• 俄勒冈波特兰5英里小道赛跑,在自然林上,里的小道停车

    An approx 5 mile trail race in Portland, Oregon, on the Wildwood trail in Forest Park.


  • 委托方优先考虑了对于自然林保护以及场地具有其他意义的大树例如湖水景观以及利亚·里卡火山

    The client gave priority to the conservation of the forest and the large trees over other attributes of the site, like the views of the lake and the Villarrica volcano.


  • 研究发现可能解释不能归因为进化对于自然选择来说,获得IQ时间跨度)的效应有所帮助

    The study’s findings may also help explain the Flynn effect, which can’t be accounted for by evolution (the IQ gains occur over time spans too short for natural selection).


  • 研究发现可能解释不能因为进化对于自然选择来说,获得IQ时间跨度)的效应有所帮助

    The study's findings may also help explain the Flynn effect, which can't be accounted for by evolution (the IQ gains occur over time spans too short for natural selection).


  • 大路旁边,一块块自然生长伐木公司铺就又长又走廊两侧

    Off the main road, small patches of “naturalforest survive alongside the swathe of broad sandy corridor cut by a logging company.


  • 自然杂志发表的文章中,斯克同事伊恩·西蒙兹(IanSimmonds)新的数据表明预期中的海冰融化-温度上升反馈作用目前已经观察到

    Writing in the journal Nature, Screen and his colleague Ian Simmonds, say they used new data to show that the projected ice-temperature feedbacks are now being observed.


  • 我们利他RitalinProvigil药物中学到的教训现在这些药物标示核准之外的范围用于增强功能,这正是《自然发现的。

    That is the lesson from medicines such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Provigil (modafinil), which are now widely usedoff label” to boost performance, as Nature has found.


  • 、火、大地及天空在内自然的五大元素。这些特别头饰充分展示中国民间艺术传统文化

    These special headpieces also display the uniqur folk and culture of China.


  • 种植来说,虽然一些重叠,但所使用生物技术范围通常和使用自然再生上的有很大不同

    For planted forests, although there is some overlap, the range of biotechnologies used is generally quite different from that used for naturally regenerated forests.


  • 世界自然基金会报告指出很多破坏由于烧开垦耕地然后满足全球大豆牛肉生物燃料需求造成的。

    The WWF report says much of the destruction results from burning of the forest to clear land, which is then used to meet the global demand for soybeans, beef and biofuel.


  • 自行车她们喜欢的一交通方式因为自行车我们接近自然当地老百姓以及他们生活方式,”姬莹

    Cycling was their preferred method of transportation because "bikes bring us closer to nature, local people, and the way they live," said Vicky.


  • 承认工作有时看起来有点超自然而不像专家她找不到其他方式来达成这个结果

    Yelin admits that her work can sometimes seem supernatural to non-specialists, but she says she wouldn't have it any other way.


  • 电影改编自60年代同名自然题材电视剧,德普其中扮演吸血鬼巴巴斯

    He plays vampire Barnabas Collins in the film based on the the 60′s daily supernatural series of the same name.


  • 说:“他们设计非常简单易用,但十分精致且功能非凡,起来方便自然

    They have a very clean design that’s incredibly functional and a kind of natural sense of ease of use.


  • 说到使用切分音大师,我们自然想到斯考特·乔普,位多产的美国黑人作曲家,二十世纪初居住圣路易斯地区

    Now the master of syncopation, of course, in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis in the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 矿产富豪拿出一部分挽救一种名为“深蓝色濒危鸟类沃尔特辞去3M工作他做自然保护工作。

    Walter resigns from 3M and moves into nature conservation working for a minerals magnate who wants to turn some of his ill-earned millions into saving a small woodland bird, the Cerulean warbler.


  • 这场勾心斗角的暗战中,克里克火速沃森改变历史论文递交了《自然》杂志,生怕富兰克来访伦敦DNA信息泄露出去

    In this dastardly sideplot, Crick raced to submit his and Watson's history-changing paper to Nature, in fear that Franklin would leak DNA information when Pauling visited London.


  • 用不着要求蔑视:你随时都可以任何人自然而然地瞧不起

    You needn't bespeak contempt, Linton: anybody will have it spontaneously at your service.


  • 克里斯·斯特教授伦敦自然博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 迪威马赛奥斯班达博士粮食农业自然资源政策分析网络(Fanrpan)首席执行官,同时也是农业优先组织发言人

    Dr Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is chief executive officer of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (Fanrpan) and is a spokesperson for the Farming First coalition.


  • 凯斯教授口号:“合成生物学工具我们不必仅仅接受自然的赐予。”

    Professor Keasling's slogan is: “With the tools of synthetic biology we don't have to just accept what nature has given us.”


  • 15个小岛屿国家联盟成员木材阔叶列为主要自然资源

    Fifteen AOSIS members list timber or hardwood forests as one of their main natural resources.


  • 老普说,颗珍珠是史上最大珍珠,自然的神来之笔价值达1000万塞斯·特斯。

    Pliny called it "the largest in the whole of history," a "remarkable and truly unique work of nature" worth 10 million sesterces.


  • 老普说,颗珍珠是史上最大珍珠,自然的神来之笔价值达1000万塞斯·特斯。

    Pliny called it "the largest in the whole of history," a "remarkable and truly unique work of nature" worth 10 million sesterces.


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