• 然而他们的职业适应不是一蹴而就一帆风顺的。

    However, their job is not to take place overnight or easy.


  • 研究生培养发掘研究生科研潜力提高未来职业适应能力过程

    The cultivation of graduate student is a process of developing student's potential ability in research fields and enhancing the adaptability to their career in future.


  • 简要介绍行车司机职业适应测试评价基本原理及其重要性

    This article briefly introduces the basic principle and the importance of overhead crane driver occupation adaptation test and appraisal.


  • 文章社会学角度分析了失地农民职业适应内涵影响因素及其路径

    From a sociological view, this paper analyzed the meanings, influencing factors and pathways of land-lost peasants' vocational adaptation.


  • 职业适应强调制定切实可行策略不断反省修正职业生涯目标等。

    During the period of vocational adjustment, they should focus on the practicable strategies, constantly reflect on and revise their car…


  • 为了寻找另一条道路来到了一家就业中心进行了职业适应测试

    Seeking an alternative path, I found myself in the careers centre, taking a job suitability test.


  • 根据讨论结果,归纳总结出新教师职业适应影响因素——自身因素外部因素。

    According to the results of discussion, sum influencing factors of occupational adaptation-own factors and external factors.


  • 具有与某种职业适应人格特征,具有对其更好职业适应性,提高工作绩效

    People with a personality matching their professions will have a better professional adaptability and a higher working performance.


  • 我国目前高职人才培养模式虽然各具特色难以兼顾岗位针对性职业适应

    At present, although the training mode of higher vocational and technological college has their own features, it is lack of purpose and adaptation of the profession.


  • 最后建立了综合评价模型标准高温作业环境职业适应进行定量化综合评价

    At last, a synthetic model of evaluation and a standard are established. So the occupational adaptability in the hot work environment can be synthetically evaluated by quantitative analysis.


  • 影响综合职业适应水平因素家庭支持程度、生活关怀社会尊重程度、工龄工资满意程度

    As regards the factors affecting their adaptive level in profession, these include: the support of the family, solicitude for life, the respect of the society, satisfaction with wages, etc.


  • 因素最终形成预期角色”,“内部潜能报酬感知三个因子影响农民工职业适应水平

    They form 3 big factors, which named internal potentials, expected role and sensibility of reward, to affect the vocational adaptation level of peasant workers.


  • 本文利用问卷调查所得资料,定量描述了现阶段城市居民职业综合适应水平的基本情况,并运用高级统计方法探讨了与城市居民职业适应水平相关的因素。

    Based on a survey of 1,227 people who lived in the city of Hangzhou, this paper describes current urban inhabitant's overall career adaptation levels.


  • 参加此次计划教师们同样需要支持鼓励,这样可以帮助他们处理职业生活中让他们感到适应方面

    Support and encouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable.


  • 正在尽全力在新环境适应掌控比赛,就像一个真正职业球员应该的。

    He has made the best of a less-than-ideal situation by adjusting and relenting his game to the environment... something a a true professional does.


  • 潜力无限-拥有职业目标出色技能好奇心、较强的适应并且能够不断自省(范围一个达到极限的人,未来编程之星)。

    Potential - has professional goals, good learning skills, curiosity, adaptability and performs constant self correction (range: from person who reached his limits to the future programming star).


  • 毕业生接受过度教育来适应所求职业老板们正在抱怨高级技术工人稀缺又作何解释呢?

    How is it that graduates are over-educated for the jobs they land and employers are complaining that there is a shortage of highly skilled labor?


  • 随着时间推移,大多数自由作家都在适应一个孤独自由职业环境

    Over time, most freelancers do adjust to the isolation of a freelancing environment.


  • 非常重要挑战能够适应自由职业人数增多或者减少他们中的所有人都需要IT方面的训练以及HR给他们进行定位,还有一台(或者台)电脑,一个的地方。

    It's a significant challenge to accommodate the constantly rising and falling army of freelancers, all of whom need it training and hr orientation, a computer (or three), and a place to sit.


  • 20世纪30年代相比美国工人更加专业化使他们很难转换到其他职业;他们拥有很好的社会保障,这降低了他们重新适应紧迫性

    Compared with the 1930s, America's workers are more specialised, which makes it harder to shift occupation; they are also more cushioned with social protection, which reduces the urgency to adapt.


  • 学习目的不是简单获取文凭职业而是帮助个人适应快速变迁的社会

    The purpose of learning is no longer to get diplomas and occupations only, but to help individuals adapt to the ever-changing society.


  • 作为一个职业球员必须学着适应比赛

    But as a professional footballer you have to learn to adapt to the game.


  • Yourdon鼓励读者考虑个人变数比如薪水适应能力,然后找到合适的方法满足他们特定职业技术要求。

    Yourdon encourages readers to consider their personal variables, such as salary and flexibility, and to find ways to leverage their particular skill sets.


  • 职业教育擅长毕业生找到工作不能帮助人们适应工作世界变化

    Vocational education is good at getting school-leavers into work, but does nothing to help people adapt to changes in the world of work.


  • 工厂生产适应学校职业教育德国应运而生

    School vocational education arises in Germany in the course of the factory production.


  • 开展业务适应的固定场所、办公设施,主要经营者应具有从事职业介绍服务工作经历。

    Office rooms and business facilities suitable for carrying out their business.


  • 适应社会行业需求,高等职业院校如何培养出具有职业素养人才迫在眉睫。

    It is an urgent task for the higher vocational colleges to realize how to foster the talents with professional accomplishment to meet the demands of various social trades.


  • 第四部分客观主观两方面揭示造成职业高中初任教师文化适应困扰因素

    The fourth part from the objective and subjective aspects of vocational high schools revealed the cause beginning teachers and cultural adaptation factors.


  • 意味着员工职业规范,风格以及管理都必须远程办公相适应而且员工的工作性质也允许远程操控。

    This means the employee's work ethic, style and supervision needs must fit with telework, and the employee's job duties must be able to be performed remotely.


  • 意味着员工职业规范,风格以及管理都必须远程办公相适应而且员工的工作性质也允许远程操控。

    This means the employee's work ethic, style and supervision needs must fit with telework, and the employee's job duties must be able to be performed remotely.


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