• 1991年以来,一直美国国家经济研究局芝加哥大学迪克·塞一起组织行为金融学研讨会

    I've been organizing workshops in behavioral finance at the National Bureau for Economic Research since 1991 with Dick Thaler at the University of Chicago.


  • 可能会成为费德2002以来第一个无缘拿杯之

    This would be Federer’s first year without a major title since 2002.


  • 朔伊布1990年暗杀企图后就一直坐在轮椅上,采访记者形容内阁中“最后欧洲”时他并不反对

    Mr Schauble, who is wheelchair-bound since an assassination attempt in 1990, does not demur when interviewers describe him as the cabinet's "last European".


  • 今天,三汽车生产商——克莱斯通用汽车福特——取得了2004年以来首次盈利

    Today, each of the Big Three automakers - Chrysler, GM, and Ford - is turning a profit for the first time since 2004.


  • 亚行首席经济学家夫·扎阿里指出最大风险之一于人们不能确定美国金融危机持续多长时间。

    Ifzal Ali, the ADB's chief economist, says one of the biggest risks arises from uncertainties about how long the financial crisis in the United States will last.


  • ·马克图姆王朝1833年开始统治迪拜。迪拜并不遵守阿拉伯联合酋长国制定联邦司法体系

    The al Maktoum dynasty has ruled Dubai since 1833. Dubai does not follow the federal judicial system of the United Arab Emirates.


  • 该奖洛克·菲大学管理2004年始,每年颁奖一次,奖励给生物医学领域的女性科学家

    The award is administered by Rockefeller University and has been given yearly since 2004 to biomedical researchers.


  • 1604年开普发现一颗超新星以来,天文学家便再也没有我们银河系发现这种天体。

    Since Johannes Kepler's supernova was spotted in 1604, astronomershaven't witnessed one in our own galaxy.


  • 巴特先生将接替1998年1月担任此职戴维•哈恰瑞克。

    Mr Butler follows David Harcharik, who has held the position since January 1998.


  • 纳达尔2007年网被罗杰费德击败之后,到现在为止没有在温网场比赛

    That was probably one of the turning points of the match," said Nadal, who has not lost a match at Wimbledon since Roger Federer defeated him in the 2007 final.


  • 独家报道:缪尔·格列佛来到小人国,该片改编乔纳森·斯威夫特1726年文学经典。

    The Scoop: Lemuel Gulliver (Black) finds himself towering over and wrangling with the miniature island creatures of Lilliput in a long-awaited remake of Jonathan Swift's classic 1726 tale.


  • 这么一条沙带西部吉尔吉斯(Khyargas)以南地区横跨大约200公里延伸到东部较小湖泊——台门湖(Telmen Nuur)。

    One ribbon of sand, spanning roughly 200 kilometers, extends from an area south of Khyargas Lake in the west to a smaller lake, Telmen Nuur, in the east.


  • 德斯提妮·维一位乔治亚州的16小姑娘,她上大学

    Destiny Wheeler is a sixteen year old from Georgia who wants to go to college.


  • 一部小说荒谬主义小说,1961年出版售出1000万,这点下了阴影长期困扰

    Heller was haunted by the long shadow cast by his absurdist first novel, which has sold over 10m copies since it was published in 1961.


  • 集团2008年接手德国大陆集团75%股份后,债务累积至120亿欧元

    Schaeffler racked up 12 billion euros of debt from its 2008 takeover of a 75 percent stake of Continental AG.


  • 巴特先生美国公民,在粮农组织任职就职于美洲间农业合作研究所2005年12月以来担任该所所长。

    Mr Butler, a citizen of the United States of America, comes to FAO from the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture, where he has served as Deputy Director-General since December 2005.


  • 上世纪七十年代进行立法保护以来,不列颠哥伦比亚省及其邻近海域中的斯特海狮数量了两番,夏季繁殖期甚至会多达30000只。

    Since gaining legal protection in the 1970s, Steller sea lions in British Columbian and neighboring waters have tripled in population to about 30, 000 during the summer breeding season.


  • 埃德·维(EdWeiler)美国宇航局首席天文学家,他1979年以来一直“哈勃”项目密切合作

    Ed Weiler is NASA's chief astronomer. Mr. Weiler has worked closely with the Hubble program since nineteen seventy-nine.


  • T-Sec公司股票经纪人迈克· 斯库斯估算矿场停产以来出口额每天至少损失六亿兰特

    Mike Schusslerof T-Sec, a stockbroker, reckons that about 600m rand a day of export revenueswere lost when the mines stopped work.


  • 1911年时尚世界里涌现出来词语展示亨利·乔治·福兄弟根西岛的住所编撰第一版牛津简明英语词典以来,世界发生多大的变化。

    Words from the fashion world of 1911 show how much the world has changed since brothers Henry and George Fowler compiled their first edition in their Guernsey cottage.


  • 大二生迈克·登公爵队取得最高分21,其中18下半场

    Sophomore Mike Dunleavy led the scoring for Duke finishing with 21, 18 of which came in the second half.


  • 1981年成为扶轮社员约翰那不扶轮社员,于1992-93年担任扶轮社社长

    Rotarian since1981 John is a member of the Rotary club of Naples, Florida, where he served as club president in1992-93.


  • 约翰·奇特位来澳大利亚社会学教授客居的特点描述“一种逃离平凡无聊日常生活的状态”。

    John Lechte, an Australian professor of social theory, characterises foreignness as "an escape from the boredom and banality of the everyday".


  • 百比赫公司表示,该阿尔卑斯糖果1996年以来进入中国市场,并且占据不凡帝范梅公司市场百分之七十以上收入。

    According to BBH, the Alpenliebe candy has been in China since 1996 and accounts for more than 70 per cent of Perfetti Van Melle's revenue in the market.


  • 加文·威里,夏礼文管理合伙人份声明中称律所2006年开设墨尔本代表处起就想成立珀斯代表处。

    Gavin Vallely, the managing partner of Holman Fenwick, said in a statement the firm has aimed to launch a Perth office since 2006, when it set up its Melbourne branch.


  • 已有研究证明富c 60可以产生静态特征但是到目前为止人们还没有对这一过程进行具体研究

    Fullerene C60 has been shown to induce certain static features of autophagy, but no detailed studies have been undertaken.


  • 已有研究证明富c 60可以产生静态特征但是到目前为止人们还没有对这一过程进行具体研究

    Fullerene C60 has been shown to induce certain static features of autophagy, but no detailed studies have been undertaken.


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