• 随着规模增长企业社会计算产品所提供边际生产率增长,无论是个人的还是企业

    Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.


  • 美国股市开盘,美国劳工部公布第三季度生产率增长按年率计算2.3%,高于一个最初估计

    Before the U.S. market opened, the Labor Department reported that productivity grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent during the third quarter, better than the initial estimate a month ago.


  • 美国股市开盘,美国劳工部公布第三季度生产率增长按年率计算2.3%,高于最初估计

    Before the U. S. market opened, the Labor Department reported that productivity grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent during the third quarter, better than the initial estimate a month ago.


  • 2008年年底以来,商业部门生产率按4.2%的速度增长(按年率计算所得)员工单位小时薪酬2.1%的速率缓慢上扬(同上计算所得)。

    Since the end of 2008 business-sector productivity has grown at an impressive annualised rate of 4.2% while hourly compensation has crept ahead by just 2.1%.


  • 这种计算方法需要考虑因素,一个劳动力成本,就是他们折算成单位时间的工资,还有个是他们单位时间内生产出劳动商品数量,他们的劳动生产率

    This is a function of two elements, the cost of the staff—their hourly wages—and the speed at which they make widgets, their productivity.


  • 因此,许多分析人士着眼于劳动生产率通常来讲就是总产出除以全部劳动人口或者劳动时间计算

    Most analysts focus on Labour productivity, which is usually calculated by dividing total output by the number of workers, or the number of hours worked.


  • 1995年后美国生产率的爆炸性增长半导产业进步引发导致计算资源价格的急剧下跌

    The burst of strong growth in American productivity after 1995 was spurred by advances in the semiconductor industry, which led to sharp falls in the price of computing power.


  • 不幸,全要素生产率劳动生产率更加难以计算

    Unfortunately TFP is much harder to measure than labour productivity.


  • Gordon先生通过计算得出商业部门生产率增长潜在比率减缓低于2.5%时,整个经济体生产率的潜在比率则在2.1%。

    Mr Gordon sees the underlying rate of business productivity growth slowing to below 2.5% which, by his calculations, implies a rate of 2.1% for the overall economy.


  • 计算要素生产率增长框架是很标准的教科书,按下面的生产方程来算

    The framework for computing total factor productivity growth is the standard one, based on the production function.


  • 质量不是固定的情况下,每个批次大小计算生产率包含在内

    Where the quantity is not fixed, the calculation for each batch size or rate of production should be included.


  • 电子计算应用有利于劳动生产率的大幅度提高

    The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.


  • 社会劳动生产率现价增加值计算

    Labor productivity is calculated by added value at current price.


  • 这个计算无处不在的社会,学习正确打字可以提高效率生产率

    In a society where computers are used for nearly everything, learning how to type properly will increase their efficiency and productivity.


  • 系统给出了气垫带式输送机生产率、气垫压力空气流量气孔面积鼓风机电机功率计算方法

    In this part, calculation methods of the productivity, air-cushion pressure, air flow quantity, nozzle area, capacity of ventilator and electric motor are given out systematically.


  • 介绍了冲压式蜂窝煤生产率电机功率理论计算公式

    The article mainly introduces the theoretically calculating formula of honeycomb coal die_forming machine productivity and motor power.


  • 全员劳动生产率总产值计算

    Note: Labour productivity are calculated by construction output value.


  • 运用修正人力资本生产率变动法、成果参照法环境经济学方法计算出衡水市区1996-2000年大气污染经济损失

    We can calculate the loss caught by the air pollution from the year 1996 to 2000 by using the methods of environmental economy such as human capital methods, productivity changing methods, and so on.


  • 本文介绍了设备综合效率概念、作用和计算方法以及设备完全有效生产率

    The calculation of OEE take into account availability, the effectiveness of the equipment, the quality of the product and total effective equipment productivity.


  • 课题将管理专家经验计算管理信息系统结合起来,实现对自动化仓库的灵活科学与合理的存储管理,从而大大提高生产率

    The thesis unit experience of management expert and computer management information system, realizing flexible, scientific and reasonable storage management, Thereby that greatly improve productivity.


  • 如果电脑硬件制造计算在内,耐用商品生产率仍然只是停滞的。

    If you take out the manufacture of computer hardware, productivity growth in durable manufacturing has just been stagnating.


  • 准确地计算毛料外形可以提高板料成形性、材料利用率生产率

    It can improve the formability of sheet, make full use of material and improve productivity to precisely calculate the blank shape for sheet metal forming.


  • 理论计算实验研究结果表明,采用工艺可以大幅度提高生产率降低能耗降低生产成本

    The results of theoretic calculation and experiments show that this technology can enhance hardening productivity and reduce energy consumption and economize cost.


  • 文中通过履带车辆行驶理论,运用计算技术,论述了种用于履带式推土机最大生产率驱动控制技术。

    A new technique for drive control aiming at maximum productivity of track dozer is discussed in the article using the travel theory of tracked vehicles and computer technique.


  • 本文振动自动装置振动系统结构设计方法,参数合理选择生产率计算方法进行了初步理论实验研究

    The paper gives a prelimary study on a few types of automatic vibrating loading devices about its vibrating system design, selection of parameters, and calculation of productivity.


  • 最近一项研究表明,投入计算技术资金转化成的劳动生产率投入到其他领域中获益

    According % to a recent study, money spent on computing technology delivers gains in worker productivity that are three to five times those of other investments.


  • 最近一项研究表明,投入计算技术资金转化成的劳动生产率投入到其他领域中获益

    According % to a recent study, money spent on computing technology delivers gains in worker productivity that are three to five times those of other investments.


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