• 最近事实披露7月7日发生了英国下议院

    The latest disclosures were made in the House of Commons on July 7th.


  • 之前欧洲工作过还曾英国下议院实习

    She had previously been an intern at the House of Commons and had worked in Europe.


  • 英国下议院内政事务委员会谴责克拉克后,克拉克再也无法忍受。

    By the time Mrs May had blamed Mr Clark in the House of Commons and the Home Affairs Committee, Mr Clark had had enough.


  • 对于一周英国下议院暑期假期后的重开,一个提醒紧缩政策并不那么有趣

    In the week when Britain's House of Commons returns from its summer holiday, here is a reminder that austerity will not be much fun.


  • 因为欧洲议会选举英国下议院不用,采用比例代表制,给靠边党投票带来真正回报

    As elections to the European Parliament, unlike those to the House of Commons, are conducted under a system of proportional representation, voting for outsiders can bring them a real reward.


  • 攻读了哲学博士学位国际医学项目组任教,在英国下议院任职,又是哈佛大学访问学者

    She went on to earn her Ph.D., teach in the international medical program, present work to the House of Commons, and become a visiting scholar at Harvard University.


  • 这个著名引言来自温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士于1940年513日,英国下议院讲话

    This famous quotation comes from Sir Winston Churchill's speech on 13th May 1940 to the UK's House of Commons.


  • 他们反应刺激了英国下议院媒体委员会,该委员会开始考虑这部法律是否需要修改:此事应该立刻提上议程了。

    Their concern has pricked the House of Commons media committee to look at whether the law needs changing: it is due to report shortly.


  • 锡·威·斯特,称为阿斯特子爵夫人,第二当选英国下议院议员的女性议员,也是第一实际到任了的。

    Nancy Witcher Astor, or Viscountess Astor, was the second woman elected to the British Parliament's House of Commons and the first to actually serve.


  • 布朗下议院讲话时说,既然英国伊拉克军事任务已经结束,现在是对战争进行彻底调查时候

    Speaking before the House of Commons, Mr. Brown said since British military operations in Iraq have ended, the time had come for a thorough inquiry into the war.


  • 第一这次选举选上议院议员不是下议院议员,而且选举程序怪异的恪守堪称英国臭名昭著灵活法制体系。

    First, the vote was for a new member of the House of Lords rather than the Commons, and by an odd procedure that strains even Britain's notoriously elastic constitutional arrangements.


  • 三月24提交下议院预算中达声称,如果英国希望加强基础设施,英国必须更新完善自己的能源供应

    In his budget statement, delivered to the House of Commons on 24 March, Darling said that the UK must renew and modernise its energy supplies if it hoped to improve its infrastructure.


  • 作为一个出租车司机儿子,他当选无疑是顺应最近出身卑微的人下议院议员获得英国公众生活耀眼职位的趋势

    The son of a taxi driver also continues the recent trend of MPs from humble backgrounds filling one of the most gilded posts in British public life.


  • 英国划分为651个选区每个选区选下议院议员

    Britain is divided 651 constituencies. Each of the constituencies returns one member to the House of Commons.


  • 英国大选虽已有结果却难说尘埃落定,保守党下议院赢得最多席位没有让他们成为总体上大多数

    Britain's general election on May 6th produced an inconclusive result, leaving the Conservatives as the largest party in Parliament but short of an overall majority.


  • 1992年12月英国首相约翰梅杰宣读来自皇室家族声明下议院宣布对夫妇离异

    The couple's separation was announced in December 1992 by British Prime Minister John Major, who read a statement from the royal family to the House of Commons.


  • 本周官方报告详细描述四十多年英国情报官员不当行为之后,前往下议院演讲至少用“骇人听闻”形容一事件。

    This week, after an official report detailed wrongdoing by British intelligence officers more than two decades ago, he went to the House of Commons and described it as "shocking" at least four times.


  • 下议院议会议员组成,议员由英国人民选举出来他们管理国家

    The House of Commons is made up of Members of Parliament who are elected by the people of Great Britain to run the country for them.


  • 下议院由议会议员组成,议员英国人民选举出来,他们管理国家

    Parliament who are elected by the people of Great Britain to run the country for them.


  • 事实上成就的成功之举促使选举英国国会下议院

    In fact his success at this aspect of human endeavour as time progressed saw him elected eventually to the House of Commons.


  • 批评者中包括马克•斯道博斯,英国事务律师协会法律政策部主任这家机构的成员很可能因这些提案而受损;批评者中也有下议院司法委员会,但这个组织的成员不会因这些提案而受损。

    Critics include Mark Stobbs, the Law Society's director of legal policy, whose members stand to lose by the proposals, and the House of Commons Justice Committee, whose members do not.


  • 民众接待厅(lobby)英国议会下议院旁边房间

    The lobby was the large room next to the House of Commons in the British Parliament.


  • 1940年5月13日成为英国国会下议院首相后,温斯顿·伦纳德·斯潘塞·丘吉尔首次发表演说,说:所能奉献没有其它,只有热血辛劳眼泪汗水

    On May 13, 1940, in his first statement as Prime Minister to the British House of Commons, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill declared: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.


  • 1940年5月13日成为英国国会下议院首相后,温斯顿·伦纳德·斯潘塞·丘吉尔首次发表演说,说:所能奉献没有其它,只有热血辛劳眼泪汗水

    On May 13, 1940, in his first statement as Prime Minister to the British House of Commons, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill declared: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.


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