• 为此他们你们裁判者

    Therefore they shall be your judges.


  • 然而历史无情嘲笑公正裁判者

    However, history can be both a merciless mocker and a fair judge.


  • 而言之,市场参与者市场裁判者不能集于一身。

    To put it simply, it cannot be a player and referee both.


  • 这个过程中裁判者需要在客观性规范性之间达到平衡

    In the process, the judge should find a balance between objectivity and normative.


  • 法官法律职业共同体中的裁判者,是司法过程中的重要主体

    The judge is referee of legal professional community, is the important subject in the judicial process.


  • 裁判者认定案件事实正确与否直接关系实体正义能否实现

    Judge finds that the facts of the case is directly related to the right or ability to achieve justice entities.


  • 裁判者判断诉讼证据价值自由裁量一直是客观存在的。

    The power of free adjudication externally exists in judge' s valuation of evidence.


  • 专家证人性质证据方法,专家意见是证据资料,是裁判者认定事实的基础

    The quality of the expert witness is the evidence method and the testimony of the expert is the evidence data and the foundation that the judge supposes the truth.


  • 合议庭评议阶段指从裁判者退庭评议到宣判期间案件进行讨论作出决定阶段。

    The stage of deliberation of collegiate bench is the one during which the case is discussed and a decision is made after the court is adjourned.


  • 裁判上类比推论妥当性取决于裁判者类比选择以及如何确定比较个案特征

    The validity of analogical reasoning in adjudication depends on the fixed points chosen for analogy and the features of the pending case distinguished by the judge.


  • 现代诉讼制度通过强调裁判者双方当事人共同参与,查明事实真相提供了制度前提和可能

    In modern legal system, by encouraging the co-operation of fact-finder and parties, it provides the possibility to ascertain the truth.


  • 现代诉讼制度通过强调裁判者双方当事人共同参与,查明事实真相提供了制度前提和可能。

    In modern legal system, by encouraging the co-operation of fact-finder and parties, it provides the.


  • 裁判事实性质可以从两方面概括,裁判事实裁判者确信真的认识法律视其真的事实。

    The nature of the fact as adjudicating ground is studied in the sixth part. The fact is the knowledge that the fact-finder believes it is true and is one the law regarded as true.


  • 大陆法系国家证人以其亲身感知案件事实裁判者进行陈述的人,包括当事人鉴定人

    In civil law countries, the witness means a person who state to a magistrate by his perception of the facts of the case, which does not include the parties and appraisers.


  • 他们不能比方说,有效地达成排除自然正义原则协议,或是裁判庭法律问题终局裁判者的协议。

    They cannot, for example, validly contract that the principles of natural justice shall be ignored, or that the tribunal shall be the final arbiter on questions of law.


  • 刑事诉讼价值权衡,就是由裁判者依据一定程序方法冲突利益确定其轻重而进行的衡量选择活动。

    The value evaluation in criminal litigation argues the fact finders how to weigh the conflict of interests and make the choices in accordance with certain procedures and methods.


  • 因为受到主客观因素制约事实裁判者只能最大限度地发现案件的客观事实,而不能实现完全的客观真实。

    Because of the restriction from objective and subjective factors, the judge can not discover the objective fact only fact to extreme.


  • 自然道德律以对天主渴望服从为核心,祂一切本原裁判者使人意识他人与自己平等的。

    It hinges upon the desire for God and submission to him, who is the source and judge of all that is good, as well as upon the sense that the other is one's equal.


  • 二是银行救济,银行国际银行实务惯例框架谨慎处理申请人止付要求,但是因为银行不具备裁判者的地位。

    Regarding remedy of bank, the bank will cautiously settle the dishonor requirements from the applicant within the frame of the international bank practices.


  • 为了保证事实认定尽可能客观合理,必须赋予裁判者自由判断证据证明价值权利同时这种权利进行全面地引导制约。

    The legal system must endow the judge with the right of judging free evidence in order to ensure the objective fact definition.


  • 自由心证虽然赋予了裁判者对于证据证明力的有无及大小的充分裁量自由但是这种自由并不是受任何限制绝对自由。

    Discretional evaluation of evidence has given judicator enough freedom to determine the existence and weight of evidence value, but the freedom isn't an absolute one without restriction.


  • 诉讼中的法官中立并非一个新鲜话题法院制度产生之日起,作为第三者的裁判者保持中立就双方合意之理性选择

    Neutrality of judge in the litigation is not a new theme of conversation, which has been the common choice of the parties to a lawsuit since the appearance of the court.


  • 判定意见有害判定它为谬误同样需要一个不可能错误裁判者除非那被宣判的意见充分机会为自己辩护。

    There is the same need of an infallible judge of opinions to decide an opinion to be noxious, as to decide it to be false, unless the opinion condemned has full opportunity of defending itself.


  • 对此裁判者本着保护弱者、打造诚信社会考虑,以有利于消费者精神来解释合同相关规定进而确认开发商对面积缩水责。

    Thus, the judge should interpret the contract and the related provisions and confirm that the developing businessman bear the obligation of the shrinkage in area .


  • 裁判者是否援用数学证明方法疑难案件中发现设定一条辅助定理,可旁证法律解释最终能否获得真的”或普适意义上的客观性。

    By citing a mathematical testifying method, the judges can find or establish an auxiliary theorem so as to testify whether legal interpretation can have ultimately the "real" or general objectivity.


  • 好的方面建立挑战权势想法新品牌一件充满乐趣并且回报的事情。 不好方面拥有权势的人称为个论断的裁判者

    The good news is, creating an idea or brand that fights the powers that be can be a lot of fun, and very rewarding.


  • 本文分为第一详细介绍证明标准的含义,并对相关概念进行比较分析,认为证明标准应当从当事人裁判者两个方面来加以理解。

    This paper is totally divided into three parts. In the first chapter, the author detailed introduces the concept of proof standard, and makes comparison with other similar concepts.


  • 本文分为第一详细介绍证明标准的含义,并对相关概念进行比较分析,认为证明标准应当从当事人裁判者两个方面来加以理解。

    This paper is totally divided into three parts. In the first chapter, the author detailed introduces the concept of proof standard, and makes comparison with other similar concepts.


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