• 大气层中,一氧化二氮浓度很低目前科学认为气候暖化有6%的原因来自一氧化二氮,也是破坏平流层臭氧的祸首之一。

    Nitrous oxide exists at low levels in the atmosphere, yet is thought to be responsible for 6 percent of climate warming and also contributes to stratospheric ozone destruction.


  • 我们发现室内臭氧某种物质吞噬掉了”,Charles Weschler告诉科学新闻》。

    "We've known that the ozone indoors is being gobbled up," Charles Weschler told Science News.


  • 这里所谓的“空洞不是字面含义,并不存在任何处平流层完全没有臭氧科学家们空洞说法描述这些臭氧浓度低于历史读数220多布单位区域

    The hole isn't literal; no part of the stratosphere is empty of ozone. But scientists use the hole metaphor to describe the area where ozone drops below a historical concentration of 220 Dobson Units.


  • 科学家们相信灼伤是因为臭氧变薄致使紫外线辐射等级增加引起

    Scientists believe the sunburns are due to increasing levels of ultraviolet radiation resulting from the thinning ozone layer.


  • 一项研究中,奥地利科学家们在实验室环境臭氧皮肤油脂混合

    In a different experiment, scientists in Austria mixed together ozone and skin oils in the laboratory.


  • 现在这些分子认为南极洲海盐主要来源科学家们猜测它们可能是导致南极附近日出时对流臭氧耗弱的主要原因

    They have recently been recognized as the dominant source of sea salt aerosol in Antarctica and scientists suspect they may be the main cause of tropospheric ozone depletion during the polar sunrise.


  • 科学家们过去认为南极洲大规模臭氧年际变化掩盖微小趋势

    Scientists thought large, wholly natural, year-to-year variations in Antarctic ozone would obscure any small upward trend.


  • 依据它的测量数据,科学家们可以估定地面附近其它海拔高度有多少臭氧存在——特别是平流层

    OMI allows scientists to assess how much ozone is present at various altitudesparticularly the stratosphereand near the ground.


  • 科学家们空洞词表示臭氧浓度低于220个多布单位(多布森单位是用来度量大气臭氧柱尺度单位。

    Scientists use "hole" as a metaphor for the area in which ozone concentrations drop below the historical threshold of 220 Dobson Units.


  • 发现笑气这种常见化学品正在恢复的臭氧构成威胁之后科学呼吁笑气排放实行更为严格管制

    Scientists have called for stricter controls on emissions of laughing gas, after discovering the common chemical poses a new threat to the recovering ozone layer.


  • 研究中,科学家们发现含有鲨烯皮肤碎屑覆盖在室内各种物体的表面使得窗户沙发和皮肤一样,都能分解臭氧

    In this study, the researchers determined that skin flakes on surfaces were covering those surfaces with squalene, thus making those Windows, doors or couches break up ozone as well as skin does.


  • 贝瑞解释说科学仍然关注臭氧破环全球变暖问题之间综合关联和相互影响。

    Scientists are still getting to grips with the complex interaction between ozone depletion and global warming, Barrie explained.


  • 科学家们模拟三个时间段给汽车充电产生臭氧差别夜间驾驶以及刚刚驾驶

    Scientists modeled how much ozone would be generated if the cars were charged at three different times: overnight, just before they're driven or just after.


  • 数十年后今天,正值发现臭氧空洞25周年纪念日之际,科学开始意识到相关问题

    Scientists have only become aware of related problems over the past few decades, since this year marks the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the hole in the ozone layer.


  • 周围的环境中清除臭氧,可以说减少这些发病率科学很久搞清楚需要多少皮肤才能对清除环境中的臭氧有所帮助

    Removing ozone from the environment, on the other hand, can reduce those risks and scientists have long wondered how human skin might help.


  • 科学发现越来越鲸鱼伤,臭氧层空洞则可能幕后元凶。

    Scientists have discovered that a growing number of whales are suffering from sunburn - and that the hole in the ozone layer could be to blame.


  • 世界气象组织科学地面臭氧烟雾空气悬浮微粒子、二氧化硫一氧化碳之类污染物质进行评估监测

    WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.


  • NPP携带5科学仪器用来帮助研究者跟踪臭氧冰盖的各种信息,协助他们开展长期短期预测

    NPP carries five science instruments designed to help researchers track everything from the ozone layer to ice cover, and to help them develop both long - and short-term forecasts.


  • 但是,因为现在禁止排放导致臭氧氯化气体科学家们预计未来五、六十年内,损坏臭氧将自行修复

    Butbecause the the CFC gasses that caused the ozone hole now been banned, scientists expect the damage to repair itself within the next 50-60years.


  • 另一个近期发表科学杂志》上研究表明,由于气候变化导致的猛烈风暴造成新的臭氧层空洞,增加陆地海洋紫外线辐射剂量

    Another recent study, this one in the journal Science, says the severe storms delivered by climate change could punch new holes in the ozone layer, upping our dose of radiation on land and at sea.


  • 科学评估臭氧一氧化氮二氧化硫一氧化碳水平但是这些现实一种联系

    The scientists also evaluated levels of ozone, nitric oxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, but these showed a much weaker relationship.


  • 寒冷状况下会破坏更多臭氧科学我们有可能会在未来几年见到长的冬天

    Chlorine destroys more ozone in colder conditions, and scientists say we're likely to see more long winters in the coming years.


  • 研究地球臭氧科学声称今年北极地区已经丧失了大量臭氧

    Scientists studying the Earth's ozone layer claim that huge amounts of ozone were lost over the Arctic region this year.


  • 1985年,英国科学确认化学反应开始损害南极上空臭氧

    In 1985, British scientists confirmed that chemical reactions had begun to damage the ozone layer above Antarctica.


  • 1985年,英国科学确认化学反应开始损害南极上空臭氧

    In 1985, British scientists confirmed that chemical reactions had begun to damage the ozone layer above Antarctica.


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