• 研究者们利用小鼠来培育脑组织,并且设定了环境,在此环境脑组织逐渐流失多巴胺神经细胞帕金症状非常相似。

    Using tissue from mouse embryos, researchers prepared brain cultures using conditions that favor the slowly progressing loss of dopamine neurons, a hallmark of the disease.


  • 两种胰腺由肝小管的单层柱状上皮构成,在光镜可以区分分泌细胞吸收细胞、细胞。

    The hepatopancreas of the two crabs were built with simple columnar epithelia. Secreting, absorbing and embryonic cells could be distinguished.


  • 条件粕中残低于1%。 毛油经过精炼,即可获得品质优良小麦油。

    Under the above conditions the residual oil content of the meals is lower than 1%, After refining, the wheat germ oil with fine quality can be obtained.


  • 对于映射本文给出度量函数定义并且给出了度量函数有界的一个充分条件及在此充分条件度量函数的一个上界

    This paper tries to define metric function for homeomorphic mapping, and a sufficient condition of bounded metric function is given, under which a upper bound of metric function is defined as well.


  • 结果表明:在同等条件以成纤维细胞为主,并伴有少量上皮细胞仅有含有极少量的细胞

    Under the same condition, the cells produced by these methods were mostly fibroblasts, accompanied with epithelium, and a particle of liver cells only by whole embryo method.


  • 采用自体移植,移入基本相同情况受孕率产仔率异体移植分别提高30.7%(P<0.05)和15.1%(P<0.01)。

    In planting the same number embryos, the pregnancy rate and pigging rate of pig with self-implant are higher than 30. 7% (p<0. 05) and 15.1% (P< 0.01) approprately.


  • 然后我们看到微分同作用特殊流形空间以环面为结构群的

    And then we will see that in the framework of diffeomorphism group the symplectic quotient is torus bundle over the moduli space of special submanifold.


  • 其次,将脱玉米上述挤压参数进行挤压膨化,运用所得膨化物料进行糖化工艺选择。

    Second, saccharification process was studied using extrudate of maize without germ at the levels of optimum extrusion parameters.


  • 结果室管源性神经干细胞在相应培养条件呈现出神经干细胞快速增殖形成细胞组成细胞(神经球);

    Results The NSCs derived from the fetal rat ependyma were observed to rapidly proliferate to form some cellular spheres or neural spheres consisting of NSCs.


  • 目的探讨腹腔镜输卵管妊娠治疗输卵管妊娠价值

    Objective To explore the clinical value of tubal pregnancy embryos extrusion operation by laparoscopic.


  • 加有鸡骨骼肌提取液的培养基诱导碱能神经元方向分化

    These neural stem cells could be induced to differentiate into cholinergic neurons by using embryonic chick skeletal muscle extract.


  • 观察所见,5已有肾小体发生,肾内首先分化成造血干细胞造血干细胞的诱导形成毛细血管肾小囊。

    The result showed that the renal corpuscle had generated at the age of 5th week. First mesenchymal proper order the capillary of the glomerulus and the renal capsule were induced by the stem cells.


  • 状体4%的藻酸2%的氯化钙进行人工种皮包埋无菌条件状体转变

    Embryoids were encapsulated in 4% sodium alginate and 2% CaCl_2 as artificial seed, then so - me somatic embryos encased in capsule converted to plantlets in the aseptic conditions.


  • 研究体外培养条件研究BDNFSDNFGM1对大鼠侧中脑多巴胺神经元生长发育的影响。

    The effects of BDNF, SDNF, GM1 on growth and development of embryonic ventral mesencephalic (VM) dopaminergic neurons were studied in vitro.


  • 研究在稀条件玉米蛋白浸提工艺

    The technology for protein extraction from defatted corn germ with thin alkaline solvent was studied.


  • 目的探讨休克条件,人肺二倍体细胞MRC-5株诱导型热休克蛋白70(HSP70细胞水平表达机制以及对MRC-5细胞衰老影响

    Objective: To explore the expressive mechanism of induced HSP70 and it' s effect on the senescence of MRC-5 cell in the heat shock condition.


  • 早熟品种春蕾果实硬熟珠离体培养条件维持生长

    The young embryo of super-early maturing peach variety 'Chunlei 'at fruit hard-ripe stage maintain embryonic growth under the conditions of in vitro culture of ovule.


  • 的生长发育也存在差异通过组不同层条件研究种内贮藏物质转化动态结果表明。

    In this paper, study and comparate the circumstance of storage substance transformation under four different stratification conditions.


  • 8月1号人气社交网站——猫扑网上出现了一张照片,照片北京的一家麦当劳门口堆放着大量汉堡一部分包装已破损,暴露太阳

    On Aug 1, a photo appeared on the popular Mop social networking website that showed burger buns, some in ripped wrappings, piled in the sun outside a McDonald's restaurant in Beijing.


  • 但是五种质在干旱条件普通大豆的产量蒲式耳

    But these slow-wilting lines, he says, produce four to eight bushels more than normal soybeans under drought conditions.


  • 并多数发生于于叶轴的深层。细胞周围细胞退化,使与周围组织之间形成间隙

    The surrounding cells of the embryonic cell groups degenerate, such there is the space between the groups of cell and the surrounding tissue.


  • 并多数发生于于叶轴的深层。细胞周围细胞退化,使与周围组织之间形成间隙

    The surrounding cells of the embryonic cell groups degenerate, such there is the space between the groups of cell and the surrounding tissue.


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