• 计算机起着文字处理器作用篇讲话文本随时输入

    The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be input at any time.


  • 过去可能曾经手工记录这些信息或者计算机中生成一些文本文档记录这些信息。

    In the past, you might have written the information by hand or even generated text documents from the computer to record the information.


  • 就是这些映射(字符集)使得计算机可以理解文本

    It is these mappings (or character sets) that permit the computer to understand text.


  • 直到1980年代使用一个计算机程序意味着你要记住很多命令,一次性的把它们出来,仅仅得到反馈几行文本

    Until the 1980s, using a computer program meant memorizing a lot of commands and typing them in a line at a time, only to get lines of text back.


  • 处理文本需要某种约定字符转换为计算机实际可以处理数字这些约定叫做字符编码

    Handling text requires that there be some convention for converting characters into the Numbers computers actually handle; these conventions are called character encodings.


  • 一般来说,计算机科学术语全文检索只是意味着文档搜索所有文本

    In general computer science terms, a full text search simply means you are search through all of the text in a document.


  • 此外文本抽取过程采用好的计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具可以减少译后dtp需要

    Additionally, the use of good computer aided translation (CAT) tools for text extraction can help reduce the need for post-translation DTP.


  • 不要语法视为文本,而是要计算机语言的角度上考虑看起来什么如图1所示。

    Rather than think of its syntax as just a line of text, consider what it "looks" like from a computer-language standpoint, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 例如我们仍然很难计算机系统地理解网上大量自然语言文本

    And for example we're still very far away from having computers systematically understand large volumes of natural language text on the web.


  • 计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具通常拥有常见格式过滤程序,如:HTMLRTFXML文本等。

    Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools usually have filters for the most common formats: HTML, RTF, XML, and plain text.


  • 计算机会在一个有一万亿单词文本中进行检索,就找到每个名词如何25个动词相关联的,并且找到这种关联与哪种大脑活动相关。

    For each noun, the model sorted through a trillion-word body of text to find how it was related to the 25 verbs, and how that related to the activation pattern.


  • 最少我们需要整理显示每个计算机文本

    At the very least, we need to clean up the text listed for each computer.


  • 现在,仅需对敲击键盘音频记录一个简单分析计算机科学家们便精确重现键入文本信息——包括密码。

    Simply by analysing audio recordings of keyboard clatter, computer scientists can now reconstruct an accurate transcript of what was typed-including passwords.


  • 很显然台不同的计算机之间维护数据的一致性简单的方法随身携带文件(电子表格、数据库文本文件,等等)。

    Obviously, the simplest way to maintain consistent data across multiple computers is to simply keep your files (a spreadsheet, database, text files, and so on) with you.


  • 强制stdin文本文件设备(比如连接计算机探头)网络连接中进行读取。

    You can force stdin to read from a text file, a device (say, a probe connected to the computer), or a network connection.


  • 因此与其想方设法计算机语言规则,还不如像谷歌那样之诉诸于零散文本并通过统计推断的方法解决。 评论:这里的them应该指的是扫描书籍的翻译数据吧?

    So instead of trying to teach its computers the rules of a language, Google turned them loose on the texts to make statistical inferences.


  • 文本分析指使计算机能够文本中提取意义过程

    Text analysis is the process of enabling computers to extract meaning from text.


  • 概念模型一个计算机可读数据结构,其中包含原始文本出现主要概念以及它们之间的一些关系

    A concept Model is a computer-readable data structure containing the primary concepts that appear in the original text and some of their relationships.


  • JSON一种基于文本轻量级数据交换格式便于人类计算机轻松理解和使用。

    JSON is a lightweight text-based data interchange format that is easy for both humans and computers to digest and consume.


  • 属性文件文本文件,可以使用任何文本文件编辑器打开它们,它们使用可以被大多数计算机辅助翻译工具识别标准格式

    The properties files are pure text files that can be opened with any text file editor, and they are in a standard format recognizable to most computer-assisted translation tools.


  • 例如如果一个测试人员手工验证具体图像所对应具体文本那么可以安排计算机验证应用程序对应图像副本同样文本

    For example, if a tester manually validates a particular text for a particular image, then he can program a machine to validate the same text for copies of the image throughout the application.


  • 然而只有10%视力受损者可以阅读盲文他们是那些利用盲文计算机文本到语音转换设备组合的人。

    However, only about 10 percent of vision-impaired people can read Braille, and even those who do, typically use a combination of Braille and text-to-speech devices for the computer.


  • 相比之下,文本处理硬件要求微不足道并且可以同一计算机运行不会影响语音识别处理性能

    By contrast, the text-processing hardware requirements are negligible and can be run on the same machine without affecting the performance of the speech-recognition processing.


  • 例如计算机可以测试文本等价物图像是否可用不能测试文本质量或者甚至确定文本是否是无意义补白

    For example, a machine can test whether a text equivalent is available for an image, but it cannot test the quality of the text or even determine whether the text is meaningless filler.


  • 基本上计算机程序采取照片分析每个像素生成一个文本字符具有相同颜色

    Basically, there are computer programs that take a photo, analyzes each pixel and generates a text character with the same color.


  • 这个命令当前工作目录所有文本文件复制名为destination计算机home 目录中。

    This command copies all text files in the current working directory to your home directory on the machine named destination.


  • 互联网技术YouTubeFlickrBlogger使拥有计算机和一个互联网连接人都成为一名视频照片文本的出版者。

    Internet technologies such as YouTube, Flickr, and Blogger enable anyone with a computer and an Internet connection to be a publisher of video, photographs, and text.


  • 我们展示如何使用RDFa表达简单更为复杂数据集特别是在不重复内容的情况下,现有人类可见的文本链接转变计算机可读数据

    We show how to express simple and more complex datasets using RDFa, and in particular how to turn the existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content.


  • 为了执行文本步骤以及运行示例计算机需要安装AppleSDK 3.0更高版本运行MacOS一个兼容版。

    To perform the steps and run the examples from this article, you will need a computer with the Apple SDK 3.0 or higher installed, running a compatible version of Mac OS.


  • 为了执行文本步骤以及运行示例计算机需要安装AppleSDK 3.0更高版本运行MacOS一个兼容版。

    To perform the steps and run the examples from this article, you will need a computer with the Apple SDK 3.0 or higher installed, running a compatible version of Mac OS.


- 来自原声例句

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