• 他们俩一起将第五航空队打造成一个令人生畏的团队。

    Together they made a formidable team.


  • 完成欧洲战区职责后,萨姆森自愿加入陈纳德将军14航空队

    Following his tour of duty in the European Theatre of Operations, Samson volunteered for duty with General Chennault's 14th Air Force.


  • 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一假死状态。

    Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation.


  • 飞机如此宝贵第五航空队司令乔治·肯尼为此暴躁怀特黑德发生了激烈争执。

    Aircraft were so precious that the incident brought on a confrontation between General George Kenny, commanding officer of the Fifth Air Force, and the volatile Whitehead.


  • 美国陆军航空队相信白昼轰炸,应防御性空中堡垒重轰炸机组织骨干。

    The u. s. army air forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization .


  • 战机将来自于美国第七航空队华盛顿号海军战机韩国空军以及韩国的反潜机

    S. Seventh air force, the George Washington's air Wing, the ROK air force and ROK anti-submarine aircraft.


  • 挑战者哥伦比亚灾难后美国航空队禁飞美国航空任务骤减的原因。

    After the Challenger and Columbia disasters, America's shuttle fleet was grounded, which explains the big drop in missions immediately after both accidents.


  • 入侵空中行动较 早之前英国皇家空军美国陆军航空队实施进攻不能割裂开来的。

    The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Force.


  • 入侵空中行动较 早之前英国皇家空军美国陆军航空队实施进攻不能割裂开来的。

    The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U. S. Army Air Force.


  • 第3航空队由戸梶忠恒中尉指挥,提供了十三架‘零’战、架九六式舰战和九八式侦察机

    Kikuichi Inano. The 3 Kokutai contributed thirteen Zeros, five Claudes, and three "Babs" under the command of Lt. Tadatsune Tokaji.


  • 美国空军志愿队的头,然后扩展为美国十四航空队基地昆明。(这个地方不知道在那里?)

    He headed the American Volunteer Group (AVG) and was promoted to general in command of the 14th Air Force, based in Kunming.


  • 现在,他已经在英国陆军航空队接受飞行员训练超过1,这次很可能会直升机飞行员的身份上战场。

    The prince has been training to become a pilot with the Army Air Corps for over a year.


  • 尽管第五航空队头头们还有些担忧,但他们确信找到了一种新的厉害武器——改装后的B - 25。

    Despite the original misgivings of some of the Fifth Air Force crews, they began to understand that they had been given a new potent weapon.


  • 英国皇家海军航空队耶奥威尔顿机场已经成为全英国繁忙军用机场,并且欧洲最大的军用机场之一。

    RNAS Yeovilton has grown to become one of the busiest military airfields in the United Kingdom and is amongst the largest in Europe.


  • 1943年,驻扎英国美国陆军航空兵(USAAF)第8航空队下属的轰炸机大队面临着场危机

    By the autumn of 1943 the bomber groups of the Eighth US Army Air Force (USAAF) based in England faced a crisis.


  • 1935年10月30日美国陆军航空队举办了一场竞赛确定哪家公司打造美国下一代远程轰炸机

    ON OCTOBER 30th 1935, the US Army Air Corps held a competition to see which company would build the country's next-generation of long-range bombers.


  • 圣地亚哥博物馆董事长多尔先生很有经验平民飞行员美国加入二战陆军航空队预备队

    Chairman of the Board, San Diego Aerospace Museum: Mr. Dalby was both an experienced civilian pilot and a member of the Army air Corps Reserve by the time the U. S. entered the Second World.


  • 具有讽刺意味第8航空队早期计划中也考虑到了护航需求只不过采用的是航程短的“喷火”战斗机。

    There was some irony in this as early plans for the 8th Air Force had envisaged the need for an escort, albeit with short-range Spitfires.


  • 培训提供美国指导老师,阿富汗国民军航空队ANAAC)一起工作航空队美国采购了18G-222型运输机。

    The training will be provided to U.S. advisors who are set to work with the Afghanistan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC), which is acquiring 18 G-222 transport aircraft from the U.S.


  • 1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队2年后正式组织效力,他伊普雷河索姆河交接处战壕参加坠落飞机抢救工作。

    He joined the Royal Naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme.


  • 英国皇家空军(RAF战斗机最远只能轰炸机护送到巴黎,很快跟不上实际需要,因为第8航空队很快就把打击范围扩大到了德国本土目标

    The ability of RAF fighters to cover the bombers only as far as Paris was soon overtaken by events, as the Eighth quickly extended its reach to take in targets in Germany.


  • 中国农民牵着水牛一队队绕过战火烧焦变形奥斯卡(美国人为日本陆军航空队“隼”型战斗机取的名字。)野蔷薇来到农田,又开始了为来年的收成进行的忙碌。

    The Chinese peasant now detours his team of water buffalo around the blackened, twisted hulls of two Lilies and four Oscars as he prepares the paddy fields for the next rice planting.


  • 中国农民牵着水牛一队队绕过战火烧焦变形奥斯卡(美国人为日本陆军航空队“隼”型战斗机取的名字。)野蔷薇来到农田,又开始了为来年的收成进行的忙碌。

    The Chinese peasant now detours his team of water buffalo around the blackened, twisted hulls of two Lilies and four Oscars as he prepares the paddy fields for the next rice planting.


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