• 我们知情人士提供灵活股票贷款项目,非关联公司上市公司普通股股东-无论股票美国主要外汇市场交易

    We offer flexible stock loan programs to insiders, non-affiliates and common shareholders of publicly traded companies - whether their stock is traded on a U. S. exchange or a major foreign exchange.


  • 我们知情人物提供灵活股票贷款项目,非关联公司上市公司普通股股东-无论股票美国主要外汇市场生意业务。

    We offer flexible stock loan programs to insiders, non-affiliates and common shareholders of publicly traded companies whether their stock is traded on a U. S. exchange or a major foreign exchange.


  • 同样日本银行正在购买股票处理银行次级贷款提升它们资本贷款资本;货币供应不是一个考虑因素

    Similarly, the bank of Japan is buying stocks and may make subordinated loans to Banks to boost their capital and lending capacity; the money supply is not a consideration.


  • 但是投资者卖掉股份偿还贷款做法影响股票市场

    But that hurt the stock market, as investors sold shares to repay loans.


  • 输入股票代号填写贷款申请,所有这些应用程序可以使用表单来完成。

    Applications can use forms for anything from entering a stock ticker symbol to filling out a loan application.


  • 上周披露财务援助部门管理者持有股票一事引起了关注因为他们动机引导学生这家贷款公司

    The disclosures last week that the financial aid administrators owned the stock have prompted concerns that they had an incentive to steer students to the loan company.


  • “奥哈马甲骨文”(指巴菲特)完全购买一些公司一些公司购置大量股票,而在其他公司,债券的形式提供贷款

    The Oracle of Omaha buys some companies outright. He buys large amounts of stock in other companies. With others yet, he loans money in the form of bonds.


  • 人们开始用贷款进行投机甚至还有一些个人房子股票

    People have taken out loans to speculate, while a few individuals have even pawned their houses to buy shares.


  • 首先公司越来越多的债务,通过私下发行贷款工具不是采用大众公开发行证券——比如出售股票或者发行债券这些可以进行公开的交易。

    First, companies are raising more and more capital through privately issued loan instruments, as opposed to public equity-such as selling stocks or issuing bonds, which can be openly traded.


  • 而且股价下跌时,借款者通常可以通过出售部分股票使贷款/价值比重归平衡

    Moreover, when stock prices fall, borrowers can usually get their loan-to-value ratios back into balance by selling some of the shares.


  • 天后纽约州州长建议纽约州出售、五百万美元股票偿还贷款帮助银行

    Two days later, the governor of New York proposed that the state sell four or five million dollars of stock for loans to help state Banks.


  • 由于投资人担心希腊可能无力偿还为了挽救经济困境而欠下的贷款星期一全世界许多股票市场暴跌

    Stock prices plunged on many global markets Monday as investors worried that Greece might not be able to repay the loans used to rescue its troubled economy.


  • 管理层薪资水平以及股票债券贷款通货期货获得的附带收益合同方面加强监管。

    It also expands oversight of executive compensation and derivatives, contracts whose value is derived from stocks, bonds, loans, currencies and commodities.


  • 由于投资者担心美国银行业已经用尽救援资本,美国最大储蓄贷款银行华盛顿互惠银行的股票大幅下挫

    Shares of Washington Mutual (WaMu), the nation's largest savings and loan bank, also slumped, amid fears that Banks are running out of rescuers.


  • 许多商业银行美国银行花旗银行目前不再采用逐日结算制以处理数万亿美元贷款股票

    Many retail Banks, such as bank of America and Citigroup, currently do not "mark to market" trillions of dollars in loans and securities.


  • 虽然各银行愿意提供贷款债券股票市场,冒险的想法已经再次抬头

    Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk.


  • 相比贷款债券股票包含任何可能违约承诺

    In contrast to a loan or bond, a share certificate contains no promises that its issuer may fail to keep.


  • 收购资金现金股票银行短期贷款三部分组成

    The deal is to be financed with a mix of cash, shares and short-term bank debt.


  • 据说有人伪造文件7家伊朗银行获取贷款将所贷之款用于购买国有公司股票

    Forged documents, it is said, were used to get loans from seven Iranian Banks and the money used to buy stakes in state-owned companies.


  • 但是这家公司高管们的日子却过得相当滋润,他们将其在房地产繁荣期间(当时Country wide公司的股价贷款数量一道疯长)积聚股票期权一一变现

    But the company's executives made out brilliantly, cashing stock options amassed during the real estate boom, when Countrywide's share price soared along with its loan volume.


  • 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)表示,亚洲目前企业贷款发放以及债券股票发行额几乎达到2007年信贷泡沫高峰期时的两

    In Asia, the combined issuance of corporate loans, bonds and equity is now almost double the 2007 credit bubble peak, according to Deutsche Bank.


  • 有几个因素有助于解释尽管财政状况银行股票价格收入都普遍改善银行为什么还不愿意贷款

    Several factors help explain the reluctance of Banks to lend, despite general improvement in financial conditions and increases in bank stock prices and earnings.


  • 救援计划可能延伸到:在必要情况下,可以允许购买银行股票甚至包括抵押贷款——这会少许缓和下房主的忧虑心情。

    The TARP could be extended to allow the purchase of bank shares if necessary, or even of mortgages, which might allay some of the fears of homeowners.


  • 随着股价上涨更多经纪商乐于贷款给投资者股票

    As prices rose, more brokers were willing to lend to buy more shares.


  • 美国信贷繁荣的时候,房产成了提款机人们将再抵押贷款发行股票,又刺激了他们消费

    In America houses turned into cash machines during the credit boom as people remortgaged to release equity and boost their spending.


  • 原则上说,房子人和他们提供抵押贷款银行股票市场投资者商品投机商或者商店业主没有什么不同

    People who buy homes and the Banks who give them mortgages are no different, in principle, than investors in the stock market, commodity speculators or shop owners.


  • 原则上说,房子人和他们提供抵押贷款银行股票市场投资者商品投机商或者商店业主没有什么不同

    People who buy homes and the Banks who give them mortgages are no different, in principle, than investors in the stock market, commodity speculators or shop owners.


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