• 位于阿贝·普萨保护康复中心康复总警监负责。

    The Protection and Rehabilitation Centre in Ambepussa is run by the Bureau of the Commissioner-General of Rehabilitation.


  • 介绍了一种基于光纤应力传感山体滑坡系统

    A warning monitoring system for landslides based on fiber optic strain sensing is presented.


  • 本文介绍了一个基于单片机控制火灾系统设计

    In this paper, based on a microcontroller control of the fire alarm monitoring system design.


  • 随着火电厂容量增加,电力电缆火灾显得越来越重要

    With scaling up of power station's capacity, the cable fire detection system looks more important.


  • 提出一种基于数字图像处理传统火警探测器相结合火灾系统

    Presents a visual fire detection system based on image processing combined with traditional fire detection equipment.


  • 船舶解决方案包括配电系统,全船系统,马达驱动系统。

    Powermaster 's marine solution include marine power distribution system, ship alarm & monitoring system, motor & drive system.


  • 网管支撑系统性能分析我们实现网络预警提供必要基础条件

    The network management support system's warning monitoring and the performance analysis, realize the network early warning for us to provide the essential basic requirement.


  • 助理警监皮特克拉克支持的说法,国会议员对此并不认同,叶芝先生面临辞职压力

    Peter Clarke, a former deputy assistant commissioner, backed him up, but MPs were unsympathetic. Mr Yates is under pressure to quit.


  • 然而,随着央行行长警监过去内相继离任,处理这两个问题难度可见一斑。

    Quite how hard that is has become clear in the past fortnight with the departure first of the central-bank governor and then the police chief.


  • 科学家数百名科学家遍布世界各地贡献警监工作因为作者贡献者审评员

    The scientists: hundreds of scientists all over the world contribute to the work of the IPCC as authors, contributors and reviewers.


  • 提出一种基于模糊-神经网络的探测器信息模糊化智能型火灾系统方案

    A new design of intelligent fire alert detecting system on multi detector signal fuzzification technic is presented in this paper.


  • 可见BP人工神经网络不仅适用企业同样适用于非营利组织财务风险警监

    It can be seen that the BP neural networks can not only apply to enterprise, but also apply to nonprofit organizations in warning financial risk.


  • 路易斯安那警监迈克·埃德蒙森上校调查正在进行之中,“很多情况在发生变化”。

    State Police Superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson said the investigation is ongoing "with a lot of moving parts."


  • 利用模糊综合评价法企业资信等级进行定量分析提出商业信贷风险跟踪方法

    Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to analyse the grade of enterprise credit in fixed quantity, and raising the tracing forewarning control testing method of commercial credit risks.


  • 网络控制模块增加了新的持卡人管理任务、一个加强访客管理界面处理功能

    The IP access control module, Synergis, has been augmented with a new cardholder management task, an enhanced visitor management interface, and alarm monitoring and handling capabilities.


  • 英国侦探马克·希尔兹曾在今年八月担任牙买加副总警监近期表示不再相信能够改良警察队伍

    Mark Shields, a British detective who was Jamaica's deputy police-commissioner until August, recently said that he no longer believes the force can be reformed.


  • 随着移动通信应用领域的不断扩大,利用消息收发、数据语音通信功能实现报警监控技术成为现实

    Along with the mobile communication application, it USES short message data and the pronunciation correspondence function reports to monitor has became reality.


  • 介绍了在城市火灾自动管理网络系统采用配有多个网卡工业控制计算机实现VLAN方法

    This article introduces a method of realizing VLAN using an industry computer with some network interface CARDS in VLAN in City Fire Automatical Alarm Detection Management network System.


  • 助理警监约翰·叶芝7月10日承认决策实在荒谬至极,解释说,新闻国际没有完全与警方合作

    John Yates, an assistant commissioner, who admitted on July 10th that the latter decision had been "crap", explained that News International had not been fully co-operative.


  • 隧道内采用橡胶防水板防渗漏,设置先进射流轴流竖井通风系统配有报系统,采用光源照明。

    These tunnels have been equipped with the advanced jet and axial shaft ventilation systems, and alarm and monitoring systems. And also a new light source has been employed.


  • 本文详细描述了分公司子系统功能实现流程,其中着重介绍了实时监测、即时监测测的设计流程。

    The paper detailedly describes design flow of system functions, and puts emphases on the design flow of real-time monitor, at-once monitor and alert monitor.


  • 支持2显示器使用时候产品适合多种专业应用程序包括计算机辅助调度过程控制

    With support for using 2 monitors at a time this product is ideal for a variety of professional applications, including computer-aided dispatch, process control, and alarm monitoring.


  • 为了加强锅炉安全门动作监视,使运行人员直观准确地判断出动作的安全性加装安全门动作系统很有必要的。

    In order to strengthens monitoring the boiler safety valve, operators can directly and accurately estimate the act of safety valve, Its necessary to install safety valve alarm and monitoring system.


  • 六月二十九日“哥武”游击队麦德林加勒比海岸主要干道上竖起路障等到警察赶来时他们引爆炸弹炸死名地方警监

    On June 29th the guerrillas erected a roadblock on the main road between medellin and the Caribbean coast. When police arrived, they detonated a bomb, killing a police chief.


  • 第2理论实践方面分别探讨上市公司构建财务预警系统必要性可行性,为我国上市公司财务预警监测系统的构建提供支撑。

    Section 2 discusses the necessity and feasibility of the construction of the financial early-warning system of listed company from theoretical and practical Angle.


  • 第3对上市公司财务预警系统工作流程构成进行了阐述,认为财务预警系统应由财务预警信息系统、财务警监系统和财务预警预控对策系统等三个子系统构成。

    It aims to support the construction of the monitoring system of financial early-warning. Section 3 demonstrates the work process of financial early-warning system and explains the components of it.


  • 第3对上市公司财务预警系统工作流程构成进行了阐述,认为财务预警系统应由财务预警信息系统、财务警监系统和财务预警预控对策系统等三个子系统构成。

    It aims to support the construction of the monitoring system of financial early-warning. Section 3 demonstrates the work process of financial early-warning system and explains the components of it.


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