• 警察暴力犯罪不得不采取务实的态度。

    Police have to be realistic about violent crime.


  • 警察一些暴力抗议者会议厅

    Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall.


  • 城里警察一直收拾暴力冲突留下残骸

    Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.


  • 只要警察不在,暴力就会死灰复燃。

    As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.


  • 学生警察发生了暴力冲突

    Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.


  • 警察大规模地行动防止暴力再次发生

    Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.


  • 1992年公司因出品 Ice-T 乐队暴力说唱歌曲《警察杀手》后倍受谴责列文却将说唱音乐描述街头文化合法表达方式说它应该有自己的宣泄途径

    In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet.


  • 北爱尔兰警察局长早些时候呼吁社区领导人共同努力结束暴力

    Northern Ireland's police chief had earlier called on community leaders to work together to end the violence.


  • 不要使用暴力不然警察

    Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police.


  • 多次暴力事件中,农场主们警察鸡蛋瓶子,而警察催泪瓦斯回击

    During a number of violent incidents farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police, who replied with tear gas.


  • 警察逼近爆发暴力行为

    Violence flared when the police moved in.


  • 谴责抗议者警察使用暴力

    He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.


  • 如果他们无法克制暴力行为警察法律规定当场击毙。

    If they cannot contain the violent ACTS, police can shoot to kill in accordance with the law.


  • 警察知道有人威胁使用暴力严重扰民时如何处理

    Policemen know just what to do if somebody threatens to use force, or seriously disturbs the neighbours.


  • 如果愤怒是因为暴力犯罪受害者可以给本地警察法律顾问服务打电话了解进一步信息

    If you're angry because you are the victim of a violent crime, ring your local police station or legal advice service to gain further information.


  • 雇佣警察安全部门人员的“企业家表现尤为出色因为他们获得根本的竞争优势使用暴力许可

    Entrepreneurs” who hire or work for the security services or the police have done especially well, because they have the ultimate competitive advantage: a licence for violence.


  • 来自荷兰34彼得·波尔德是绿色环保倡议者也是气候正义行动的一名成员,他说:“警察设法阻止我们我们将会以暴力方式突破进去。”

    "The police will try to stop us, but we will try to break the blockade in strictly non-violent ways," said Peter Polder, a 34-year-old Dutch green activist and member of Climate Justice Action.


  • 警察指控家庭暴力

    That left police to light him up on domestic charges.


  • 他们聚集离葬礼地点1000英尺公共大街上,遵守法律警察指示而且是以和平暴力的方式。

    They were picketing on a public street 1, 000 feet from the site of the funeral; they complied with the law and with instructions from the police; and they protested quietly and without violence.


  • 他们聚集离葬礼地点1000英尺公共大街上,遵守法律警察指示而且是以和平暴力的方式。

    They were picketing on a public street 1,000 feet from the site of the funeral; they complied with the law and with instructions from the police; and they protested quietly and without violence.


  • 警察不得不使用暴力逮捕凶手

    The policeman had to use violence to arrest the murderer.


  • 我们必须确保我们警察获得最好训练、最好的技术,确保他们准备必要时候使用暴力

    We have to work to assure that our police are using the best training, the best technique, that they're well prepared to use force only when necessary.


  • 雇佣警察安全部门人员的“企业家表现尤为出色因为他们获得根本的竞争优势使用暴力许可

    "Entrepreneurs" who hire or work for the security services or the police have done especially well, because they have the ultimate competitive advantage: a licence for violence.


  • 我们必须确保我们警察能获得最好的训练、最好的技术,确保他们准备必要的时候使用暴力

    We have to work to assure that our police are using the besttraining, the best technique, that they're well prepared to useforce only when necessary.


  • 尽管受警察殴打,被投入监狱甘地却首创暴力抵抗原则

    Beaten by the police and sent to jail, Gandi created the principle of nonviolent resistance.


  • 对于负责巡逻暴力犯罪多发城市贫穷地区警察来说,尤其如此

    This is especially true for police assigned to patrol the poorest sections of the city where most violent crimes take place.


  • 第52条(执行办法之)警察机关执行保护处理家庭暴力案件办法,中央主管机关定之。

    Article 52 the central regulating authorities shall set forth the bylaws for the enforcement of protection order and handling of domestic violence case by the police authorities.


  • 拨打911警察社区如果怀疑家庭暴力案件

    Call 911 or the police in your community if you suspect a case of domestic violence.


  • 显然警察之前逃离此地这次有计划的行动2014年世界杯之前减少里约暴力犯罪行动最新举措。

    It appears he was trying to escape the area before police moved in. The planned operation is the latest stage in a programme to reduce violent crime in Rio before the football World Cup in 2014.


  • 显然警察之前逃离此地这次有计划的行动2014年世界杯之前减少里约暴力犯罪行动最新举措。

    It appears he was trying to escape the area before police moved in. The planned operation is the latest stage in a programme to reduce violent crime in Rio before the football World Cup in 2014.


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