• 特长刑期犯人自杀得不成比例。

    There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences.


  • 那些统计数据显著特征自杀率

    The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.


  • 年纪中的美国人中,八十多年得学习中可以发现自杀有了很大的下降

    The greatest decline in suicide rates over the eight decades of the study was observed in older Americans.


  • 研究结果表明:近年来,相对女孩而言,男孩中职业文盲比例自杀更高

    Among the results: high rates of functional illiteracy and a troublingly high suicide rate that's become even more pronounced in recent years compared to the rate among girls.


  • 他们发现通常人们生活感到比较满意的生活满意水平较低自杀更高

    They found that states with people who are generally more satisfied with their lives tended to have higher suicide rates than those with lower average levels of life satisfaction.


  • 英国国家由于法律允许剂量销售扑热息痛之类药物自杀已经显著下降

    In countries like Britain, suicide rates have fallen significantly thanks to legislation that allows drugs such as paracetamol to be sold only in small quantities.


  • 失业人酗酒抑郁焦灼自杀率升高心理生理健康生活质量下降

    The unemployed face increased risk for binge drinking, depression, anxiety, and suicide. There is decreased quality of mental health, life satisfaction, and objective physical well-being.


  • 犹他州生活满意度排名第一但是自杀第九纽约生活满意度排名第45自杀率最低

    Utah is ranked first in life satisfaction, but has the ninth highest suicide rate, while New York was ranked 45th in life satisfaction but had the lowest suicide rate in the country.


  • 一个大众化社会出现往往伴随着困难调整国际标准万分之1.4国家自杀

    The creation of a "mass society" is often accompanied by adjustment difficulties, and the national suicide rate—14 per 100, 000—is high by international standards.


  • 多年以来研究人员已经观察美国自杀最高出现所谓居民”而且西部地区

    For years, researchers have observed that U. S. suicide rates appear to be highest among residents of the so-called "Intermountain West" region of the country.


  • 荷兰鹿特丹大学提供世界幸福感数据库显示自杀国家人们声称他们感到不幸福。

    People in countries with high suicide rates say they are unhappier, according to the "World Database of Happiness" maintained by Erasmus University in Rotterdam.


  • 家庭暴力传统文化落后思想经济能力不足导致农村妇女自杀主要原因

    Domes-tic violence, the negative thinking of traditional culture, not enough economic ability and other relative factors are the main reasons which lead to a high rate of suicide.


  • 不管怎样考虑到男性完全自杀女性我们需要知道关心男性抑郁症独特的症状

    However, considering that the rates of completed suicide of men are three to four times that of women, we need to educate ourselves about male depression and its unique symptoms.


  • 12岁至15自杀非常高,而且第一次有这种自杀想法到付诸实践时间

    He said the odds of a person committing suicide rise sharply between the ages of 12 and 15 and the time between the first suicidal thoughts and an actual attempt is short.


  • 华威大学汉密尔顿学院研究人员先前的研究表明快乐” 的国家自杀很高丹麦就是一个例子

    Researchers from the University of Warwick and Hamilton College in New York said that previous studies have shown 'happy' nations had high suicide rates, with Denmark often singled out as an example.


  • 制造带锁盒子,增加获取农药难度,这些措施降低农药使用量,因此也降低自杀

    And by creating lock boxes and making it more difficult to have easy accessibility to pesticides, we've been able to show that we can reduce the use of pesticides and thereby the rate of suicide.


  • 学业成就年级学校活动参与度辍学大学入学考试成绩自杀忧郁问题以及男女共有的品行障碍问题。

    She looked at educational achievement, school grades, engagement in schools, dropout rates, college entrances tests, suicide rates, depression problems, and conduct disorders for both girls and boys.


  • 过去10年中日本离婚尽管远远低于美国已经上升了50%,自杀率则上升了近20%。

    In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.


  • 科学家宣布一般人群相比较尽管总体健康风险没有变化,但接受隆胸术的女性自杀很多

    While overall risk of health problems did not change, the suicide rate was much higher for women with breast implants compared with the general population, scientists announced today.


  • 死亡医学证明书记录原始上报死因详细入户调查后判断的死因进行比较然后结果调整自杀

    T he original cause of death recorded on the death certificate was compared with the finding of the detailed household survey and the result was used to adjust the suicide rate.


  • 本文解答的问题为什么京山农村会形成一种类似自杀秩序文化现象因此导致老年人自杀

    This article aims to explain why in Jingshan rural areas there is a cultural phenomenon which normalizes suicide and therefore causes high suicidal rate among the elderly.


  • 邮件采访中讲道这些研究结果不禁想到一个类似效应。享有“适宜居住美名城市也会很高自杀

    In an interview by email, she said the findings remind her of an effect researchers have discussed in cases where a city with a reputation for being a good place to live also has a high suicide rate.


  • 过于顺利生活可能具有破坏性因为人们没有机会学会怎样应对挫折部分解释年轻人居高不下自杀

    A life that is too smooth may also be destructive because it offers no opportunity for one to learn how to deal with failures. That in part explains the high rates of suicide among young people.


  • 研究者们还表明,60年代到70年代初期英格兰威尔士家用天然气开始过滤毒性后自杀确实下降了三分之一

    When domestic gas was detoxified in England and Wales in the 1960s and early 1970s, there was a drop in the suicide rate of about a third, researchers have argued.


  • 有些人会自杀美国65岁以上自杀仅仅青年人自杀率第二位,对于白人来说65岁以上国家平均年龄以上

    Some take their lives: The suicide rate for Americans over 65 is second only to the rate for adolescents, and for white men over 65 it’s more than four times the national average.


  • 奥斯韦德发现一系列具有较高幸福指数国家在国民自杀的榜单上的排名很靠前,其中包括加拿大美国冰岛爱尔兰瑞士

    Oswald found that a range of nations, including Canada, the United States, Iceland, Ireland and Switzerland -- all with relatively high happiness levels -- also had high suicide rates.


  • 著名医学杂志柳叶刀篇报道警告自杀率也在上升英国剑桥大学肯蒂克伦尼斯,篇报告的撰写之一

    A report in the medical journal Lancet warns of a rise in suicides. Alexander Kentikelenis of Britain's Cambridge University is one of the authors.


  • 著名医学杂志柳叶刀篇报道警告自杀率也在上升英国剑桥大学肯蒂克伦尼斯,篇报告的撰写之一

    A report in the medical journal Lancet warns of a rise in suicides. Alexander Kentikelenis of Britain's Cambridge University is one of the authors.


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