• 1992年,美联储美国财政部返还了4168亿美元的收益

    In 1992 the Federal Reserve returned 416.8 billion in earnings to the U.S. treasury.


  • 而讽刺的又是美元最大的危险来自美国财政部美联储振兴全球经济成功

    Ironically, the greatest danger for the greenback might result from the success of the efforts of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to revive the global economy.


  • 美国财政部回应机构低估美国领导人团结起来解决国家面临财政挑战能力

    The US Treasury responded by saying the agency had underestimated the ability of American leaders to come together and address the fiscal challenges facing the country.


  • 美国财政部金融市场干预措施已经使得不确定性增加同时也减缓了市场自身稳定重建体系的速度。

    Interventions by the U.S. Treasury in financial markets have added to the uncertainty and slowed market responses that would help stabilize and recapitalize the system.


  • 美国财政部强制用以高于市场平均水平荒谬价格获得成堆无用白银并且它们储存银行金库里

    The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.


  • 1942年美联储同意压低长期利率帮助美国财政部战争筹资;直到1951年美联储取消该项承诺。

    In 1942 the Fed agreed to hold down long-term interest rates to help the Treasury finance the war; it did not extract itself from the commitment until 1951.


  • 根据美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络最近数据表明,2008美国73万多起金融犯罪嫌疑案

    OVER 730, 000 counts of suspected financial wrongoing were recorded in America last year, according to recent data from the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.


  • 根据美国财政部金融犯罪执法网络最近数据表明,2008美国73万多起金融犯罪嫌疑案

    OVER 730,000 counts of suspected financial wrongoing were recorded in America last year, according to recent data from the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.


  • 事实上国际货币基金组织希望欧盟学习美国财政部2008年行为——强迫银行接受注资

    In effect, the IMF wants a repeat of what America's Treasury did in 2008, when it bullied big Banks into taking capital injections.


  • 美国财政部穆加贝及其高级官员以及他们的同夥利用这些商业实体津巴布韦人民手中非法聚敛现金外汇

    The Treasury Department said Mr. Mugabe, senior officials and cronies had used the entities to illegally siphon cash and foreign exchange from the Zimbabwean people.


  • 尽管美国国会施加压力,但美国财政部迄今一直避免使用标签,提出这美中关系起不到实际作用

    Despite congressional pressure, the Treasury has so far refrained from using the label, arguing that it makes no practical difference to relations with Beijing.


  • 美国财政部表示,他们准备充裕资金涉足原打算支持金融体系阻止美国历史上最大工业公司倒闭

    The us Treasury signalled it was ready to step in with funds intended to prop up the financial system to prevent the biggest industrial failure in us history.


  • 私下保守党信心逐渐增加英国财政部美国财政部经过几个月的争议之后就赤字削减问题达成一致

    Privately, Conservative sources are increasingly confident that the Treasury and its American counterpart are now seeing eye to eye on deficit reduction after being at odds for some months.


  • 美国财政部退税款将5月份第2星期寄出所以白宫官员预期消费者支出第2季度第3季度上扬

    The Treasury Department says those checks should be mailed by the second week of May, so White House officials expect consumer spending to rise in the second and third quarters.


  • 美国财政部可以动用社保多余现金暂缓购买发行的国债共和党人叫嚷这种做法侵吞社保信托基金

    The Treasury can temporarily delay buying new bonds by using social security's excess cash but Republicans will scream that the social security trust fund is being raided.


  • 美国财政部名高级官员表示预计各国重申之前做出的承诺:负责任地管理本国货币,不会改变币值。

    A senior United States Treasury official said that he expected countries to reiterate previous commitments to manage their currencies responsibly, rather than shift their value.


  • 美国财政部避免支付违约最后期限8月2号随着这一临近华盛顿提高联邦债务上限谈判步伐加快。

    With the Treasury's deadline to avoid a default of August 2nd looming into view, the pace picked up in negotiations in Washington over raising the federal debt ceiling .


  • 美国财政部宣布下周出售总额780亿美元的2年期5年期国债以及20年期通胀保值国债(TIPS)。

    The Treasury Department said that next week it will sell $78 billion in two- and five-year notes and 20-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, or TIPS.


  • 米歇尔还提出决议案,阻止美国财政部废止美元一种外币取而代之- - -但这个风险看起来并不是迫在眉睫

    She once introduced a resolution to prohibit the Treasury from scrapping the dollar and adopting a foreign currency in its stead-not a risk that seems imminent.


  • 由于美联储预测市场国债需求降低投资者促使美国财政部提高收益率收益率已经达到一个中的最高水平

    In anticipation of lower demand for bonds from the Fed, they have been driving up the yields on U.S. Treasurys, which rose to their highest level in a month.


  • 由于美联储预测市场国债需求降低投资者促使美国财政部提高收益率收益率已经达到一个中的最高水平

    In anticipation of lower demand for bonds from the Fed, they have been driving up the yields on U. S. Treasurys, which rose to their highest level in a month.


  • 美国财政部明年发行纸质国债转为发行电子式储蓄国债,不用担心——电子式国债将完全纸质国债一样——一样不值钱。

    The Treasury Department is shifting from paper to electronic savings bonds next year. But don't worry - the electronic bonds will be just as worthless as the paper ones.


  • 美国财政部官员现在认为2008年经济危机局势最危急时推出不良资产救助计划最终只需去纳税人不到1%GDP产值

    America's Troubled Asset Relief Programme (TARP), created at the height of the crisis in 2008, will end up costing taxpayers less than 1% of GDP, Treasury officials now believe.


  • 到1934年,由于美国财政部通过购买白银帮助本国白银生产商抬高中国货币出现升值,导致白银外流国内陷入严重通缩。

    When the US Treasury moved in 1934 to help American silver producers by buying silver to boost the price, China's currency rose in value, leading to an outflow of silver and savage domestic deflation.


  • 到1934年,由于美国财政部通过购买白银帮助本国白银生产商抬高中国货币出现升值,导致白银外流国内陷入严重通缩。

    When the US Treasury moved in 1934 to help American silver producers by buying silver to boost the price, China's currency rose in value, leading to an outflow of silver and savage domestic deflation.


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