• 刑事被害人犯罪行为直接侵害人,是刑事诉讼启动因素之一也是刑事诉讼保护直接对象

    Criminal victims that criminal offence encroach on directly, to start factor one of criminal proceeding, direct target that too criminal proceeding protects.


  • 一个世纪美国个人一家公司提起诉讼时,公众舆论往往保护那家公司。

    A century ago in the United States, when an individual brought suit against a company, public opinion tended to protect that company.


  • 企业安全联盟购买专利以便保护成员避免专利诉讼它们提供技术许可然后公开市场出售专利。

    AST buys patents to protect its members from patent litigation, provides them with licenses to the technology, and then resells the patents on the open market.


  • 对于企业高级人员一切都是为了保护公司股东权益,其中包括不惜一切代价避免诉讼风险

    For corporate officers it's all about protecting the the company and shareholder value, which includes avoiding the risk of litigation at all costs.


  • 周一,使用安卓系统所有手机制造商都表示只有保护安卓系统不受到任何潜在专利方面诉讼的情况下,它们才会支持这次收购。

    On Monday, all of Android's handset makers came out in support of the deal on the basis that it would protect Android from potential patent litigation.


  • 但最不受欢迎审计师自己主张之一:由国家通过限定诉讼他们的最高赔付额来保护他们自己

    Least appealing is one of the auditors' own proposals, that the state protect them by capping their liabilities if they are sued for damages.


  • 如果诉讼成功了西方公司利处显而易见的:他们的产品能够得到更好保护

    If these suits succeed, the benefits to Western firms are obvious: their material will receive better protection.


  • 随着诉讼案件不断增多,寻求破产保护主教教区在增多。

    As the number of suits has risen, so too has the number of dioceses seeking the protection of bankruptcy.


  • 此外由于这些领域发明绝大多数依靠独特的分子结构,在法律诉讼容易获得证据,实现产品专利保护

    Also, because the vast majority of inventions in such areas depend on unique molecular architectures, patents for new products are easier to defend in the courts.


  • 年前唱片知识产权保护协会(APDIF)进行了一项诉讼

    Two years ago, legal action was initiated by the Protective Association of Phonographic Intellectual Property Rights (APDIF).


  • 隐私权倡导者他们欢迎Viacom对于将信息使用局限于诉讼目的承诺但是他们仍然用户权利保护表示关注

    Privacy advocates said they welcomed Viacom's commitment to using the information only for the purposes of the litigation, but they remained concerned about protecting user rights.


  • Kelley诉讼引用了《美国视觉艺术家法则》艺术家版权保护条例,法则美国版权法一部分

    Kelley's lawsuit cited violations of artist's rights protections under the US Visual Artists rights Act (Vara), which is part of US copyright law.


  • 这种政策某种程度上有计划保护诉讼美国做出了很大的贡献。2007年剖腹产的比率上升到了将近32%,这是这几年唯一公开的数据

    Such policies, designed in part to protect against litigation, have contributed to the rise of the U.S. cesarean rate to nearly 32% in 2007, the most recent year for which data are available.


  • 华盛顿也许马上会世贸提起诉讼指控中国保护知识产权执行不力。

    Washington may soon file a WTO case accusing China of inadequate enforcement of intellectual-property rights.


  • 这种子公司可以为在美国公司提供某种合同责任方面的保护出现提起对美国公司的法律诉讼时承担一定责任。

    The subsidiary form may provide some protection for the U. S. firm for contract liability, or liability if a lawsuit is brought against the subsidiary.


  • 公益诉讼纳入法律援助范围同时注意平衡环境公益保护行政权行使之间关系

    Finally, bring public interest litigation into the scope of legal aid, and balance the relations between environmental public interest protection and exercise of administrative power.


  • 一方面,传统民事诉讼制度现代民法保护消费者权益内容相适应,不利于保护

    On the other hand, the contents of protecting consumer rights in the modern civil law does not went with the traditional civil action system, which goes against the protection of consumer.


  • 为了保护这些公共利益大量行政公益诉讼案件法院提起

    Many administrative public interest litigation cases has been brought up in the court in order to protect these public interest.


  • 公共利益界定至关重要,因为行政公益诉讼目的初衷就是保护公共利益。

    Limits of the public interest are important, because the administrative public welfare lawsuit's goal and original intention are the protection public interests.


  • 股东提起代表诉讼所要保护直接利益并非是股东个人利益,而是公司整体利益。

    Shareholders deputy litigation protects the interests of the whole company but not some individual shareholders.


  • 我国在未来公司立法引入累积投票权股东派生诉讼股东投票权排除制度保护小股东权益

    It is suggested that such institutions as cumulative voting rights, shareholder derivative litigation and exclusion of shareholder voting rights be introduced in the future company law.


  • 作为网络侵权诉讼一步确定管辖权问题就成了网络侵权司法保护首要问题,也是关键问题之一。

    The determination of jurisdiction, as the first step of internet infringement lawsuit, is therefore the initial problem to be solved as well as one of the core issues.


  • 然而财产所有者却尚不能过分保护规章条例提起诉讼

    Yet, the property owner has been unable to bring a suit against the overzealous regulation.


  • 在国外,特别是英美公益诉讼研究已经相当成熟,并建立起完整保护公共利益诉讼制度

    The researches on public interest litigation are so mature overseas that there has already been an integrated public interest protection system.


  • 在国外,特别是英美公益诉讼研究已经相当成熟,并建立起完整保护公共利益诉讼制度

    The researches on public interest litigation are so mature overseas that there has already been an integrated public interest protection system.


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