• 系统准确地锁定网页浏览器微软浏览器火狐谷歌浏览器苹果浏览器,欧朋浏览器,谷歌地图活动

    The system will also accurately target web browser activity on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Google Maps, etc.


  • 微软IE 浏览器苹果Safari 浏览器提供了DNT 选项;谷歌Chrome 浏览器今年推出相同功能。

    Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT; Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.


  • 谷歌不顾苹果影响,为实现自身愿景,毅然推出谷歌浏览器,由此拉响第一警报

    The first alarming sign of Google pursuing its vision regardless of its effect on Apple was the Chrome browser.


  • 苹果移动设备用户们就可以通过一些可下载的应用软件——或者简称为“应用”——来使用很多在线服务不必再使用传统的浏览器

    Users of Apple's mobile devices access many Internet services through small downloadable software applications, or apps, rather than a web browser.


  • 莫林苹果保证可以通过浏览器出售书籍免除3成的费用

    Morin says Apple assured him he would be able to sell through a browser and avoid the 30 percent fee.


  • iPad应用不断使用HTML5存储数据比如苹果公司的浏览器组件数据库以前检索文章

    The iPad app uses HTML5 continuously to store data, such as previously retrieved articles, in a database within Apple's browser component.


  • 现在Nokia苹果使用他们的移动浏览器上,还有GoogleChromeAndroid浏览器也是使用WebKit驱动的。

    It's now being used by Nokia and Apple for their mobile browsers, and Google Chrome and the Android browser are powered by WebKit as well.


  • 基于Webkit技术公开苹果移动网络浏览器设定标准

    By making its WebKit technology open, Apple has set the standard for mobile web browsers.


  • 浏览器打开站点地址输入apple的时候,找到苹果馅饼的做法,如图2所示。

    When I open the site in my browser and type apple in the address bar, I find a recipe for apple cobbler, as shown in Figure 2.


  • 不管怎么说,苹果不会款类似火狐的功能浏览器进入iPhone的。

    Apple, after all, isn't likely to allow a full Firefox-based browser on the iPhone.


  • 但是内置苹果Safari浏览器,成为唯一能够再现网页全部光彩手机

    But it is the only phone with a web browser (Apple's Safari) that displays web pages in their full splendour.


  • 此外苹果反对浏览器使用Flash强硬立场也是一个巨大障碍,因为需要两个完全不同创建过程

    In addition, Apple's hard-nosed stance against Flash in the browser will impede this movement because it will require two completely separate creation processes.


  • WebKit最初源于苹果Konqueror浏览器KHTML软件库,同时也作为Safari 1.0的引擎

    WebKit was originally derived by Apple from the Konqueror browser's KHTML software library for use as the engine of Safari 1.0.


  • 苹果不同的是,Google准许发布商避开应用程序售卖顾客连接移动网络浏览器进行交易

    However, unlike Apple, Google allows publishers to avoid selling within the app and instead to send customers to a mobile Web browser to make a purchase.


  • Windows系统手机某些方面落后于iPhone其中包括苹果流畅网页浏览器用于下载软件AppStore

    Windows mobile phones have lagged some of the innovations of the iPhone, including Apple's slick Web browser and the App Store for downloading software onto the device.


  • 这次即兴浏览器速度测试中,苹果Safari 5.03第三,让人印象深刻的422.1毫秒

    Apple's Safari 5.03 took third place in my impromptu Web browser drag race with an impressive 422.1ms mark.


  • 对于那些已经能够支持HTML5技术的浏览器苹果Safari4谷歌Chrome3,Mozilla Firfox3.5,Opera10而言,理论上讲应用WebGL标准的难度并不大,不过仍然可能需要发布专门的pre-release版本才可以完美支持WebGL标准。

    Support often exists those browsers modern enough to recognize HTML5 but often requires a pre-release build, including for Apple's Safari 4, Google's Chrome 3, Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and Opera 10.


  • 升级后Nexus One将支持多点触摸,意味着款手机使用方式将苹果IPHONE类似用户可以通过一起手指放大缩小网页浏览器

    It means the device can be used in a similar wayto the Apple iPhone, with users nowable to pinch their fingers together to zoom in or out of a web page.


  • 苹果公司的SafariOpera软件公司的浏览器分别占4%和2%。

    Apple Inc's Safari and Opera Software's browser had about 4 percent and 2 percent.


  • Foxmarks便这台戴尔电脑IE以及苹果Mac电脑的火狐Safari浏览器加了同样书签

    Foxmarks then caused that same new bookmark to appear in Internet Explorer on the same Dell, and in both Firefox and Safari on my Apple Macintosh computer.


  • 大多数开发者选择做浏览器"嗅探",专门苹果公司设备提供一个H.264格式的视频其余的设备则显示一个Flash播放器,里面可以播放这个H.264格式的视频。

    Sadly, I believe the majority will do a bit of client detection and deliver an H.264 to Apple products, and the rest will get a Flash movie that will play back the same H.264 stream.


  • 另外浏览器苹果Safari的市占率份额稍有提升达到4.51%,火狐市占率份额则反而有所下降,达到24.41%左右。

    Apple's Safari only increased a small amount but reached a new high of 4.51 percent, while Firefox actually fell to 24.41 percent.


  • 希望说服开发者编写可在浏览器而不是操作系统运行软件,他们Windows系统苹果的OSX系统上曾编写了大量软件。

    It hopes to convince developers to write software that runs inside a browser, instead of on top of the OS as developers for Windows and Apples' OS X do.


  • 苹果公司允许开发者嵌入访问版本移动Safari浏览器

    Apple lets developers embed access to a version of the firm's mobile Safari browser.


  • 承认自己苹果使用GoogleChrome浏览器尽管浏览器服务还未能完全用于苹果机。

    Mr Brin also admitted that he USES Chrome, Google's browser, on his Mac, despite the service not being ready on that device yet.


  • 苹果,谷歌,Opera以及微软声称自己浏览器才是最快,不过俗话说“骡子是马得来出来遛遛 。”

    Mozilla, Apple, Google, Opera, and Microsoft all claim the same thing -- that their browser is the fastest.


  • 不幸的是这个功能没有苹果Safari浏览器整合所以这些书签不会同步iPhone默认浏览器上。

    Sadly, however, this feature isn't integrated with Apple's Safari, so your bookmarks don't carry over to the iPhone's default browser.


  • 相比之下,Iphone用户早在20102月可以使用浏览器登陆苹果商店了。

    In contrast, iPhone users have been able to access the App Store by web browser since February 2010.


  • ,Google浏览器甚至没有进入在苹果机上测试的阶段,令人沮丧。

    He said it has been a disappointment for him that the browser was not even in beta testing yet for for Mac users.


  • 但是苹果火狐浏览器特定尺寸Cambria存在一些奇怪渲染问题因此我们现在还是表现稳定的Georgia字体。

    But Cambria has some weird rendering problems in Firefox on Macs at certain sizes, so we'll stick with good ol 'Georgia for the moment.


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