• 丰收大地离不开食物

    Harvest came from lands, human can't live without food.


  • 树木,仿佛是来大地渴慕,正着脚尖向着天堂窥探

    The tree, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.


  • 雨滴大地回归大地。雨滴滋润大地,酬谢大地母亲的恩情。

    Raindrops come from the earth and return to the earth. Raindrops thank the earth - their mother, by moistening her.


  • 技能抱有合适的,而狂妄自大地谈论己的能力不合适。

    Being confident in your skills is desirable and being arrogant discussing your abilities is not.


  • 球员近期还在名人纪念馆自大地发表演说,也性丑闻,妻子草率离婚

    This same player who recently gave one of the most arrogant Hall of Fame speeches ever delivered and settled a large divorce settlement because of being unfaithful to his wife on multiple occasions.


  • 只要你的心始终接受大地、人们上帝欢喜勇气壮丽力量,你就会年轻

    So long as your heart receives messages of beauty, cheer, courage, grandeur and power from the earth, from man, and from the Infinite, so long you are young.


  • 虽然绑架漂亮的村民梅丽·申,非常自大地认为凭借花言巧语打动姑娘的芳心。

    Though he kidnapped the beautiful villager Merri Shen, he did not plan to force himself upon her, but thought, rather arrogantly, that he could seduce her with his wiles.


  • 主人在家电灯便大地蜡烛:“蜡烛老弟,我们电灯是不是你们有用了?”

    One day, the owner was not at home, light it on the candle from the earth said: "the candle brother, you see our lights is more useful than you?"


  • 现在地球光明梦想作为大地母亲祝福所居住地区所有准备接受这个

    Now press the light earth dream into all human lives in the region of one's origin that are ready to receive this dream as a blessing of love from the earth mother.


  • 这个领域里任何骄傲自大地已的成就喋喋不休的人,总会受到惩罚。————一点点不对?

    Hubris, however, has been followed by Nemesis rather too often in this field for anybody to be making a song and dance about things.


  • 艺术家就像是个装满情感的容器,这些情感可能天空,来大地,来片纸屑,一抹人影,甚至是一张蜘蛛网。

    The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.


  • 暴风骤雨》所采用方言土语,以其源大地生命力的本真性,为作品增添了别具韵味审美品质

    The local dialect of Storm and Showers has vitality from the earth, the natural true without covering, and adds a special flavor of the aesthetic quality.


  • 只有中,我们人类灵魂能够获得永恒安慰——像我们每一天所依赖净水一样,这种安慰大地

    Only in the nature, we, human souls could acquire eternal consolation-like our daily reliant pure water, this consolation rises from the heart of earth.


  • 往往我吹嘘,向沃林顿狂妄自大地:“年轻的时候,已堕入了情网,忘乎所以想,我的热情已经消耗完了。”

    Pen used to brag and talk in his impetuous way to Warrington, "I was in love so fiercely in my youth, that I have burned out that flame for ever."


  • 节气时序没有手机数字显示来得清晰对于一种生命感觉体验数字也许永远没有大地土层消息那般丰富亲近

    Cycle timing, and no figures on the mobile phone is more clear, but experience a feeling of life, the figure may never be the news of the soil from the earth as rich and close.


  • 这些常识一代代传承下来现代科学从新看到了这些大地天然礼品,它们可以或许许帮忙现代妈妈们度过她们各个阶段

    Generations have handed down their knowledge, just as science has rediscovered these natural gifts from the earth to help modern mamas through all the stages of pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.


  • 去年秋天人们大地欧元就是金融风暴安全的避难所。而对于一些人而言,言辞确实显得狂妄。

    To some, the boast last autumn that the euro is a haven from financial storms was hubristic.


  • 空旷大地之上,头脑沐浴欢欣大气升腾无限空间一切卑劣的我中心消失无踪

    Standing on the bare. ground, my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, all egotism vanishes.


  • 空旷大地之上,头脑沐浴欢欣大气升腾无限空间一切卑劣的我中心消失无踪

    Standing on the bare. ground, my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, all egotism vanishes.


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