• 倒了严重挫伤了胳膊肘

    He slipped and fell, badly bruising an elbow.


  • 胳膊肘撑在油腻腻柜台上

    He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.


  • 胳膊肘猛杵胸部挣脱了开来。

    She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.


  • 他用胳膊肘支起身子。

    He raised himself up on one elbow.


  • 坐着的时候,胳膊肘扶手上。

    When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest.


  • 拉托亚抓住胳膊肘他带到了一旁

    Latoya grabbed him by the elbow and took him aside.


  • 胳膊肘肋部

    She poked her elbow into his ribs.


  • 胳膊肘可能不过只是意外

    I may have caught him with my elbow but it was just an accident.


  • 使劲抓着胳膊肘,把我领到靠过道座位上

    She held me firmly by the elbow and led me to my aisle seat.


  • 有人不小心轻轻了一下胳膊肘,把咖啡了。

    Someone jogged her elbow, making her spill her coffee.


  • 萨姆懒懒地往后一靠,将的两胳膊肘在了背后长凳上

    Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.


  • 胳膊肘着什么坚硬的东西。

    His elbow was pressing against some hard substance.


  • 科林起来转向,用胳膊肘支撑身体。

    Colin half sat up, turning toward her, leaning on his elbows.


  • 鼠兰特惊慌了揪着胳膊肘为时已晚

    The Rat, alarmed, pulled him by the elbow, but it was too late.


  • 办法,”5生气地,“红桃7碰了胳膊肘。”

    "I couldn't help it," said Five, in a sulky tone, "Seven jogged my elbow."


  • 汤姆胳膊肘支着,一动不动了一会儿,目不转睛地看着他们

    Tom lay upon his elbow motionless, for some time, watching the two intently.


  • 希德打了呵欠,了个懒腰,然后胳膊肘支起身子,声,开始汤姆

    Sid yawned, stretched, then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort, and began to stare at Tom.


  • 地铁公共汽车身强力壮的男学生冲向最后一个座位时,用胳膊肘老妇推到一边算不了什么不用说本应起来让座了。

    It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the tube or bus, much less stand up and offer his seat to her, as he ought.


  • 尼基胳膊肘轻轻地将推醒。

    Nicky roused her with a gentle nudge.


  • 胳膊肘猛顶肚子

    She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow.


  • 他用胳膊肘开路穿过人群

    He nudged his way through the crowd.


  • 胳膊肘捅了一下,没有反应

    I nudged her but she didn't react.


  • 胳膊肘捅了一下腰,让我住口

    She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs to tell me to shut up.


  • 胳膊肘肋部

    She poked him in the ribs with her elbow.


  • 胳膊肘

    She jabbed him with her elbow.


  • 站在旁边两个男人看着,互相胳膊肘轻碰对方,幸灾乐祸地笑着

    Two men standing nearby looked at me, nudged each other and smirked.


  • 说到这里鼠兰特用胳膊肘捅了捅鼹鼠莫尔

    Here the Rat nudged the Mole.


  • 进去时,农夫胳膊肘推了妻子一下:“里特,第二个。”

    When he went in with his dish, the peasant nudged his wife, and said: "Grete, that is the second."


  • 胳膊肘戳了一下部。

    She dug her elbow into his ribs.


  • 大部分舔不到自己胳膊肘

    It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.


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