• 且仅需行动状态查找网站用户重要信息

    It should contain only the information that would be most vital to someone looking up your site on the go.


  • 告诉我们,在2019年,气候变化是一个被广泛讨论的话题。“气候紧急状态”是指需要采取紧急行动以减少气候变化的情况。

    This tells us that climate change was a widely-discussed issue in 2019. "Climate emergency" means a situation in which urgent action is needed to reduce climate change.


  • 因此,追求优势竞争个“过程”,不是一个“状态”或“一次性行动

    Hence, competition for advantage indicates a 'process' rather than a 'state' or 'one-off' action.


  • 人们陷入恍惚状态他们行动超自然主义者的信仰一致:接连数日疯狂地跳舞

    Having fallen into a trance state, they acted in accordance with these supernaturalist beliefs: dancing wildly for days on end.


  • 所有已有事实都应该说服每一分钟十几亿个体集体行动改善这个星球生存状态

    All available facts should convince you that the billions of individual and collective actions that are taken every minute are improving life upon this planet.


  • 项目不会总是按照计划进行的,展示当前状态更新描述任何改善项目性能的正确行动项目经理工作

    Projects don't always go as planned, and it's the project manager's job to present the current status updates and describe any corrective actions needed to improve project performance.


  • 项目不会总是按照计划进行的,展示当前状态更新描述任何改善项目性能的正确行动则是项目经理工作

    Projects don’t always go as planned, and it’s the project manager’s job to present the current status updates and describe any corrective actions needed to improve project performance.


  • 针对权益混乱提出的建议不是没有不足之处。大多数人要求国会采取某些行动可是国会中期选举国会几乎瘫痪状态

    There is no shortage of proposed solutions to the negative equity mess, but most require some action from a Congress that's all but paralysed ahead of Congressional elections.


  • 如果处于一种畏惧状态,你将不会采取行动提供帮助

    If you are in a state of fear then you won't take the leap and help.


  • 必须关注地方对抗状态因为这种对抗会导致更大范围紧张局势地区国家行动会劫持地方的计划达到他们自己的目的

    It must focus on local antagonisms, because they often cause or fuel broader tensions, and regional and national actors hijack local agendas to serve their own ends.


  • 美国说,俄罗斯行动是“过分的”,呼吁双方停火回到8月6号格鲁吉亚发动进攻状态

    The United States called Russia's actions "disproportionate" and called for a cease-fire and return to the status quo of August 6, before the Georgian offensive began.


  • 为了获得最大效果这种“处于状态中”的状态可能会需要存在当下头脑清晰时候立即采取行动

    In order to maximize effectiveness, this "in the zone" state may require you to exist solely in the present moment, taking instantaneous action while your mind is clear.


  • 并未强求什么只是专注于我希望达到的状态行动就毫不费力地实现了,我现在喜欢这种状态

    I'm not trying to force anything. I just focus on where I want to be, and action flows effortlessly from there. I'm enjoying this really nice flow right now.


  • 这些描述了一个缺乏行动或是任何都不兴趣的状态

    These words describe a person's lack of doing anything or being interested in anything.


  • 无论如何,处于采取行动实现目标的权力基础作出选择决定状态中。

    In any case, you are in a position to determine and select a base to operate from to accomplish your purposes.


  • 包括采取一系列行动使更多有更多机会享有更好精神健康状态

    These include a range of actions to increase the chances of more people experiencing better mental health.


  • 这些行动简单难以置信,但是它们帮助优化行动计划从而帮助你处于不断进步状态

    These initiatives are incredibly simple, but they will help you develop your action plan to feed your continuous improvement.


  • 只想身体物质方面然后依据你身体状况行动这么不能你的身体达到完美健康状态

    It is not possible to bring your physical body to a state of perfect health by only thinking about the physical aspects of your being, and then offering action regarding your physical body.


  • 现在处于防守状态萨巴布垂死般绝望采取了行动

    Now on the defensive, the Shabab have taken actions as desperate as they are deadly.


  • 1999年,NASA(美国航空航天局)将瓢虫蚜虫带上航天飞机测试它们失重状态下的行动

    In 1999, NASA sent ladybugs and aphids up in the space shuttle to test their movements in zero gravity.


  • 相对于只是不断准备没有更多行动而言,你处于这种积极状态保持前进会容易一些。

    It's much easier to stay motivated when you're being positive, rather than when you're beating yourself up for not getting more done.


  • 无论现在心理状态如何,行动起来时候需要自律

    Being able to bring yourself to action regardless of the emotional state you are in requires learning self-discipline.


  • 简单他讲,展现情感再生,描写一个处于艰深的思考时的行动就是说他处于谵狂状态中的行为

    My idea briefly has been to present a resurrection of the emotions, to depict the conduct of a human being in the stratosphere of ideas, that is, in the grip of delirium.


  • 也许他们不会直接告诉怎么但是可以观察他们的行动比赛中的精神状态

    Even if they are not really going to tell you what to do, by just watching what they are doing, you know, watching their mentality during games week in and week out.


  • 认为目标能够很好的指导生活的原因它们包含种“状态”,而并没有强调行动”,所以没有我很大压力

    I think one of the reasons my purpose statement has worked so well for me is that it incorporates beingness, and it isn't heavy on the doingness in a way that might make me feel pressured or stressed.


  • 这样阻碍震后紧急状态人们行动

    That can hamper the activity of emergency crews as they move around after a quake.


  • 对于已经警觉环境状态读者们他们纳斯对此采取的行动到。

    Meanwhile many readers who are already alarmed by the state of the environment will find themselves shocked by what Mr Lynas wants to do about it.


  • 我们感觉如何-我们精神状态-有力地影响着我们的行动交往

    And how we feelour state of mindpowerfully influences our actions and interactions.


  • Nido第一承认自己珍视最重要的事情是从自己的角度采取行动所获得效果因为不详处在自己不利状态

    Nido is the first to admit that everything he holds dear is a result of acting on his own behalf because he simply wasn't willing to remain in those unfavorable conditions.


  • 过去缺陷认知已经地球母亲不得不自身的行动清理地球,并且恢复原本状态

    The previous lack of understanding has led to Mother Earth having to take her own action to cleanse the Earth, and restore it to its pristine condition.


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