• 立刻和我握手,感谢我帮他铲掉车道和人行道上的积雪,他得以早点上班,救了一个男孩。

    He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling his driveway and sidewalk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and saved a boy.


  • 车道并不是很麻烦,但我的所作所为一个小男孩再次见到了他的家人,再次回到学校,重新开始他的生活。

    It wasn't too much trouble to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.


  • 在家呆着告诉他别费劲了因为已经家门口他家车道上,堵后面了。

    Keep him home ... tell him that there is no point in going out because you have shovelled all of your snow into his driveway right behind his car.


  • 这个广袤超现实城市,人烟稀少,几乎境内的八车道高速公路至于荒废的状态— —对于世界上某些拥挤地方来说,是一叫人震惊的画面。

    It's a sprawling, surreal place with so few people that its eight-lane highways are almost deserteda somewhat shocking site in this congested part of the world.


  • 但是行至条笔直的4车道,两旁风光旖旎路上车辆很少,“那时几乎睡着了,差点公路……我安全感骗了,那我的驾驶不安全。”

    But when he reached a four-lane highway with gentle curves, good visibility and little traffic, "I just about fell asleep and ran off the road... Lulled by safety, I'd acted more dangerously."


  • 车内可以容纳6因此豆荚车通过固定车道乘客迅速下车。

    With a capacity for six people, the pods then whisk passengers away on a two-lane, fixed track.


  • 几个星期女儿自家车道粉笔玩耍想到在地上画出巨大数字也许非常有趣

    A few weeks ago my girls were playing in the driveway with sidewalk chalk and I thought it would be fun to make a giant number line.


  • 有经验自行车爱好者非常羡慕阿姆斯特丹在那里自行车绝对数目驾车者更加小心同时,单独的自行行人道马路边石隔开

    Experienced cyclists point enviously to Amsterdam, where the sheer number of bicycles makes motorists more careful, and where special bike lanes are segregated from both cars and pedestrians by kerbs.


  • 埃斯泰尔戈姆的大教堂次日清晨沿着河边自行前行时,疼痛觉得那天行程15英里到达维谢格拉德)将自己的极限了。

    When I set off down the riverside biking path that morning, I had an aching suspicion that the day’s walk15 miles to Visegrad — might be my last.


  • 因此车开到了卡车前面追尾小货车车都安全地停车车道

    So he pulled in front of the pickup, allowed it to rear-end his minivan and brought both vehicles safely to a stop in the pull-off lane.


  • 当然有些司机理所当然地认为自行车道只不过另一个他们停车地方

    Of course, some drivers also clearly believe they're just another place to park.


  • 那个女人放松下来,他们两个人车道谈了很长时间这座房子事情。

    This put the woman at ease, and the two of them talked at length in the driveway about the house.


  • 奥利大约在九点半洗车店,卡普拉克外面的 小屋 进来收了8美元,车停到自动

    O'Leary pulled up to the car wash around 9:30, and Carpluk emerged from the outdoor booth, collected $8, and directed him onto the automated track.


  • 一旦车里首先告诉公路选择巡航控制车道支持防撞系统你专注于你喜爱的广播服务

    Once in your car, you head for the motorway and select the cruise control, lane support and collision avoidance system, allowing you to concentrate on your favorite radio service.


  • 这样做可以后方行驶的车辆知道正在等待足够的安全距离车道

    This will let traffic behind you know that you are looking for a space to change lanes.


  • 一些城市骑自行车的人提供了专用车道他们可以不用马路上去,并且安全。

    Bike lanes have been provided in some cities and communities to accommodate bikers by taking them off the road and into a much safer position.


  • 再次学会合作争取他人支持自己驶入进步车道抓住一切机会自己成功

    Moreover, they should learn to cooperate to achieve the support of others, so that their progress into the fast lane, seize every opportunity to own success.


  • 今天多数设计师不是推土机干掉,就是车道绕过它。

    Nowadays, most architects either erase it with a bulldozer, or route the cart paths around it.


  • 这些备受争议特别车道专门竞赛者重要人物使用。使用…要求。

    The controversial lanes will be reserved purely for the use of competitors and VIPs.


  • 我们汽车送入车道计算机走进办公室民族

    We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices;


  • 韦德不得不一次一次抱着举起来,那些穿过门前湿地一直跑到的人惊叹地看个清楚。

    Little Wade had to be held up time and again, so that ladies who ventured as far through the ooze as their carriage blocks could exclaim over him.


  • 韦德不得不一次一次抱着举起来,那些穿过门前湿地一直跑到的人惊叹地看个清楚。

    Little Wade had to be held up time and again, so that ladies who ventured as far through the ooze as their carriage blocks could exclaim over him.


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