• 感染依然是唯一主要传染性死亡原因

    Lung infection remains the only leading infectious cause of death.


  • 一个感染所以咳嗽

    One of my lungs has been affected so I cough.


  • 动态观察感染K细胞损伤改变

    Lung cell injury changes were observe dynamically in group K.


  • 目的研究急性感染患者血流变改变

    Objective: To study the hemorheological changes in patients with acute pneumonic infection.


  • 近年来牙周病感染关系逐渐引起人们的重视。

    In the last few years, the relation on between periodontal disease and pulmonary infection has been studied more and more.


  • 目的探讨合并支气管-感染急性脑血管病患者临床病原学特点

    Objective To study the clinical and etiological characteristics of the patients with acute cerebrovascular diseases complicated by bronchus-lung infection.


  • 牙周炎症越的大鼠牙周袋内越易定植呼吸道致病菌合并肺感染更为严重

    The pathogenic have more tendency to exist in the deeper periodontal pocket with heavier periodontitis, and which can consolidate more terrible pneumonia.


  • 结论万古霉素耐药肠球菌感染发病率呈上升趋势病死率,需引起临床高度重视

    Conclusion the morbidity of nosocomial pulmonary infections caused by VRE is rising and the mortality is very high, and this problem is worthy of particular mention.


  • 目的研究系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者医院获得性支气管-感染(NBPI)状况

    Objective to investigate the state of nosocomial bronchopulmonary infection (NBPI) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


  • 方法:对同期发生院内感染52icu患者37普通病房患者采用头孢他啶治疗

    METHODS: 52 patients from ICU and 37 from general ward who had synchronous pulmonary infection were treated with ceftazidime.


  • 去年9月普密蓬国王承认因为感染其他病症进了医院,就在法庭审判一天匆匆离开去参加一个宫廷聚会。

    Last September King Bhumibol was admitted to hospital with a lung infection and other ailments. A day after the court ruling, he briefly left for a palace function.


  • 通过检测小鼠体重变化组织衣原生长病理学改变,确定IL - 17衣原体感染中的保护作用

    To evaluate the role of IL-17 during infection, the body weight change, the growth of organisms and histopathology in the lung were monitored and detected.


  • 目的探讨机械通气前后不同类型严重感染抗生素应用时相应各时段的致病细菌构成转换,为临床治疗提供有效依据。

    Objective: To investigate the constituent ratio and change of bacterial strains in patients with severe pulmonary infection before and after mechanical ventilation.


  • 术后用抗生素100,术后切口表浅感染2例(2%)、肺感染2例(2%)下尿道感染1例(1%),总的术后感染为5%。

    Group C (100 patients) had 2 superficial surgical site infection, 2 postoperative pneumonia and 1 lower urinary tract infection with a 2% wound infection rate and an overall infection rate of 5%.


  • 感染球菌万古霉素耐药的病人病死率最高,达92 % ,明显高于万古霉素敏感肠球菌肺感染的病死率( 2 6% ) (P <0 0 5 )。

    The mortality of the patients infected by vancomycin-resistant enterococci was the highest (92%) and was higher than that of patients infected by vancomycin-sensitive enterococci (26%) ( P <0.05).


  • 比如超重可能引起睡眠呼吸暂停综合症,使功能减弱,两者都可能损伤重病克服呼吸道感染(流感)能力

    Being overweight can increase sleep apnea and reduce lung function, for example, both of which can impair a heavier person's ability to overcome a respiratory infection like influenza.


  • 证明这个概念GM - SCF只是致死剂量流感病毒感染足以提供完全保护,”Shams博士

    "This proves the concept that GM-SCF, only in the lung, is sufficient to provide complete protection against infection with otherwise lethal doses of influenza virus strains," said Dr. Shams.


  • 而是潮湿且细菌容易接触器官表面例如和易感染内脏就很易受感染

    It is the damp and welcoming surface of places such as the lung and the gut that are at risk.


  • 这些感染通常健康免疫系统所抵御,但是低的CD4细胞计数意味着某些机会感染,例如卡式囊虫),可以危及生命

    These infections would usually be fought off by a healthy immune system, but a low CD4 cell count means opportunistic infections such as PCP (a type of pneumonia) can be life-threatening.


  • 由于包括卡式囊虫炎在内其他呼吸道感染,在HIV病毒感染者身上常见医生在使用某些抗生素必须诊断结果确认无疑。

    Because other forms of respiratory infection including PCP are common among HIV-infected people, doctors must be certain of diagnosis before administering antibiotics.


  • 感染艾滋病毒婴儿,耶氏孢子菌引起最常见原因之一,占感染艾滋病毒的婴儿中所有死亡病例至少四分之一

    in infants infected with HIV, Pneumocystis jiroveci is one of the commonest causes of pneumonia, responsible for at least one quarter of all pneumonia deaths in HIV-infected infants.


  • 这种疾病(麻疹)造成呼吸困难腹泻眼睛感染严重者会出现脑部肿胀。英国《泰晤士报》。

    The disease causes breathing difficulties, diarrhoea, ear, lung and eye infections and, in serious cases, swells the brain. The Times.


  • :清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热眼结膜炎咳嗽,湿热黄疸急性胃肠炎尿感染跌打损伤。

    Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts.


  • 这个障碍导致分泌粘稠粘液病原体积聚生长提供场所促进感染使病人呼吸困难

    The disturbance causes thick mucous secretions in the lung that provide a place for pathogens to accumulate and grow, promoting infection and making it difficult for the patient to breath.


  • 并发症包括感染脑部栓塞器官点状坏死神经损伤皮肤坏死等。

    Complications can include infection, clots that travel to the lung or brain, punctured organs, nerve damage and the destruction of skin through necrosis.


  • 尽管ARDS经常发生患者身上,功能正常严重外伤或者感染后发生这种疾病

    Although ARDS often occurs in people who have lung disease, even people with normal lungs can develop the condition as the result of severe trauma or an infection.


  • 如果这些杂质直接进入我们里,那么就可能受到感染使呼吸困难

    If these made it all the way to the lungs, the lungs could get infected, making it tough to breathe.


  • 如果这些杂质直接进入我们里,那么就可能受到感染使呼吸困难

    If these made it all the way to the lungs, the lungs could get infected, making it tough to breathe.


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