the original well testing theory, the theory of well testing while UBD and the corresponding practical well testing method are derived. The well testing method is applied to two wells.


  • 解释方法形成奠定了理论基础。

    It would provide basis for interpreting methods of injection-production well test.


  • 主要研究分析了元素地层沉积预测模型的建立以及含硫的不稳定试井解释方法

    Mainly studied the prediction model of sulfur deposition in the stratum and transient well test of sour gas well.


  • 尤其是研究了不同饱和度压力动态,针对含硫提出了一种新的试井分析方法

    Especially, studied pressure behavior of different sulfur saturation, gave a new solution for well test explanation of sour gas well.


  • 基础提出了用不稳定试井资料确定产能方法,即用压力恢复曲线降曲线法相结合确定气产能的新方法

    Based on these, the new method that pressure build-up curve associated with pressure fall-off curve to determining the productivity of gas well is proposed.


  • 图版现代分析主要方法由于图版典型曲线分辨率的限制,使得典型曲线图版拟合分析不可避免地存在误差

    Type curve match analysis is the main method of modern well test interpretation, but the error of this method is unavoidable because of the limitation of the type curves in a sample plot.


  • 介绍了方法埕北油田干扰中的应用效果。

    The application of this method in interference well testing in Chengbei oilfield is also presented.


  • 根据最优化理论提出了矿场试井曲线计算机自动拟合方法

    On the basis of optimization theory, a method of computerized matching of well test curves was developed.


  • 因此研究不稳定资料确定产能方法具有重要的实际意义

    So it is value to research on the method for determining the flow potential of gas well by destabilization well testing data.


  • 分别采用系统试井(稳定试井)、不稳定试井资料对储层特征评价参数计算方法进行了探讨

    Methods information evaluation and parameter calculation are researched by using data from either system well. testing or transient testing.


  • 介绍地层压力分析过程中的解释方法、分析特征影响因素

    The paper introduces the interpretation method, analysis property and influence factor of formation pressure in well testing analysis.


  • 方法陕甘宁中部气田分析,得到较好的应用

    This method was well used in gas well test analysis in Zhongbu gas field in Shanganning Basin.


  • 本文研究了异常高压油藏稳定渗流规律建立了利用系统资料求取渗透率变化系数方法

    The paper studied stable seepage flow rule of overpressure reservoir and created the method for using systematic well testing data to compute permeability variation coefficient.


  • 技术一种探测油层直接方法也是进行油藏评价生产动态监测重要手段

    Well test technology is not only a method for direct survey of oil beds but also an important means of reservior evaluation and performance monitoring.


  • 常规现代分析方法成功地处理中期资料,对早期试井资料的分析往往是失败的。

    Conventional and modern well test analysis methods are successful only in the interpretation of the middle period of well testing data, but they fail to analysis the early period data.


  • 修正试井作为适合渗透气藏产能方法国外气田得到广泛应用

    As a productivity testing method of the gas well in low permeability gas reservoir, the modified isochronal testing has been widely applied in foreign gas fields.


  • 是否存在通过不稳定确定产能方法呢?

    Is there any method, which ascertain gas well productivity via unstable gas well test?


  • 对多层气藏分析方法进行了研究,主要包括图版拟合方法特征分析方法并用实例加以论证

    Using well testing interpretation of chart match and characteristic value method, stratigraphic parameters are received and proved by examples.


  • 研究了各向异性地层分支水平瞬变压力分析现代试井解释方法

    The transient pressure analysis and morden well testing interpretation methods for multi branched horizontal Wells in anisotropic formation are developed.


  • 方法对于复杂油藏解释、复杂油藏试井解释干扰情况下解释,具有很好的借鉴意义。

    It will be used for reference on well test interpretation in complex fault block oil reservoirs and reservoirs with complex drive and under the condition of multiple-well interference.


  • 因此干扰试井理论基础分析方法研究就越发显示出其重要性

    So, the study of the interference testing and the interpreting has become more and more important.


  • 依据压力恢复资料建立了利用早期试井资料计算地层压力的实用方法

    It constructs a method for calculating formation pressure using earlier well test data according to long shut-in pressure restore data.


  • 本文结合生产实际,介绍了利用资料评估值定性、定量进行压裂选层的方法

    In this paper, a new method based on the well test data and the pre hydraulic forecast production is developed.


  • 本文结合生产实际,介绍了利用资料评估值定性、定量进行压裂选层的方法

    In this paper, a new method based on the well test data and the pre hydraulic forecast production is developed.


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