• 本文以“约瑟夫·史密斯这一故事开始,探讨了翻译自指关联性

    Starting from the story of Joseph Smiths plates, the paper discusses translation and the relevance of self-reference.


  • 语句客观形成过程语义映射决定了事实上不可能构建任何”语句。

    The objective formation and semantic reflection of any statement cannot construct its own self-direction.


  • 文学符号自指绝非单纯语言学或符号学问题,必然受制于社会文化规则既定的程式规范。

    On the other hand, it is also subject to the cultural modes and literary conventions, thus causing the self-contradiction in the pursuits of literary semiotics.


  • 厄尔尼诺现象是太平洋暖流定期西向东扫过太平洋的现象,绰号—“男孩”—因为他会圣诞期间使秘鲁附近海域海水暖。

    EL nino, a periodic sloshing of warm water from west to east across the Pacific, gets its name - "the boy child" -because it is around Christmas that it warms the water off Peru.


  • 这部卡梅隆泰坦尼克号》以来首次执导的大型故事片标志着三维电影时代到来——这种三维具有长宽的影像。

    Instead, Cameron's first full-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.


  • 这家公司研究1974年以来所有牛市标准普尔500上升20%以上没有20%以上衰退现象那些。

    The firm looked at all rallies since 1974 in which the S&P 500 index rose by at least 20% without an intervening decline of at least 20%.


  • 讨论直觉迹象的时候就是直觉力,洛克一样,认为某些事物立即不证的。

    When Hume talks about intuitive evidence that is intuition, like Locke, he means something that is immediately self evident.


  • 如果石油廉价地采地下洞穴传统能源,那么“石油峰值很快到来

    "Peak oil", if oil means the traditional sort that comes cheaply out of holes in the ground, probably will arrive soon.


  • 日本经济增长前景重要的影响因素工作年龄人口数量下降。 工作年龄人口是15~64间的1996年以来一直下降。

    What matters most for Japan’s economic growth prospects is the decline in its working-age population, those aged 15-64, which has been shrinking since 1996.


  • 货币名称俄语词语有关,但借用土耳其语。

    The name of the currency is related with the Russian word for money which was borrowed from Turkic.


  • 吉格斯定下了这种基调第一次梦剧场曼联主场)使对手胆寒一刻起,他一直保持着巨大的斗志。

    The mood is set by Giggs, as hungry now as when he first glided into opposition nightmares at the Theatre of Dreams.


  • 标准普尔5001998年以来最高

    The Standard and Poor's 500 index had its best start of any year since 1998.


  • 汤姆逊金融公司迈克•汤姆逊这样说道1991年,高收益债券标普500之间相关性非常不到20%。

    Mike Thompson of Thomson Financial says that, since 1991, the correlation between the performance of high-yield bonds and the S&P 500 index has been pretty lowless than 20%.


  • 第二世界大战,本是描述德军防空炮弹爆炸时产生的浓烟,后来就转赛菲尔先生公关业同行所提供信息夸张表演

    The word came from the second world war, describing the smoke from German anti-aircraft shells, and hence the puffed-up information or exaggerated shows Mr Safire and his sort provided.


  • 标准普尔500达到1957以来最大的一次下跌,由美国最大公司组成这个数一年下跌了40.9%。

    The Standard &Poor's 500 index is set to record the biggest drop since its creation in 1957. The index of America's biggest companies is down 40.9 percent for the year.


  • 1990年以来,这些国家婴儿死亡率几乎降低了,冲突肆虐的国家标降低19%,而其他国家则降低了31%。

    Nearly all have cut infant mortality since 1990. But conflict-ridden states have reduced it by only 19% compared with 31% elsewhere.


  • 黑暗边缘》改编一部1985年的英国电视剧,讲述的是警察寻找杀害女儿凶手的故事,这部电影被去年利亚·尼森的卖座电影《飓风营救》情节雷同

    Edge of Darkness, based on the 1985 Brit TV drama about a cop searching for his daughter's killers, bears a resemblance to last year's Liam Neeson hit Taken.


  • 就轻空气民用航空器而言飞行离开地面重新着地时止

    In the case of a civil aircraft lighter than air, the expression in flight relates to the period from the moment when it becomes detached from the surface until it becomes again attached thereto.


  • 谈话中的人们知道他们什么双方都不言明时通常形容词的所有格,mine / 我的yours / 你的和his /的和hers /她的。

    We usually use possessive adjectives, like mine / mine and yours / yours and his / his and hers / hers, when the people speaking know what they are referring to and it is understood by both.


  • 5月25日伦敦富时100去年10月以来,首次报收于5000点以下

    On May 25th the FTSE 100 index closed below 5, 000 for the first time since last October.


  • 5月25日伦敦富时100去年10月以来,首次报收于5000点以下

    On May 25th the FTSE 100 index closed below 5,000 for the first time since last October.


  • 看看一度受人尊敬25公司人失望股票表现1月5日建立以来,这25家公司的股票市值已缩水50%,是更具代表性标准普尔数500跌幅的两

    A wince-inducing glance at the share performance of 25 firms that have gone cap-in-hand shows a 50% loss since the new index's inception on January 5th, double the decline of the wider S&P 500 index.


  • 2006年的兼并以来(兼并BNL),意大利还有一种“截然不同的操作模式,(普通操作模式的区别)就深夜白天一样”。

    In Italy there has been a "huge difference made, like night and day," since the acquisition in 2006.


  • 家乐福股价下跌7.3%,至32.30欧元,创下斯托克600数当日最大跌幅,也是该公司5月来的最大跌幅

    Carrefour posted the biggest decline in the Stoxx 600, plummeting 7.3 percent to 32.30 euros, the biggest drop since May.


  • 延迟读取操作总数上次计数器复位后,所执行延迟读取操作的总数

    Total late Reads is the total number of late read operations since the last time the counter was reset.


  • 延迟读取操作总数上次计数器复位后,所执行延迟读取操作的总数

    Total late Reads is the total number of late read operations since the last time the counter was reset.


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