• 任教美国西北大学

    Taught at the Northwestern University.


  • 美国西北大学医学院研究显示,记忆力与体型有关。

    What shape you are could affect what shape your memory is in, according to a report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.


  • 现任教于美国明尼苏达大学,曾任教美国西北大学

    Associate Professor of Finance, University of Minnesota. Taught at the Northwestern University.


  • 而现在美国西北大学研究发现睡眠不足会增加儿童肥胖风险

    Now a Northwestern University study finds it also increases their risk of being overweight.


  • 2013年,美国西北大学凯洛格商学院亚当·加林斯基教授推广了“穿衣认知理念

    In 2013, Adam D. Galinsky, a professor at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management in the US, popularized the idea of "enclothed cognition".


  • 来自美国西北大学劳伦·里维拉博士发现,雇主往往会个人舒适接受兴奋感觉放在首位

    Dr Lauren Rivera, from Northwestern University in the United States, found inter viewers often put their personal feelings of comfort, acceptance and excitement first.


  • 美国西北大学医学教授弗莱德·瑞克说:“我们一直过份强调节食锻炼,以至于忽略了良好睡眠的作用。”

    Put so much emphasis on diet and exercise that we've failed to recognize the value of good sleep, "said Fred Turek, a physician at Northwestern University."


  • 先后加拿大皇后大学美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院取得经济心理学士学位工商管理硕士学位

    She holds an MBA degree from Kellogg Business School in Northwestern University in us, and undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Economics with Queens University in Canada.


  • 美国西北大学医学教授弗莱德·瑞克说:“我们一直过份强调节食锻炼以至于忽略了良好睡眠的作用。”

    "We've put so much emphasis on diet and exercise that we've failed to recognize the value of good sleep," said Fred Turek, a physician at North western University.


  • 年前美国西北大学物理学家Adilson E.Motter 提出这样猜想宇宙扩张爆炸混沌属于同时期

    (PhysOrg.com) -- Seven years ago Northwestern University physicist Adilson E. Motter conjectured that the expansion of the universe at the time of the big bang was highly chaotic.


  • 美国西北大学罗伯特•戈登教授(Robert Gordon)认为,不是美国情况,“我们已经捡拾了低垂果实”。

    But that is no longer the case in America, says Robert Gordon of Northwestern University. “We’ve already picked the low-hanging fruit, ” he says.


  • 美国西北大学凯洛管理学院芝加哥大学学界人士本周最新推出的金融业信任指数表明,目前只有22%的美国人信任金融体系

    According to a financial-trust index launched this week by academics at the Kellogg School of Management and the University of Chicago, only 22% of Americans have faith in the financial system.


  • 1999年,光华美国西北大学Kellogg商学院成为合作伙伴,这次合作使光华的教授可以伊利诺州Kellogg商学院做访问学者

    In 1999 the school formed a partnership with Northwestern University's Kellogg school that has helped Guanghua professors travel to Illinois to be Kellogg visiting scholars.


  • 美国西北大学约翰·格林林(JohnGreening)讲道,除此之外,如果顾客感到他们有所受益,他们通常愿意透露一些个人信息的。

    Besides, says John Greening of the Medill School at Northwestern University, customers are generally willing to give up some personal information if they feel they are getting some benefit in return.


  • 然而没有发现任何和饮用咖啡行为的关联,玛丽莲·康奈利。康奈利是美国西北大学预防医学副教授,同时她也是2014研究的负责人。

    However, an association with coffee consumption was not found, said Marilyn Cornelis, assistant professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University who led the 2014 study.


  • 美国西北大学研究人员指出,交通出行还仅限于当地的日子里,边界社区很容易定义然而现在我们连接性日益复杂,已到了改变我们边界的看法时候了。

    When travel was local, borders and communities wereeasy to define, but now our connectivity is more complex. It's time to think ofborders differently, according to Northwestern University researchers.


  • 罗曼提毕业于美国西北大学(Northwestern University),拥有计算机科学电子工程学学位1981年作为系统工程师加入了IBM

    Rometty earned a computer science and electrical engineering degree from Northwestern University, and joined IBM in 1981 as a systems engineer.


  • 美国西北大学伊利诺斯州埃文斯顿分校Christopher Bissonnette及其同事通过研究神经元遗传学原理与方法迈出了一步:培养新的神经元。

    Christopher Bissonnette and colleagues at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, took the first step in growing new ones by studying the genetics of these neurons.


  • 这项新的研究另一名专家埃里· 芬克尔博士( Dr. EliFinkel) 誉为做出了“分水岭”式的贡献美国西北大学社会心理学副教授主攻关系研究。

    The new research is termed a "watershed" contribution by another expert, Dr. Eli Finkel, an associate professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, who has researched relationships.


  • 美国西北大学凯洛管理学院(Northwestern ' s Kelloggschoolofmanagement)的管理学教授詹姆斯•施恩8个季度算是很慷慨了

    Eight quarters is actually generous, says James Shein, a management professor at Northwestern's Kellogg school of management.


  • 美国西北大学(Northwestern University)心理学教授保罗·雷柏Paul Reber)一封邮件中:“只能保留一点信息如果集中注意力,点儿记忆也很快消失。

    "You can hold just a little bit of information there and if you don't concentrate on it, it fades away rapidly, " Paul Reber, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, told me in an email.


  • 美国芝加哥西北大学研究人员音乐能力神经系统处理声音能力两者之间建立起联系

    Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago, America, established a link between musical ability and the capacity of the nervous system to take in sound patterns.


  • 西北大学经济学教授Paola Sapienza表示如果美国拖欠债务或者债务信誉等级降低任何预算削减都是不可能的。

    Northwestern University Economics Professor Paola Sapienza says any savings from budget cuts could become irrelevant, if the U.S. defaults on its debt, or receives a credit rating downgrade.


  • 为什么许多美国看不到这些根深蒂固性别差异呢?西北大学凯洛管理学院的一项新的研究给了我们答案。

    New research from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University helps to explain why many Americans fail to see these persistent gender barriers.


  • 我们45年来在太平洋见任何海啸都要得多,”美国伊利诺斯州埃文·斯顿西北大学的欧卡尔说道。

    "It is much larger than anything we've seen in the Pacific in 45 years," said Okal, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.


  • 戴尔莫坦森也是一名美国经济学家目前西北大学工作

    Dale Mortensen is also an American economist, currently at Northwestern University.


  • 戴尔莫坦森也是一名美国经济学家目前西北大学工作

    Dale Mortensen is also an American economist, currently at Northwestern University.


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