• 最近还有一点点证据表明印度人使用反重力航空宇宙技术

    This is but a small bit of recent evidence of anti-gravity and aerospace technology used by Indians.


  • 韩国航空宇宙研究院17称,韩国枚运载火箭运往发射台,预计19日发射

    The ROK's first space rocket was moved to its launch pad for scheduled blastoff on August 19, the state-run aerospace institute said Monday.


  • 太空船里面没有重力,实际飞船设计符合航空宇宙工程学不是“未来主义审美观

    The inside of spaceships also lacked gravity, while the actual ship design conformed to aerospace engineering rather than a "futuristic" aesthetic.


  • 日本航空宇宙技术研究所石川岛播磨重工业公司目前正在开展方面研究工作。

    LTD(IHI) is conducting development study of Air Turbo-Ramjet(ATR) engine, which is one of the most preferable candidate as an air breathing propulsion system of future space plane.


  • 在完成具有重大历史意义,几近完美的火星登陆后,美国国家航空宇宙航行死鸟登陆者准备开始探测北极表面生命迹象

    After a historic, near perfect landing NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is getting ready to begin testing the polar surface for signs of water and life.


  • 日本航空宇宙探险宇航员野口是负责执行STS-130任务的成员之一,他正在使用数码相机透过“圆顶”观测舷窗拍摄地球美景

    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi of the space shuttle's STS-130 crew wields a digital SLR camera to capture a view of Earth from the Cupola.


  • 美国国家航空航天局计划发射颗卫星研究宇宙射线

    NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.


  • 美国国家航空宇宙航行局的研究小组现在表示他们已经证明它们可能爆炸本身产生的。

    The NASA team is now saying they have proved that they could not have been produced by the blast itself.


  • 一眼现在电视节目会发现一些节目非常重视关于科技宇宙航空知识的传播。

    It was - you look at some of the television programs, there was a lot of emphasis on science and technology, on aerospace.


  • 据悉,这项研究由美国国家航空宇宙航行局和美国宾夕法尼亚大学研究团队发出的警告还是着实让一些渴望外星人变朋友的人们感到失望,两个部门近日在起草一份名为:《与外星生物联系的利弊》中详尽勾勒出了倘若有机会与外星人“面对面”后的益处、客观效应还有弊端。

    The report, a joint effort between Nasa and Pennsylvania State University, answered the question 'Would Contact With Extraterrestrials Benefit Or Harm Humanity?'


  • 国家航空航天博物馆展示美国飞行宇宙探索方面取得成就,莱特兄弟第一架双翼飞机阿波罗登月任务以及其他

    The national Air and space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond.


  • 根据美国国家航空宇宙航行轨道运行哈勃太空望远镜收集数据仙女星座美丽少许源自亿年前另一星系的嬉戏。

    The great Andromeda galaxy owes a bit of its beauty to a dalliance with another galaxy billions of years ago, according to new data gathered with NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 这项任务美国国家航空宇宙航行勘探开发任务兴趣本土资源利用

    The mission was sponsored by NASA's Exploration division, which is interested in developing missions that make use of indigenous resources.


  • 国家航空宇宙航行研究人员认为需要太空船种植作物时,纳入潜在未来长期航天任务(作物)是很理想的。

    NASA researchers consider it ideal for inclusion in possible future long-term space missions when crops would need to be grown on spacecraft.


  • 科学杂志美国国家航空宇宙航行得到独家数据,数据显示2009年南半球历史最热

    Science has obtained exclusive data from NASA that indicates that 2009 was the hottest year on record south of the Equator.


  • 日本的宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)正在实验这一想法。该机构利用特制高温,采用户田拓夫飞机设计,在一处7马赫风洞进行测试。

    The Japanese space agency, JAXA, is actually testing the idea, using special heat-resistant paper, another of Toda's plane designs, and a Mach 7 wind tunnel.


  • 2011年九月12,美国国家航空宇宙航行局的卫星分辩率成像光谱仪夏令时捕捉到了顶部影像

    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite captured the top image just after noon Central Daylight Time on September 12, 2011.


  • 同年十一月,卡内基研究协会美国国家航空宇宙航行局也就此话题举行了一次专题会议

    In November the Carnegie Institution and America's space agency, NASA, held a conference on the topic.


  • 作为地球物理学者,美国航天航空喷气动力实验室所做的研究帮助正确时间正确的位置发射宇宙飞船,并且使之准确到达目的地

    His research for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.


  • 星期四,通过播放当时佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射台倒数发射执行任务录像,美国国家航空宇宙航行局以及应邀嘉宾纪念谢波德航行50周年。

    NASA and invited guests marked the 50th anniversary of Shepard's flight on Thursday with a re-broadcast of the countdown, launch and mission at his Cape Canaveral, Fla., launch pad.


  • 谢泼德的成功飞行引起人们对空间计划浪潮般的兴趣热情,并且美国国家航空宇宙航行局也从这次成功完成的任务获得了许多好处

    Shepard's successful flight created a wave of interest and enthusiasm in the space program and NASA reaped the benefits of a successful mission.


  • 美国国家航空航天局表示哈勃天文学家提供一个剪贴本”,里面是一些有关于早期宇宙快照

    According to NASA, "Hubble provided astronomers with a 'scrapbook' full of snapshots of the early universe."..


  • 美国国家航空宇宙航行局在很大程度否定了俄国报告,该报告称两个足球场行星可能于2036年撞击地球

    NASA has largely dismissed a Russian report that an asteroid larger than two football fields could hit Earth by 2036.


  • 9月份,位于马里兰州格林·贝尔特,属于美国国家航空航天管理局一部分戈达德宇宙飞行中心研究人员告诉肯尼亚官员他们麻烦了。

    In September researchers at the Goddard space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland, part of America's space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem.


  • 国家航空宇宙航行局(NASA)的网站完全免费,既有趣又能学到知识,宇航局探索激发小孩子的求知欲,附有如何参与的指导。

    A visit to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Web site is free, fun, and educational.


  • 现在由于美国航空航天局(NASA)一项合作,微软世界望远镜做出了迄今为止详细宇宙球面还有新的火星表面3D真彩地图

    Now, thanks to a new collaboration with NASA, WorldWide Telescope has produced the most detailed spherical image of the heavens to date, along with a new 3-D, true color map of the surface of Mars.


  • 图为泉水保持自然色卫星地图,通过美国航空宇宙航行局(NASA)的EO - 1卫星上的“高级地面成像器(ALI)”于2006年76获得

    The top image is a natural-color satellite view of the spring, acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's EO-1 satellite on July 6, 2006.


  • 图为泉水保持自然色卫星地图,通过美国航空宇宙航行局(NASA)的EO - 1卫星上的“高级地面成像器(ALI)”于2006年76获得

    The top image is a natural-color satellite view of the spring, acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's EO-1 satellite on July 6, 2006.


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