• 只有不到2%联邦案件得到审理

    Less than 2% of federal cases result in a trial.


  • 专家证人举证联邦案件缺陷。

    She says the federal case was flawed, citing testimony by a prosecution expert witness.


  • 民事诉讼中,保障陪审团审理第七修正案,目前认为适用于联邦案件

    The Seventh Amendment, however, which guarantees jury trial in civil cases, is still regarded as applicable only to federal court cases.


  • 如此一来需要审理案件越来越少:2009年开庭审理联邦案件原始诉讼案件比例仅为1962年的十二分之一。

    So ever fewer cases are going to trial: the ratio of federal trials to initial filings in 2009 was a twelfth of what it was in 1962.


  • 联邦法官决定刑罚往往严重依赖美国量刑指南这些指南对于动物打斗案件来说已经过时,而且极其不完善

    But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 联邦法院一起案件提前星期三审理。

    A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday.


  • 联邦法官决定刑罚时往往过分看重美国量刑指南,而这些指南对于动物打斗案件来说很不完善且早已过时。

    Federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 联邦法院挑战同性婚姻禁令案件驱动因素之一下周将移加利福尼亚州此事已经远远扩展到黄金之以外。

    That's one of the factors driving a federal court case challenging gay marriage bans, moving forward in California next week. But the issue extends far beyond the Golden State.


  • 所有被控诈骗案件涉案钱财中,大约三分之一的钱款佛罗里达州被偷偷转移联邦特工一开始忽视了那里,直到最近才有所察觉。

    About a third of the money involved in all prosecuted fraud cases is being siphoned off in south Florida, where federal agents-having missed it at first-have recently woken up.


  • 最近几周联邦法院同性婚姻案件下达的第二判决

    The verdict is the second in a federal gay marriage case to fall down in recent weeks.


  • 因此典型案件开始法院体系联邦法院体系的初审法院——一个具有普遍管辖权的法院。

    Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court-a court of general jurisdiction -in the state or federal system.


  • 判决最近几周来,第二联邦同性婚姻案件的裁决。

    The verdict was the second in a federal gay marriage case to come down in recent weeks.


  • 联邦最高法院可能不会年内做出是否受理案件决定

    A decision by the justices on whether to take up the case is not likely until next year.


  • 艺术新闻报纽约报道——美国芝加哥联邦上诉法院拒绝复审一个艺术家的诉讼案件,他采用生命野花作品遭到破坏要求索赔。

    NEW YORK. The Chicago federal appeals court that denied an artist’s rights claim for damage to a work made of living wildflowers has refused to rehear the case.


  • 案件甚至联邦上诉法院 ,结果那些家长败诉 。

    The case went as far as a federal appeals court; the parents lost.


  • 如果某一当事人联邦初审法院上诉法院提出上诉,只要案件符合管辖权要求上诉法院必须受理

    If a party appeals its case from the federal trial court to a court of appeals, the courts of appeal must adjudicate the case, so long as the jurisdictional requirements are satisfied.


  • 2003年,联邦调查局派去杰出调查人员之后搞清了案件底细。

    The FBI got to the bottom of the Leung case in 2003 after sending in one of its best investigators.


  • 它们之中,奥巴马在1995年处理了一起重要案件伊利诺伊州执行旨在简化民众注册选民的《1993年联邦汽车选民》立下了汗马功劳。

    Among them, Obama filed a major 1995 suit that successfully forced Illinois to enforce the 1993 federal Motor Voter law, which sought to make it easier for people to register to vote.


  • 受到关注的是,这个星期加利福尼亚的联邦法官表明追踪一个公司完全不同指责谷歌的案件

    Yet it will be concerned at this week's indication by a federal judge in California that he may allow a suit against the company based on an entirely different complaint.


  • 该法已经修改联邦证券有瑕疵法律而且要求原告在提出诉讼提供案件的具体细节。

    The court has already trimmed the federal securities fraud laws and required more specificity from plaintiffs when they file complaints.


  • 但是今年的五月谷歌却发布了一文件指出谷歌正在美国联邦证券交易委员会达成共识,他们将预留500万美元解决这个美国司法部可能产生案件

    But in early May, Google filed a notice with the Securities and Exchange Commission saying it was setting aside $500 million to potentially resolve a case with the Department of Justice.


  • 联邦巡回上诉法院负责审理案件涉及方方面面,不像欧洲日本的类似法院那样专业因此法官们从来就不真正具有足够专利法学知识。

    Because of its diverse responsibilities, the Federal circuit-unlike its counterparts in Europe and japan-has never really acquired adequate expertise in patent jurisprudence.


  • 威胁警戒级别》网站没有发现针对登记在案联邦一级案件

    Threat Level could find no federal case filed against her.


  • 一些案件的初审可能联邦法院,它们同时可以联邦级法院进行终审

    Some cases may begin in federal courts at the start3, and these can also end up here.


  • Wyeth案件来说,法院自由派阵营加入了最为保守法官ClarenceThomas因为认为法律应当优先于联邦法规

    In the Wyeth case, the court's liberals were joined by Clarence Thomas, the most conservative justice, because he thought that state laws should trump federal regulations.


  • Wyeth案件来说,法院自由派阵营加入了最为保守法官ClarenceThomas因为认为法律应当优先于联邦法规

    In the Wyeth case, the court's liberals were joined by Clarence Thomas, the most conservative justice, because he thought that state laws should trump federal regulations.


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