• 罗瑞团队放了一个电脑设备能够轻微移动的脚,推动设备表达或者不是治疗终于出现了突破进展。

    A breakthrough came when he was able to indicate yes or no by slightly moving his foot to push a computer device placed there by Laureys' team.


  • 结论第一篇雌激素受体乳腺癌患者使用使用三氧胺治疗明确区分17hsd117hsd2表达量对预后预测之间重要

    Conclusions: This is the first report that clearly distinguishes between the prognostic and predictive importance of 17hsd1 and 17hsd2 in ER-positive breast cancer treated with or without tamoxifen.


  • 目的:探讨早期应用低温治疗对创伤损伤细胞粘附分子1 (ICAM 1)表达影响

    Objective To study the effect of hypothermia therapy on the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) during the early stage for rat following traumatic brain injury (TBI).


  • 目的研究p 2x7受体白血病患者中的功能表达白血病治疗的关系。

    Objective to study the functional expression of P2X7 receptor in leukemia patients and its association with therapy.


  • 全面而客观地评估焦虑症患者家庭情感表达方式理解相应的机理,可作为制定家庭干预计划依据,将会提高家庭治疗的有效

    A sophisticated evaluation of family members' EE and understanding of its operating mechanism could be the basis for family intervention, which contribute to the success of family therapy.


  • 然而我们推测严重不利副作用发生可能由于减少动物人群中血管生成素样蛋白2表达治疗水平太低了。

    Therefore, we speculate that the possibility of the occurrence of a serious unfavorable side effect due to treatments that decrease Angptl2 expression in animals or people is low.


  • 结论异种移植发生延迟排斥反应时,P选择素ICAM - 1均表达,可以作为判断异种移植免疫抑制治疗效果指标之一。

    Conclusion the expression of P-selectin and ICAM-1 in xenografts was increased during delayed xenograft rejection, which is of value in judging the effect of immunosuppression in xenotransplantation.


  • 结论中药治疗使实验卒中后抑郁症大鼠海马bdnf基因表达水平增高。

    Conclusion: TCM treatment could improve the expression level of BDNF in the hippocampi in PSD rat.


  • 目的探索利用乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)作为基因治疗载体可能检验表达反义rnahbv作用

    Objective to explore the possibility of using HBV as a gene delivery vector, and to test the anti-HBV effects by intracellular expression of antisense RNA.


  • 了解这些表达分子能够治疗提供更好方案

    Understanding the temporal expression of these molecules could afford better measures for therapeutic intervention.


  • 基于基因表达建立具有有效预测肿瘤分类模型肿瘤的临床诊断治疗具有非常重要的意义。

    Building an effective classification model based on gene expression profiles is of great importance in tumor diagnosing and its clinical therapy.


  • 结论P 2x7受体白血病患者BMMC有功能表达,其表达与患者治疗不敏感相关。

    Conclusion P2X7 receptor was functionally expression in BMMC from leukemia patients. The high expression of P2X7 receptor was related to insensitivity to therapy.


  • 柴芩平胃胶囊治疗胃炎作用机制,可能减少粘膜细胞凋亡调节各种凋亡调控基因表达有关。

    The therapeutic effect of CQPC for bile reflux gastritis may be related to the decrease of gastric mucosal cell apoptosis and the regulation of apoptotic regulatory genes.


  • 鹿茸多肽促进关节炎软骨细胞增殖并可抑制关节炎软骨细胞中金属蛋白酶过度表达,可能治疗关节炎有较好的作用

    Pilose antler peptide can promote the proliferation of OA chondrocytes of rabbits , inhibit the overexpression of MMPs of OA chondrocytes. It can possibly play a effective role in the treatment of OA.


  • 研究者发现基因表达改变帮助解释有效治疗使攻击细胞转化保护细胞。

    They found changes in gene expression that help explain how effective treatment leads to conversion of aggressor into protector cells.


  • 目的探索H BV作为基因治疗载体可能检验HBV突变表达突变体抗hbv的作用

    Objective to explore the possibility of using HBV as a gene delivery vector, and to test the anti-HBV effects by intracellular expression of dominant negative mutants of core protein.


  • 使用特定药理学制剂抗氧化剂PKC抑制剂靶向血管内皮生长因子表达可能证明治疗糖尿病视网膜病变是有效

    Targeting VEGF expression with specific pharmacological agents, such as antioxidants and PKC inhibitors, may prove efficacious for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.


  • 目的观察t细胞特异转录因子gata - 3支气管哮喘(哮喘)小鼠肺部表达探讨应用白细胞介素12 (IL - 12)阻断GATA - 3表达治疗支气管哮喘的可能

    Objective: to observe the expression of GATA-3in asthmatic mice lungs and to explore the feasibility of interleukin (IL-12) blockading GATA-3expression in treatment of bronchial asthma.


  • 结论SHOA确切治疗作用,机制可能抑制因子表达释放有关,同时,我们提倡OA的早期治疗

    Conclusion sh have the exact treatment on OA, whose mechanism may be related to inhibiting the expression and release of inflammatory factors, and we should promote the early treatment of OA.


  • 目的探讨应用基因治疗方法表达完全抗体可行及其肿瘤治疗作用

    Objective To study the feasibility of adenoviral transduction of Herceptin complete antibody gene and its effect on Her2 over expressing cancer.


  • 重组乙型肝炎(乙肝) 病毒前S1抗原1- 42 )核心抗原(1- 144 )表达融合蛋白CS1进行了免疫研究分析,以便为探索HBV治疗疫苗的研制提供实验依据。

    The aim of this study was to express a fusion protein of HBV preS1 Ag(1-42) and HBcAg(1-144) and analyze its immunogenicity for further study of HBV therapeutic vaccine.


  • 治疗语言表达上肢、近端肌力,下肢近端肌力综合能力改善与对照组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    There was significant difference between both groups in improvement of myodynamia of epipodite distant and proximate, myodynamia of pelvic limb and comprehensive ability (P<0.01).


  • 结果:中药治疗大鼠睾酮水平恢复正常,P5 3表达正常组无显著差异(P >0.0 5 ) ,与模型组差异显著(P< 0 .0 5 )。

    Results:The testosterone level of the ZYYSY group obviously increased, the positive cell rate of P53 decreased. Compared with the model group, the results have significant difference( p< 0.05).


  • 本文主要综述了受体基因作为报告基因治疗基因共同转基因并通过放射核素显像监测表达方法

    In the paper we review several strategies to monitor the gene therapeutic efficacy by certain receptor gene as reporter gene transferred together with therapeutic ge...


  • 本文主要综述了受体基因作为报告基因治疗基因共同转基因并通过放射核素显像监测表达方法

    In the paper we review several strategies to monitor the gene therapeutic efficacy by certain receptor gene as reporter gene transferred together with therapeutic ge...


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