• 这种背景下社会受众对于传媒角色期待随之发生根本转变

    In this context, society and the audience's expectation of the role of the media also has taken place a fundamental change.


  • 王朝兴起更替需要满足整个社会王朝的角色期待并且这种期待成为王朝自身合法性来源

    The rise or alteration of the dynasty had to meet the role expectation. And the role expectation about the dynasty had become the origin of the legitimacy of the dynasty.


  • 教师角色期待社会公众学生教师行为模式期待教师对自己应具备的行为模式的期待

    The expectation for teachers, is the expectation from society and students to the teacher's action pattern, or the expectation from teachers themselves to their action pattern.


  • 教师职业压力来源于社会角色期待片面教师评价模式和教师自身“教育者形象”的完美化追求

    The origin of teachers occupational stress is the expectation of social about teacher, lopsided Standard about teacher 's evaluate, hoping teacher' s image is perfect, ect.


  • 教师角色扮演好坏取决于角色期待角色规范遵从角色特征把握角色差距调适角色冲突化解等方面

    Teachers' role depends on a role expectation, normal obedience, a grip of role character, adjustment of role difference and dissolution of role conflicts.


  • 来自女性自身女性自我意识缺失社会竞争中的弱势、社会多重角色期待形成了女性追求高学历教育的困境。

    Female's own deficiency of self-consciousness, inferiority in social competition and multi-role expectation from the society make female obtain high-degree education difficultly.


  • 我国一向“师道尊严”、“尊师重道”传统,对于教师作用角色期待更是高,有“万世师”之称的孔子诲人不倦、因材施教等高尚气节为教师作出了一个近乎“圣人”的定位。

    China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and, accordingly, expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers, to the extent of a sage.


  • 作为这个角色一部分,SOA网格计算虚拟化中扮演重要的角色同样也很值得期待

    As part of this role, expect to see SOA play a greater role in grid computing and virtualization as well.


  • 要是有一套标准理想了,这样不论何时何地出现冲突后事件,人们可以期待上述三个角色建立履行这些承诺。

    It would be ideal to have a standard set of norms where, when we got to a post-conflict situation, there was an expectation of these mutual commitments from the three parties.


  • 正如观众所期待奥兰多布鲁姆扮演白金汉公爵角色詹姆斯将化身为公爵的大管家

    As expected, Orly will play the villain, Duke of Buckingham, while James will play his servant, Planchet, in the classic tale.


  • 作为个对每一都迫切期待粉丝角色离去伤感

    As someone who eagerly anticipated each new installment's release, I'll be quite sad about letting these characters go.


  • 同时,关于意大利电信公司未来命运的讨论即将展开,,其中西班牙电信巨头Telefónica公司期待扮演重要角色

    Meanwhile, discussions about Telecom Italia’s future are coming to a head, with Telefónica, Spain’s leading operator, expected to play a crucial role.


  • 为了经理模式发挥作用组织必须重新定义经理角色对经理期待

    In order for managers to be effective in this new mode, the organization must redefine the role and expectations of the manager.


  • 电视媒介通过女性形象建构表达了男权中心文化女性角色种种期待,以及男性话语对女性的想象叙述

    Through the construction of women images, television media expresses various expectations for womens roles in the male-centered culture and the imagination and narration for women in mens discourse.


  • 我们十分期待在下一个角色中再为我们呈现出影后级表演

    But we do look forward to the next role that inspires her to deliver another award-winning performance.


  • 人们期待东西当前环境下展开因此往往一个短期角色他们

    People are expecting things in the current environment to unfold and so tend to have a shorter term character to them.


  • 期待因为我喜欢扮演如此不可救药角色,”

    "I do look forward to it, because I do love playing someone so irredeemable," he says.


  • 社会对于某种行为我们每个人应该扮演角色某种期待但是作为灵性个体除非我们选择遵循这些期待,否则我们不会这些表面设置所束缚

    Society has certain expectations of behavior and the roles each of us should play, but as spiritual beings we are not bound by these superficial structures unless we choose to accept them.


  • 觉得观众期待看到结束前有些过渡例如过去其他角色的交集。

    I think the audience was expecting to see that transition play out a little bit more, like it has with other characters in the past.


  • 能够作为上海过去现在一部分,我们感到自豪;同时也期待我们上海的将来扮演的角色

    We are proud to be part of Shanghai's past and present and look forward to our role in Shanghai's future.


  • 突发事件中的不同角色报道具有不同的心理期待

    Different roles in emergency events have different psychological expectations for the reporting.


  • 命名号称根据一部出版超过40书籍来改编的电影上,期待角色大体上故事些许的符合原作合理的。

    But it is reasonable to expect some fidelity to the characters and general story in a film named for and said to be based on books that have been in print for 40 years.


  • 她拍角色非常期待呢!

    I 'm very expected this consort queen role!


  • 我们盟友已经清楚一点,它们都在期待美国担负领导者角色

    Our Allies, who look to us to provide leadership, already know this.


  • 文章着重分析角色虚拟心理期待导致的受众认知偏差对传播效果的影响。

    There are two major points:one is the role fictitious, the other is the psychological expectation.


  • 了解患者这些特点,能够使精神医师正确定位自己的角色患者期待信任尊重的基础上同意配合治疗。

    Knowledge of these characteristics of the patient places the psychiatrist in a position of advantage that the patient allows on the expectation of trust and respect.


  • 了解患者这些特点,能够使精神医师正确定位自己的角色患者期待信任尊重的基础上同意配合治疗。

    Knowledge of these characteristics of the patient places the psychiatrist in a position of advantage that the patient allows on the expectation of trust and respect.


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