• 营养质量豆油优于其他豆类

    The nutritional quality of the soya bean is superior to that of other pulses.


  • 淀粉独一无二物理化学性质营养质量使区别其它碳水化合物

    Starch's unique chemical and physical characteristics and nutritional quality set it apart from all other carbohydrates.


  • 研究发现而且营养学家同意早餐对于健康生活方式至关重要而且决定一整天营养质量

    Research reveals and nutritionists also agree that breakfast is the key to a healthy lifestyle and it determines the quality of your whole day's nutrition.


  • 他们研究发现“成熟的有机桃含有较多的多酚成分”,得出结论说有机产品营养质量味道方面都值得肯定“。

    It found they had "a higher polyphenol content at harvest" and concluded that organic production had "positive effects…on nutritional quality and taste".


  • 经济危机影响营养质量,因为许多家庭偏向购买谷类这样便宜食品,这样的食品的热量肉类乳制品高,但蛋白质含量低。

    The crisis also affects the quality of nutrition, asfamilies tend to buy cheaper foods, such as grains, which are rich in caloriesbut contain fewer proteins than meat or dairy products.


  • 研究人员认为,吃早餐有助于减少每天卡路里摄入改善我们饮食质量因为早餐食品通常含有较多的膳食纤维营养

    The researchers argued that breakfast helps reduce daily calorie intake and improve the quality of our dietsince breakfast foods are often higher in fiber and nutrients.


  • 因此轻松舒适环境青海湖乳业特大自然生产的奶粉的质量营养更好

    So at ease and comfortable environment, Qinghai Lake Dairy milk produced extraordinary natural quality, nutrition and better!


  • 获得良好营养安全饮用水基本卫生条件可以帮助艾滋病毒感染者保持质量生活

    Access to good nutrition, safe water and basic hygiene can also help an HIV-infected person maintain a high quality of life.


  • 当代更高质量研究明确支持有机种植食品常规种植食物营养。”

    "The more contemporary studies and higher quality ones do clearly support nutritional benefit for organically grown foods compared to conventionally grown foods," he says.


  • 营养不良儿童经常面临的环境改善食品摄入质量数量存在特殊问题

    Children who are malnourished are often found in environments where improving the quality and quantity of food intake is particularly problematic.


  • 婴儿食品质量毋庸置疑的,婴儿食品必须最佳营养价值并且无毒副作用。

    There cannot be an iota of debate over the quality of food that has to be given to the baby. Needless to say, baby food has to be the best, containing high nutritional value and free of toxins.


  • 就像之前的那样,我们生活方式没有使得我们能够容易的食物中获取我们需要质量营养

    Like I said before, our lifestyles do not make it easy to get the quality nutrients we need from our food.


  • “有效使用期最好日期前使用”表示产品这个日期前,从口感质地外观气味营养价值等各方面保质着最佳质量,过期之后质量会逐渐下降

    Theuse-byorbest if used-by” date indicates the last day that the item is at its best quality as far as taste, texture, appearance, odor, and nutritional value. The decline after that is gradual.


  • 这些贷款增加了90%借款人收入改善了大多数人的营养状况衣着住房教育卫生整体生活质量

    The loans increased income for 90 percent of borrowers and improved nutrition, clothing, housing, education, sanitation and overall quality of life for the vast majority.


  • 1911年,质量面包占据贫困英国日常饮食40%比重,这种低质量面包受到了广泛批评现代营养科学显示,面包在当时确实扮演了一个至关重要角色

    The low quality of bread, which made up 40 per cent of the diet of the poor in Britain in 1911, was widely blamed: modern nutritional science has shown that bread was indeed a crucial villain.


  • 因此,从食物便能获取绝对质量营养,也不会化学成分色素添加的担忧。

    Hence, grab the whole food, which will provide the best quality nutrients without the added sugars, chemicals and dyes.


  • 营养学家采用类似手法确定不同年龄段儿童健康身体质量指标多少

    Nutritionists employ similar tricks to establish what is a healthy body-mass index for children in different age groups.


  • 坚果健康营养含有质量蛋白质富含维生素、矿物质食用纤维而且坚果不含,也不含质物。

    Nuts are known to be healthy and nutritious, containing high-quality protein, lots of vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fibre. They are also dairy and gluten-free.


  • 受益家庭营养质量更高食品消费有所增加。

    Beneficiary families also consumed more food of better nutritional quality.


  • 美国临床营养杂志》上男性质量上臂肌肉36%的人更容易任何死因那些较小武器

    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men with a high muscle mass in their upper arms are 36% less likely to die from any cause of death than those with smaller arms.


  • 坚果健康营养含有质量蛋白质富含维生素、矿物质食用纤维

    Nuts are known to be healthy and nutritious, containing high-quality protein, lots of vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fibre.


  • 结论营养健康教育高血压人群控制高血压、提高高血压患者生活质量适宜途径之一

    Conclusion Nutritional health education on hypertension patients is one of suitable ways to control hypertension and promote life quality of patients.


  • 严格把食品安全卫生不断改善伙食质量合理调配饮食营养员工提供一个良好的饮食条件

    Strictly control the food safety and hygiene, and continuously improve food quality, reasonable deployment of diet and nutrition, provide employees with a good diet conditions.


  • 营养途径”:最后,出现应急事件,最首要争分夺秒地持续地运输人们质量数量保证的足够食物

    "NUTRITIONAL GATEWAYS" : Finally, the importance of timely and sustained delivery of adequate food aid adequate in quality and quantity to people in dire need during the emergency is Paramount.


  • 但目前由于鲜牛奶质量不稳定营养成分也就可靠了

    However, pure fresh milk as a result of the quality of instability, its nutrient composition is not unreliable.


  • 结论通过精心治疗护理解除患者食管梗阻减轻症状改善营养状况提高患者生存质量

    Conclusion through careful treatment and care, can be lifted with fresh obstruction, reduce symptoms and improve the nutritional status and improve the patient's quality of life.


  • 目前由于鲜牛奶质量不稳定营养成分也就可靠了

    But pure fresh milk as a result of the quality of instability, and its nutrient composition is not unreliable.


  • 目前由于鲜牛奶质量不稳定营养成分也就可靠了

    But pure fresh milk as a result of the quality of instability, and its nutrient composition is not unreliable.


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