• 大学体制要求更具前瞻性规划

    The university system requires more forward planning.


  • 城镇规划土地分配决定必须协调

    Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated.


  • 建筑规划包括紧缺办公用房在内

    The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.


  • 石油工程师们规划管理石油提炼

    Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil.


  • 他们密切合作,共同规划项目

    They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project.


  • 自己前途事业了精心规划

    She has her career all planned out.


  • 艾森豪威尔强烈地意识到长期规划必要

    Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.


  • 国防规划人员们预计开支紧缩期会延长

    Defence planners predict an extended period of retrenchment.


  • 现在精心规划就会避免事到临头手忙脚乱

    Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.


  • 这个地区环境破坏大都规划不周结果

    Much of the region's environmental depredation is a result of poor planning.


  • 规划一个项目就是设计正确工作顺序

    Planning a project is just a matter of working out the right order to do things in.


  • 主题发言中陈述政党规划

    He would be setting out his plans for the party in a keynote speech.


  • 我们必须规划未来

    We need to make plans for the future.


  • 开发区规划没有正当考虑当地居民利益

    The development was planned without proper regard to the interests of local people.


  • 根据规划栅栏树篱最高高度6英尺

    Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 6 feet.


  • 纽约市市政规划委员会拒绝了那个建筑商提案

    New York City's Planning Commissions rejected the builder's proposals.


  • 引人注意的规划委员会里没有一个女性委员。

    Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.


  • 国家作为规划社会变革发起者角色已经遭到抨击

    The role of the state as a prime mover in planning social change has been under attack.


  • 规划项目记住要把雇人费用这个因素考虑进去

    Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project.


  • 罗欧先生经济规划者们努力实现公平财富分配

    Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth.


  • 一个容纳2万名观众、带伸缩顶棚竞技场正在规划

    A 20,000-seat arena with a retractable roof is planned.


  • 这个会议包括居民商人商业产权业主城镇规划官员

    The meetings will include residents, merchants, commercial property owners and town planning officials.


  • 莱斯利没有工程规模所吓倒,开始规划每个房间的陈设。

    Undaunted by the scale of the job, Lesley set about planning how each room should look.


  • 有了当今更为高效避孕方法妇女们能够规划自己家庭事业

    With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.


  • 规划一个占地120公顷、拥有18的高尔夫球场如果必须破坏环境才能做到那就毫无益处了。

    It is no use trying to plan an 18-hole golf course on a 120-acre site if you have to ruin the environment to do it.


  • 新机场规划始于1989年。

    Planning for the new airport began in 1989.


  • 没有规划某些环境可能不会发生

    Without planning, some kinds of environment may not happen.


  • 城市规划方面来讲这样吗?

    Is that true in terms of urban planning?


  • 这种规划需求日益迫切

    The need for such planning is increasingly urgent.


  • 每年国家规划分配特别研究题目

    Every year a national plan Outlines and assigns special problems for research.


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