• Cobe设计只是为了观测最大结构天文学家们希望看到小的热点,即星系团超星系团局部天体种子

    Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies.


  • 但是文学辛苦分析这些观测金星凌日探险活动结果

    But astronomers laboured hard to analyse the results of these expeditions to observe Venus transits.


  • 1671年,意大利天文学乔凡尼•西尼,描述了多年以来首次观测太阳黑子

    Giovanni Cassini, an Italian astronomer, described a sunspot that appeared in 1671 as the first he had seen for many years.


  • 这本书中的主角名叫玛尔先生就像天文学观测所的名字那样,只不过,探索只是在他周围最近的事物

    Here the hero is called Mr. Palomar, like the astronomical observatory, but he observes only the nearest things around him.''


  • 基于宇宙中观测微小万有引力作用,天文学推断出它们存在暗物质能量本身可直接探测盲点区。

    Astronomers infer their existence based on their gravitational influence on what little bits of the universe can be seen, but dark matter and energy themselves continue to elude all detection.


  • 一个满负荷运作观测到位,对那些热点的解释以及遍及宇宙高能天文学现象更好的解释,将会今年成为可能

    With a full-power observatory in place, that explanation, as well as a better explanation of high-energy astrophysical phenomena throughout the universe, may be available in the years to come.


  • 事实上应该存在很久了,不过天文学家们一直只能观测距离太阳第七的恒星系统

    It's actually been there all along, but astronomers have only now spotted what could be the seventh closest star system to the sun.


  • 对于一些别的星系天文学可以通过观测星系怎样扭曲更远星系发出来规避暗物质问题

    For a number of other galaxies, astronomers can circumvent the dark-matter problem by observing how a galaxy bends the light of more distant galaxies.


  • 已经爆炸恒星残骸颗星可能公元185年就中国天文学观测到过。

    It is the remains of an exploded star, which may have been observed on Earth in 185ad by Chinese astronomers.


  • 文学家们已经观测到了数个“爱因斯坦”。他们来自遥远星系,被近处一个大质量物体(通常另外一个星系)所弯曲来到地球。

    Astronomers have seen "Einstein rings", formed when light from a distant galaxy is bent by the presence of a nearer massive object, usually another galaxy, that lies directly in its path to Earth.


  • 如果天文学能够观测到十亿光年外螺旋星云的金属丰度梯度我们可以知道亿万之前的梯度有多大因此也就可以知道是如何时间变化的。

    If astronomers could observe metallicity gradients in spiral galaxies billions of light-years away, we could see how steep the gradients were billions of years ago and thus how they change over time.


  • 1987年2月23日蜘蛛星云区域巨星观测到已成了超新星时,引起全世界天文学关注

    When a blue giant star in the Tarantula region went supernova, seen on the night of February 23, 1987, it captured the attention of astronomers worldwide.


  • 这个成了我们第一次费米科学交流话题——在一篇《天文学家电讯》通稿中告知其他文学,我们将要观测这个物体

    This bright source was the topic of our very first Fermi scientific communication - an "astronomers Telegram" to communicate to other astronomers that this was an object to watch.


  • 业余天文学家们参与寻找有趣的小行星观测太阳风暴

    They have also looked for interesting asteroids, and kept an eye out for solar storms.


  • 文学观测到了一次非常奇怪的宇宙爆炸,以至于他们知道怎样称呼

    Astronomers have witnessed a cosmic explosion so strange they don't even know what to call it.


  • 观测确定因素并源于天文学精确不够,而是距离的问题。

    The uncertainties in the measurements don't come from astronomers lack of accuracy, far from it.


  • 由于观测距离很远光线要花长时间才能到达地球天文学才能现代观察遥远过去的景象。

    By looking very far away, because the light takes so long on its journey to reach the Earth, astronomers are effectively able to look back in time to this early era.


  • 但是昨天意大利都灵召开的外星系大会上,瑞士天文学宣称他们观测类似星系中,还没有有价值的行星

    But yesterday at an exoplanet meeting in Turin, Italy, Switzerland-based astronomers announced that they could find no trace of the prized planet in their observations of the same planetary system.


  • 通过观测这些微小变动文学家就能对黑洞进行测量

    Watching for those small variations allowed astronomers to take the black hole's measurements.


  • 这些照片利用密歇根红外组合器(MIRC)拍出来,该仪器可以帮助天文学观测恒星形状表面特征

    The images were produced using the Michigan Infra-Red Combiner (MIRC) instrument which allows astronomers to see the shape and surface characteristics of stars.


  • 如今天文者可以穿越时空观测太阳系星球,能够追溯到宇宙起源

    Our astronomers now observe planets round alien SUNS and peer across vast chasms of space and time, back to the beginning of the universe itself.


  • 随着观测手段提高天文学家们开始找到地球大小相近行星,以及与我们太阳系拥有大致相同数目行星的行星系统

    But as detection methods improved, astronomers began to find planets closer in size to Earth and planetary systems that contain nearly as many planets as our solar system.


  • 所以天文学观测宇宙中的结构越多,他们好的了解能量斥力所触及的范围。

    So the more astronomers can measure when and how structures formed in the universe, the better they can understand just how far dark energy's pull reaches.


  • 观测上,文学家的范围也是有限的。

    Astronomers also have a limited range in which to look for them.


  • 天文学认为雨燕观测黑洞吞噬其它恒星的场景,即黑洞在恒星撕碎并拖进它的重力陷阱的瞬间释放出的能量。

    Astronomers think Swift has a dead-on view of the digestive system of a black hole, which is blasting out a jet of energy as it RIPS apart a star trapped in its gravitational fist.


  • 然而尽管天文学已经确定古代中国人观测到的超新星没有解释现在看到的景象。

    However, when astronomers had determined that what the Chinese had seen was a supernova, it didn't explain what they could see in modern times.


  • 1645起,整整70年得时间里文学没有观测任何太阳黑子。

    Beginning in 1645, astronomers monitoring the sun observed no sunspots for 70 years.


  • 1645起,整整70年得时间里文学没有观测任何太阳黑子。

    Beginning in 1645, astronomers monitoring the sun observed no sunspots for 70 years.


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