• 卖掉顺便说一下,第三,他被卖了两千美元,亚拉巴马比尔比尔奴隶监狱

    He'll be sold again, by the way, a third time, for $2000.00, in Mobile, Alabama, at the Mobile Slave Jail.


  • 他们克拉何马只有18英里时,跳下车来

    When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car.


  • 世界最大望远镜一些偏远山区发现,包括智利安第斯山脉,亚利桑那的沙漠山峰以及夏威夷基亚休眠火山

    The world largest telescopes are found in such remote mountain locations as the Andes Mountains of Chile, the desert peaks of Arizona, and Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a dormant volcano.


  • 1854年,乔治亚一个拍卖会上,曾祖父里斯·马拉贝尔以500美元的价格卖出

    In 1854 my great-grandfather, Morris Marable, was sold on an auction block in Georgia for $500.


  • 亨利商学院教书丈夫里斯一位眼科医生我们参议员

    Ann Henry taught at the Business School; her husband, Morriss, was an ophthalmologist and our state senator.


  • 沿着海岸线向东,我们可以在画面顶部看到阿拉巴马比尔,而在画面底部休斯顿耀眼光芒

    Looking east along the coast to the top of the frame finds Mobile, Alabama while Houston city lights stand out to the west, toward the bottom.


  • 密苏里伯利这样的人绝无仅有,只可能出现在杂志上

    No one in Moberly, Missouri, looked anything like this. Like they could be in a magazine.


  • 安德鲁能否拯救帝国

    Can Andrew Cuomo save the Empire state?


  • 因此美国不仅仅只是布什家族肯尼迪家族,同时也芝加哥戴利家族纽约的库斯家族、位于落基山附近的几个的乌达儿家族。

    So America has not only its Bush and Kennedy clans, but the Daley family of Chicago, the Cuomos of New York, the Udalls of the Rocky Mountain states.


  • 议会中,由于里斯喜欢采用互相让步原则,使的各项计划得到了非常有效推动

    Because Maurice loved the give-and-take of politics, he was especially effective in pushing my programs in the legislature.


  • 宣布参选之后月,有种可能性浮出水面:纽约马里奥也许参选竞选班子对此忧心。

    For more than two months after I announced, the campaign was Shadowed by the specter that there might be yet another candidate, Governor Mario Cuomo of New York.


  • 左图所示,旅客乘船沿马托格罗索特斯(死亡之河)前行。

    At left, a visitor aboard a boat along the Rio das Mortes, or River of the Dead, in Mato Grosso.


  • 例如发现称为曾石矿物,是以黑曾的名字命名,它仅仅由于一种生活加利福尼亚酸性水域微生物产生磷酸盐而形成。

    For example, a newly discovered mineral called hazenite, named for Hazen, forms only because of phosphate produced by a microorganism that lives in the acidic waters of Mono Lake in California.


  • 位于加利福尼亚哈韦沙漠爱德华兹空军基地墨西哥白沙导弹靶场则是最后一步棋

    Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert was the next choice, followed by the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the absolute last resort.


  • 2009年宾夕法尼亚诺戈赫拉,我位同乡打算拍摄了一部纪录片。

    In the fall of 2009, a documentary film will be released by a resident of my hometown of Monongahela, Pennsylvania.


  • 帕雷特曾生命的倒数第二拳赛吉恩·福尔击倒,而几个纽约拳击当局就又颁发了比赛许可。纽约拳击当局因此备受批评。

    New York State boxing authorities were criticized for giving Paret clearance to fight just several months after he was knocked out by Gene Fullmer in his second to last bout.


  • 匹兹堡美国宾夕法尼亚西南部城市此阿尔勒格尼农格黑拉河的交汇形成俄亥俄

    Pittsburgh: A city of southwest Pennsylvania at the point where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers forms the Ohio River.


  • 一家智囊机构福坦研究所不同标准,比较同样18小学

    The Fordham Institute, a think-tank, measured the same 18 primary schools by different statesbenchmarks.


  • 因此尽管环保主义者庆祝周四声明但是它对于61岁的西弗吉尼亚当地居民法兰吉·来说没什么作用。

    So, despite the celebration by environmentalists over Thursday's announcement, it meant little to Frankie Mooney, 61, a resident of Twilight, W.Va.


  • 新学期开始一天,美国印第安纳哈蒙德中学教室似乎平时宽敞了一些因为该校128名学生因著装不当送回了

    HAMMOND, Ind. - Classrooms were a little less crowded at Morton High School on the first day of classes: 128 students were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes.


  • 决定一经宣布立刻成了媒体的头条消息,纽约参议员帕特·尼汉的退位给家庭带来了大的影响

    Newt's announcement got more headlines, but the retirement of New York senator Pat Moynihan would have a bigger impact on my family.


  • 凝灰岩突出加利福尼亚东部雪乐山湖面不同寻常岩层,以超凡脱俗美丽闻名于世。

    Tufa, the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California's Eastern Sierra, are famous for their otherworldly beauty.


  • 德克萨斯贫困率受到其城市——麦卡伦爱丁堡阿拉——贫困率高居33.4%拖累。

    The Texas region defined by the cities of McAllen, Edinburg and Mission had the highest poverty rate in the country -- 33.4 percent.


  • 比尔是亚拉巴马唯一港口,它的各个码头堆满木材、一匝匝钢筋冷冻鸡肉还有别的很多产品。

    THE docks in Mobile, Alabama's only seaport, are crammed with lumber, steel coils, frozen chickens, coal and much else.


  • 根据匈牙利米蒂新闻社援引一位专家报道周三中午污染到达杰尔--肖普朗已经接近多瑙河

    According to an expert quoted by the Hungarian news agency MTI, the pollution had been due to reach the county of Gyor-Moson-Sopron by midday Wednesday, bringing it closer to the Danube.


  • 一时刻来临时,孩子亲生父母保罗儿勒,他们住在密歇根特洛伊的底特律城郊会在近处静候见到他们的儿子

    When it happens, biological parents Paul and Shannon Morell, of the Detroit suburb of Troy, Michigan, will be nearby, waiting to meet their son.


  • 当时克里斯托弗妻子达纳·罗西尼带着年幼儿子威尔弗吉尼亚

    Christopher was in Virginia with his wife, Dana Morosini, and their young son, Will.


  • 格伦缘位于亚利桑那东部怀特阿帕契堡保护区,帕切塔这里奔流而下。

    Pacheta Fallstumbles down from the Mogollon Rim in White Mountain Apache country in eastern Arizona.


  • 艘舰身长419英尺由美国亚拉巴马比尔地区奥斯图造船公司设计制造的,它能连续海上航行10.000海里(19.000公里),并且可以不足20英尺的浅海海域航行。

    The 419-foot vessel was built at the Austal shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, has a range of 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) and can also operate in water less than 20 feet deep.


  • 艘舰身长419英尺由美国亚拉巴马比尔地区奥斯图造船公司设计制造的,它能连续海上航行10.000海里(19.000公里),并且可以不足20英尺的浅海海域航行。

    The 419-foot vessel was built at the Austal shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, has a range of 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) and can also operate in water less than 20 feet deep.


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