• 此外这位49岁的英国陆军上尉尝试一壮举还有无私目的

    Besides, the 49-year-old British Army Captain had a more selfless motive for attempting the feat.


  • 英国陆军多地形迷彩图案

    British Army multiterrain pattern.


  • 不是英国陆军军官学校荣誉毕业生

    He did not graduate with honors from Sandhurst.


  • 英国陆军多样武器结构仪器修正基本M4底盘

    The British Army modified the basic M4 chassis with multiple weapons configurations and equipment.


  • 尽管他们说得很重要但这好像英国陆军只有六个人一位军官一样不可思议。

    Given the importance they claim, it's as if the British army consisted of half a dozen men and an officer.


  • 研发挪威成名于英国陆军无人机最初订购了200架,于2013用于阿富汗。

    Developed in Norway and noted by the British Army, which initially ordered 200 of them and got them to Afghanistan in 2013.


  • 1809年9月21日英国陆军大臣外交大臣伦敦附近普特尼西斯相逢,展开决斗

    On SEPTEMBER 21st 1809, the British secretary of state for war and the secretary of state for foreign affairs met on Putney Heath near London to fight a duel.


  • 现在,他已经英国陆军航空队接受飞行员训练超过1,这次很可能会直升机飞行员的身份上战场。

    The prince has been training to become a pilot with the Army Air Corps for over a year.


  • 双鞋是APTC联合开发,历时,之后阿富汗荒芜地形下接受英国陆军最终测试

    It took over a year to develop with the APTC before going through final testing with the British Army in the harsh terrain of Afghanistan.


  • IFS应用软件公司使用资产信息支持英国陆军鉴定配置维护需求以及现有用户所有者

    IFS Applications supports the U.K.Army with asset information for identification, configuration, and maintenance requirements, as well as current usage and owner.


  • 英国陆军上校约翰·彭特里斯尼尔第一次听说了身前事迹后,为她的英勇感到惊讶。

    When Colonel John Pentreath, from the British Legion, first heard Nearne's story after her death this month, he was amazed by her heroism.


  • IFS应用软件公司使用资产信息支持英国陆军鉴定配置维护需求以及现有的用户和所有者

    IFS Applications supports the U. K. Army with asset information for identification, configuration, and maintenance requirements, as well as current usage and owner.


  • 然而英国现在打算增加预备役规模传统上构成英国陆军一小部分,而美国的预备役数量就很多了。

    However there is a move towards increasing the size of the reserves which traditionally have been only a small part of the British army compared to (for example) the US army.


  • 总结如下前提开始无论英国陆军伊拉克阿富汗取得什么样的战术成功,但那些战役总体来说实施并不

    His review starts from the premise that whatever the tactical successes of the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan, those campaigns have not worked out well overall.


  • 压力巨大商业机构宣称他们缺少完成这类任务资源英国陆军军官培养方面时间显然多得多

    Hard-pressed commercial organisations will claim that they lack the resources for such a task, and the Army clearly does have much more time available for officer development.


  • 1967年,名叫帕蒂·罗伊·贝英国陆军少校吉利海峡占据了被人遗弃防空,就此成立了锡兰公国

    Founded by a former British army major named Paddy Roy Bates in 1967, the Principality of Sealand occupies an abandoned anti-aircraft tower in the English Channel.


  • 英国陆军塞拉利昂的一支巡逻队犹豫是否该攻击一些不到15岁儿童 而沦为这些RUF儿童兵的俘虏之后正式认识到了这个问题

    The British Army only recognized the problem after one of its patrols was captured by child RUF soldiers in Sierra Leone, having been hesitant to attack the under-15-year-olds.


  • FRES计划英国陆军提供一系列的中型、具有网络使能、可以空中部署的武装车辆满足英国战场空间中最多16种需求。

    The FRES program will provide the British Army with a family of medium-weight, network-enabled, air-deployable armored vehicles to meet up to 16 battlespace roles.


  • 英国不得不满足拥有一支一百多年来最小陆军

    But Britain was going to have to get by with its smallest army for more than a century.


  • 入侵空中行动较 早之前英国皇家空军美国陆军航空队实施进攻不能割裂开来的。

    The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Force.


  • 英国邮政编码陆军测量局的地图数据目前无法免费用于商业目的,这一点在企业家和社会活动家中饱受诟病怨声载道

    In Britain postcodes and Ordnance Survey map data at present cannot be freely used for commercial purposes-a source of loud complaints from businesses and activists.


  • 英国第2战术空军、第9陆军航空队组成的联盟远征军空军早实际登陆之前成立了。

    The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing.


  • 英国国防部弓箭手”战术无线电项目试图陆军购买任务通信作战无线电

    The Bowman Tactical Radio program of the U.K.Ministry of Defence seeks to purchase a family of multimission communications combat radios for the British armed services.


  • 英国陆军上尉斯塔福德花了859秘鲁山脉中的亚马孙河源头该河巴西入海口,成为历史第一个徒步走完亚马孙河

    Former British Army captain Ed Stafford, 33, spent 859 days to becoming the first man in history to walk from the source of the Amazon in the mountains of Peru to its mouth in Brazil.


  • 同时英国阿富汗驻军层级不适当陆军司令richardDannatt将军(爵士)担任保守党顾问时,引起外界舆论一阵跶伐。

    In Britain, meanwhile, a row broke out when General Sir Richard Dannatt, a former army chief who has said troop levels in Afghanistan are inadequate, became an adviser to the Conservatives.


  • 1943年,驻扎英国美国陆军航空兵(USAAF)第8航空队下属的轰炸机大队面临着场危机

    By the autumn of 1943 the bomber groups of the Eighth US Army Air Force (USAAF) based in England faced a crisis.


  • 回退到1940年5月身处英国我们醒来发现正面对着跨过吉利海峡入侵敌对陆军

    Back in May 1940, we in the UK awoke to find facing us across the Channel a wholly hostile continental force about to invade.


  • 虽然巴里晋升陆军检查军衔英国皇家海军工作驻扎马耳他(Malta)科孚岛(Corfu)期间,改善不利于水兵身体健康的海上生活条件

    Barry rose to the rank of inspector general in the army, but also worked with the Royal Navy, while stationed in Malta and Corfu, to improve the harsh conditions for sailors at sea.


  • 纹章也是经常使用主题诺曼征服以来黑色白色红色金色雄狮便是英国皇家陆军军服的一部分

    Heraldry has been a recurrent theme, the Black, White, Red and Golden Lions have formed part of the royal coat of arms since the time of the Norman Conquest.


  • 1967年有六飞碟同时降落英国陆军军官空军伦敦警察厅匆促地赶到飞碟着落的现场。

    In 1967, six flying saucers landed in England, at the same time, officers from the army, the Air Force and Scotland Yard rushed to the saucers.


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