• 决定时,你必须整个职业生涯考虑进去。

    You have to take your career into account before you make any decision.


  • 我希望留在尤文图斯现在不得不自己职业生涯考虑,我需要更多的比赛

    Juventus is Juventus, but at this point of my career I have to think mainly about myself and I need to play with continuity.


  • 不想在我余下职业生涯上场踢球的机会。现在考虑主要问题。

    I don't want to spend the rest of my career not playing. So that is the main consideration for me.


  • 这位曾经中场天才很早的时候就结束了职业生涯因为认为考虑自己心理状况最好的选择。

    The once promising midfielder had ended his career at an early stage, because he thought that all things considering this was the best thing for his mental health.


  • 不论进入大学还是就要毕业了,现在考虑职业生涯时候了。

    Whether you're just entering college or preparing for graduation, now's the time to start thinking about your career.


  • 在给孩子起名时,有没有考虑名字孩子今后的人际关系职业生涯带来什么样影响

    Did you think about the social or career effects of the names you chose for your children?


  • 当时没人当真这个赛季中期再次强调考虑意大利结束职业生涯

    At the time nobody took him seriously. Then in the middle of this season he came back again, saying he would consider finishing his career in Italy.


  • 不再心想成为世界伟大时尚设计师而是考虑怎样利用自己擅长优势以及怎样工作能带给快乐并以此打造属于自己独一无二的职业生涯

    I'm no longer focused on becoming the world's greatest fashion designer; instead, I choose to take advantage of what I am good at and what brings me joy doing in order to carve my own unique career.


  • 构建自己职业生涯时,你应该考虑,要的超强能力相一致。

    As you build your career, you should become more in tune with what your superpowers are.


  • 考虑过去五个常规赛赛季410场比赛里,姚明已经缺席了173场,这个问题应该合理而且余下职业生涯里这个问题依然存在。

    It is fair to ask and could be that way for the rest of Yao's career, considering he has missed 173 of 410 games the past five regular seasons.


  • 考虑唐熙华职业生涯遭受打击,以及谋求其他高管职位可能面临困难,他或许正在通过谈判争取到一份高于雇用合同规定离职补偿

    Given the damage Mr. Hayward's career has sustainedand the difficulty he may face securing another top executive post — he may be negotiating for a far higher payout than the contract calls for.


  • 最近和一直从事传记ESPN报道员谈,他说他考虑过继续他的职业生涯尽管右脚跟腱的伤势一直困扰他,但是真的不想凯尔特人球迷失望。

    He recently told an ESPN reporter working on a biography of him that he had considered carrying on playing despite a nagging right Achilles problem - but did not want to disappoint Celtics fans.


  • 职业生涯中的许多决定并非来自对同行敬重理性考虑——受到某种内在东西驱使

    Many of his career decisions seem to be motivated not by good sense, money or the esteem of his peers - he's driven by something far more internal than that.


  • 随着2007年末临近也许认为考虑职业生涯生命中所处于何处位置的时候了。

    As the end of 2007 approaches, you may find it timely to think about where you are in your career and your life.


  • 第二我们职业生涯规划需要考虑另一个因素

    Second, our plan of career is another factor we need to consider.


  • 我们人文科学、工程等专业的在校本科生举行名为职业生涯实验室”的校园活动,来鼓励他们考虑从事商界职业

    We're also reaching out to undergraduate students in fields like liberal arts and engineering, holding on-campus events called "career Labs" that encourage them to consider business careers.


  • 枯燥无法语言沮丧的考虑玛丽拉弗斯生活大大出乎梦想荣幸地分享精神和她的职业生涯,”

    "I am deadened and heartsick beyond words to consider a life without Mary Travers and honored beyond my wildest dreams to have shared her spirit and her career, " he said.


  • 威廉凯特准备好履行更多王室职责,威廉考虑结束作为直升机飞行员职业生涯,开始全心全意公众人物

    The Duke and Duchess are also ready to step up their royal duties, with the Duke contemplating giving up his career as a helicopter pilot to take up a full-time public role.


  • 如果正在考虑工作或是开始新的职业生涯,你需要了解职场转变周期伦敦商学院奈杰尔·尼克尔教授

    If you're planning to change jobs or start anew career, you need to understand the transition cycle, says Professor Nigel Nicholson of the London Business School.


  • 然后考虑不利方面。如果出现最糟糕情况,是否葬送了自己的职业生涯还是能够克服? ?。

    Then, , consider the downside. Will the worst-case scenario be career-ending, or something that can be overcome?


  • 首先要了解自己。规划职业生涯时候一定考虑自己个性

    First, know yourself. Always take your personality into consideration when planning your career.


  • 所以我们安排自己未来职业生涯的时候,我们应该我们社会需求尤其是农村考虑使我们的生活更加多姿多彩。

    So, when we plan our future career, we should take the needs of our society, especially our countrysides into account so that our life will be much more meaningful and colorful.


  • 如果他们决定改变,他们需要考虑他们整个职业生涯影响

    If they decide to change, they need to consider how this will impact on their career overall.


  • 认识很多记者他们职业生涯后期变得非常玩世不恭肤浅因为他们已经不再深刻考虑事情了。

    I know a lot of journalists who became, later in their careers, rather cynical and rather superficial because they have stopped thinking about things profoundly or deeply.


  • 着重论述了大学生在进行职业生涯规划时,考虑哪些因素如何进行职业生涯规划

    The article emphasizes the factors which should be considered and how to layout the career programming for the undergraduates.


  • 这该(至少自己这样认为)考虑职业生涯时候了。

    It was time or so I supposed to think about a career.


  • 是的已经30了,必须开始考虑职业生涯最后阶段了,在这里的表现不错,也没有想改变的意思

    'It's true that I'm 30 years old and have to start thinking about the last phase of my career, but I am doing really well here and have no intention of changing.


  • 是的已经30了,必须开始考虑职业生涯最后阶段了,在这里的表现不错,也没有想改变的意思

    'It's true that I'm 30 years old and have to start thinking about the last phase of my career, but I am doing really well here and have no intention of changing.


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