• 例如项研究表明平均来看,收购公司无法维持收购公司合并前盈利水平

    One study showed, for example, that acquiring firms were on average unable to maintain acquired firms' pre-merger levels of profitability.


  • 财务顾问费用收购公司承担

    The fees for the financial consultant shall be borne by the company to be taken over.


  • 收购很少会提升收购价值而且往往导致收购公司员工失业工厂关闭

    Takeovers rarely add value to the acquirer and often lead to job losses and factory closures at the acquired company.


  • 被收购公司老板可能会要求留任一个高薪多半是象征性职位

    The bought firm's bosses may be asked to linger in well-paid but largely symbolic roles.


  • 如果收购公司公平市价低于公司收购价格,会出现什么情况?

    What happens if the fair market value of the assets of an acquired company is less than the purchase price of the company?


  • 第九十二条收购要约提出的各项收购条件适用被收购公司所有股东

    Article 92 all the terms stated in a tender offer of acquisition shall be equally applicable to all the shareholders of the company to be acquired.


  • 第八十五条收购要约提出各项收购条件适用收购公司所有股东

    Article 85. All the conditions stated in a purchasing order are applicable to all the Stockholders of the company being purchased.


  • 被收购公司股权分布符合公司规定上市条件的,上市地位影响;

    Where the equity structure of the acquired company meets the listing conditions provided for in the Company Law, its listing status shall not be affected;


  • 报送上市公司收购报告书持有收购公司股份数占该公司已发行股份总数比例

    The amount of stocks in possession as a ratio of all the stocks issued by the listed company at the time when the report is submitted.


  • 收购行为完成收购公司不再具有公司法规定条件的,应当依法变更企业形式

    After the purchase is made, if the purchased company no longer meets the conditions stipulated in the company law, it shall change its form of enterprise in accordance with the law.


  • 收购公司收购期间更换董事或者董事任情形公司应当说明原因做出公告

    Where a listed company changes its directors or its directors quit their positions during the term of the takeover, such listed company shall explain the reasons and make it publicly known.


  • 收购人在规定期限实施维持被收购公司上市地位方案后,应当及时履行信息披露义务

    Upon implementing the program on maintaining the listing position of the taken-over company within the period specified, the taker-over shall timely implement its duties for information disclosure.


  • 当然对于收购公司股东而言也许无关紧要,因为他们可以拿到现金售出公司股份换取新股份。

    Of course, this need not matter to the shareholders of a company being acquired because they can take cash or sell shares they receive for their old ones.


  • 其中一些被收购公司仍然大量流动性:Harrahs现金使用的相当于年利息指出银行信贷便利

    Some also have plenty of liquidity: Harrah's has cash and unused bank facilities equivalent to two years of interest payments.


  • Oracle成功关键的因素:首先是实现了收购公司产品自己产品的完全兼容,其次是最大可能完整保留被收购公司原有研究团队

    A key to its success is that it has largely kept the development teams of acquired firms intact, but it has yet fully to integrate their products with its own.


  • 公司增加了生意中的股份这样就压制住了收购谣言

    The company increased its stake in the business, squelching rumours of a takeover bid.


  • 汉森公司收购谣言可能是捕风捉影,公司担心其他觊觎者

    Rumours of a takeover by Hanson are probably far-fetched, but the company is worried about other predators.


  • 如果49先生公司被收购以后即解雇的话,有望获得1百万美元的丰厚离职金。

    And if Mr. Pell, 49, is axed following a takeover, he would be in line to collect a golden handshake of $1 million.


  • 公司于1984年乐拍美收购

    The company was acquired by Rubbermaid in 1984.


  • 那么如果一些超级天使们正寻找可以快速收购公司就能解释为什么他们这么在乎估值

    So if some of the super-angels were looking for companies that could get acquired quickly, that would explain why they'd care about valuations.


  • 其中的规律公司收购

    The pattern: Company gets bought out.


  • 林肯汽车公司亨利·利兰先生于1907年创立的,1922年福特汽车公司收购

    Lincoln Motor Company is Mr. Henry Leland founded in 1907, 1922 Ford Motor Corporation.


  • 我们eBay手中买下公司时,很多认为就像很多被收购科技公司一样,Skype技术天才会流失

    When we bought the company from eBay, many thought that Skype, like so many acquired technology companies, had lost its technical talent.


  • 也许公司最近来自一个国家公司收购

    Maybe your company was recently acquired by a company from another country.


  • 同时许多英国弹出式”的公司已经主流企业收购

    Likewise, many recent British pop-ups have been offbeat ventures by mainstream firms.


  • 他们提到一些首席执行官同意自己公司被收购,从而获取巨大的个人回报

    They have pointed to the chief executives who reaped huge personal rewards by agreeing to the takeover of their companies.


  • 他们提到一些首席执行官同意自己公司被收购,从而获取巨大的个人回报

    They have pointed to the chief executives who reaped huge personal rewards by agreeing to the takeover of their companies.


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