• 渡船行驶于黑文和迪耶普之间。

    The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe.


  • 1944年诺曼底登陆之前盟军曾向诺曼底迪耶普港发动两栖突袭

    Before the Normandy landings of 1944, an amphibious raid was launched by the Allies on Dieppe, Normandy.


  • 当然拿走烤饼锅的那个啦,”青蛙答道听到这么一说,周围耶普神情庄重地点着头互相说道。

    The one who took the dishpan, of course, "replied the Frogman, and hearing this all the Yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another".


  • 涉及知识,“独占”说法讲不通了。迪耶普纪念典礼的录像权益涉及到许多,某人“独占”录像权益的说法简直荒谬。

    When it comes to knowledge, "ownership" just doesn't make sense-lots of people have an interest in the footage of the Dieppe commemoration, but to argue that anyone "owns" it is just nonsensical.


  • 看来女士现在成了共戴天的仇敌似乎不足为奇了。

    It somehow seems hardly surprising that Ms. Player is now his sworn enemy.


  • 理论上喜欢这个主意实际上怀疑贝迪团队的能力,刚刚离开威士公司的汤很难适应硅谷天马行空、热爱试验文化

    Thompson loved the idea in theory but was skeptical that Bedier's team could pull it off. Thompson, who had recently left Visa, was hardly used to Silicon Valley's freewheeling, experimental culture.


  • 当时贝宝首席技术官斯科特·开始商业服务技术公司的总裁贝迪及其团队进行会谈。

    Scott Thompson, then PayPal's CTO, started meeting with Osama Bedier, vice President of merchant services technology, and his team.


  • 第一目标就是罗马尼亚什蒂,德军唯一石油来源所在。

    The first target was Ploesti, Romania, Germany's sole source of oil.


  • 汉·达斯靠着帮邻居牛奶载运安特来维持生计。工作这个跛脚的老先生来说很辛苦的。

    Old Jehan Daas made his living by carrying the milk cans of the neighbors away to the town of Antwerp. The work was hard for the lame old man.


  • 研吾的圣丹尼斯·尔地铁站依照建筑师铁路表示的敬意玻璃钢铁构建楔形层组成

    Kuma's Gare Saint-Denis Pleyel will comprise wedge-shaped tiers constructed from glass and steel, which according to the architects pay homage to the rail tracks.


  • 一次这样争论中,拉任何人只要生物学,就一定会进化论

    During one such argument, Rappelyea said that nobody could teach biology without teaching evolution.


  • 旧金山法国鹅肝、酵头橄榄面包直到周二送到

    The foie gras, sourdough and olive Pugliese breads from San Francisco did not arrive until Tuesday.


  • 智利火山爆发产生火山灰,造成阿根廷空中交通本周五依然中断中

    Air traffic in Argentina will remain suspended this Friday on account of the presence of volcanic ash after the eruption of Puyehue volcano in Chile.


  • 一手势泛,其实流行文化主导文化地位的显之一,它暗示某种在各阶层之间趋同的文化心理

    The popularity of the hand signal "yeah" is one of the features that pop culture occupies the guiding culture, which suggests the symmetry of cultural psychology among levels of all kinds.


  • 节日①,邻舍孩子们屋里游玩时,便要融化笛声里整日价心头震荡。

    When, on the great festival of puja, the neighbours' children come and play about the house, I shall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day.


  • 她们其中5人——凯蒂··怀特玛丽·菲利凯丽·史密斯拉彻·扬基,已经超过50选入狮军团

    Five of them - Katie Chapman, Faye White, Mary Phillip, Kelly Smith and Rachel Yankey - have won more than 50 caps for the Three Lions.


  • 帕万·贾里(Pawan Poojary)什·杜贝是最好朋友大学辍了学,位于孟买东北部郊区凤凰007(Phoenix 007)呼叫中心让他们印象深刻。

    Pawan Poojary and Jayesh Dubey, best friends and college dropouts, were impressed with the Phoenix 007 call center in Thane, a suburb northeast of Mumbai. The interviewer carried an iPhone;


  • 萨姆·约翰斯顿在斯2 - 1击败维尔的比赛中荣膺全场最佳,这也是他们赛季第1场胜利。

    Sam Johnstone was a man-of-the-match contender as Scunthorpe United beat Yeovil Town 2-1 to earn a first win of the season.


  • 亲爱的阿姨,问道:“我们孩子哪里姊姊?”

    Dear auntie will come with puja-presents and will ask, "Where is our baby, sister?"


  • 美国宇航局水族,2011年卫星影像火山喷发4地球轨道看到六月

    NASA Aqua satellite image of the eruption of Puyehue volcano, seen from low Earth orbit on June 4, 2011.


  • 拉法1965年出生法国阿尔卑斯山脚下

    Lafaille was born in Gap, in the foothills of the French Alps, in 1965.


  • 所有大满贯冠军基因萨拉岑霍根,加里·杰克·尼克劳斯。”

    Played with all four Grand Slam winners "Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Gary Player and Jack Nicklaus."


  • 一种观点是从智利韦蓝带Caulle日落避暑山庄圣马丁·洛斯安第斯山脉阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚2011年6月12日附近火山火山灰

    A view is seen of a cloud of ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near sunset at the mountain resort San Martin DE Los Andes in Argentina's Patagonia June 12, 2011.


  • 一种观点是从智利韦蓝带Caulle日落避暑山庄圣马丁·洛斯安第斯山脉阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚2011年6月12日附近火山火山灰

    A view is seen of a cloud of ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near sunset at the mountain resort San Martin DE Los Andes in Argentina's Patagonia June 12, 2011.


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